
Database Open Access

Motion and heart rate from a wrist-worn wearable and labeled sleep from polysomnography

Olivia Walch

Motion data and heart rate measurements from Apple Watches from sleeping people undergoing polysomnography.

sleep polysomnography

Published: Oct. 8, 2019. Version: 1.0.0

Software Open Access

Logistic Regression-HSMM-based Heart Sound Segmentation

David Springer

Heart sound segmentation code, based on a duration-dependent hidden Markov model, extended with the use of logistic regression for emission probability estimation and an enhanced Viterbi algorithm.

Published: July 29, 2019. Version: 1.0

Model Credentialed Access

What's in a Note? Unpacking Predictive Value in Clinical Note Representations

Tristan Naumann, William Boag

Word vectors corresponding to the AMIA 2018 Informatics Summit paper of the same name.

Published: Jan. 7, 2018. Version: 0.1

Software Open Access

De-Identification Software Package

The deid software package includes code and dictionaries for automated location and removal of protected health information (PHI) in free text from medical records.

phi deidentification anonymization

Published: Dec. 18, 2007. Version: 1.1

Software Open Access

Cardiac Output Estimation from Arterial Blood Pressure Waveforms

This project contains the code used for a study that rigorously compares 11 estimates against thermodilution cardiac output (TCO) using 120 subjects from the MIMIC II database (all subjects for whom multiple TCO measurements were recorded at the tim…

cardiac output estimation

Published: Aug. 2, 2007. Version: 1.0.0