
Database Open Access

Simultaneous physiological measurements with five devices at different cognitive and physical loads

Marcus Vollmer, Dominic Bläsing, Julian Elias Reiser, Maria Nisser, Anja Buder

Dataset to support comparison of usability and accuracy from simultaneous measurements collected from 13 subjects including five devices: NeXus-10 MKII, eMotion Faros 360°, Hexoskin Hx1, SOMNOTouch NIBP, Polar RS800 Multi.

holter multiparameter photoplethysmogram noise accelerometer heart rate movement temperature hrv respiration ecg

Published: Jan. 18, 2023. Version: 1.0.2

Visualize waveforms

Software Open Access

R-DECO: An open-source Matlab based graphical user interface for the detection and correction of R-peaks

Jonathan Moeyersons, Matthew Amoni, Sabine Van Huffel, Rik Willems, Carolina Varon

An open-source Matlab based graphical user interface for the detection and correction of R-peaks.

algorithms and analysis of algorithms signal processiong visual analysis graphical user interface

Published: Sept. 8, 2020. Version: 1.0.0

Database Contributor Review

COVID Data for Shared Learning (CDSL): A comprehensive, multimodal COVID-19 dataset from HM Hospitales

Álvaro Ritoré, Andreea M Oprescu, Alberto Estirado Bronchalo, Miguel Ángel Armengol de la Hoz

COVID Data for Shared Learning (CDSL) is a multimodal database comprising de-identified structured health data and radiological images from 4,479 patients with COVID-19, as a comprehensive toolkit for developing predictive models.

covid-19 multimodal database radiological images open data healthcare data machine learning and ai

Published: Oct. 25, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

Database Contributor Review

Salzburg Intensive Care database (SICdb), a freely accessible intensive care database

Niklas Rodemund, Andreas Kokoefer, Bernhard Wernly, Crispiana Cozowicz

The SICdb dataset, version 1.0.8 contains 27350 admissions to an ICU in an Austrian tertiary care institution.

clinical intensive care critical care open data machine learning

Published: Sept. 10, 2024. Version: 1.0.8