Cardiac Output Estimation from Arterial Blood Pressure Waveforms 1.0.0
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function [CO,flow] = est11_mf(abp, onset, MAP, HR, age, gender, endSys)
% EST11_mf CO estimator 11: Wesseling's non-linear, time-varying 3-element model
% In: ABP <kx1> vector --- abp waveform
% ONSET <(n+1)x1> vector --- beat-to-beat onset time in samples
% MAP <nx1> vector --- beat-to-beat mean arterial pressure
% HR <nx1> vector --- beat-to-beat heart rate
% AGE <1x1> scalar --- age
% GENDER <1x1> scalar --- male=1, female=2
% Out: CO <nx1> vector --- estimated beat-by-beat CO
% FLOW <kx1> vector --- instantaneous flow (125 Hz)
% Written by James Sun ( on Nov 19, 2005.
% - v2.0 - 3/29/06 - uses state-space implementation, various bug fixes
% - v2.1 - 5/10/06 - stroke volume is sum of positive flow only
%% constants
rho = 1.05; % density of blood: 1.05 [g/cc]
l = 80; % aortic effective length [cm]
P1 = 57 - 0.44*age; % pressure for arc-tangent relationship
switch gender
case 1
P0 = 76 - 0.89*age; % male
Amax = 5.62;
case 2
P0 = 72 - 0.89*age; % female
Amax = 4.12;
% initial conditions
R = 100/50; % 2 [mmHg*s/cc]
x = 0; % initial condition for state variable
%% minor business
flow = zeros(length(abp),1);
CO = zeros(length(MAP),1);
abp = double(abp); % change to double FP precision
HR = double(HR);
MAP = double(MAP);
%% main loop (runs Wesseling's model, updating nonlinear parameters for each iteration)
for i=1:length(abp)
%% first parameters
P = abp(i); % ABP sample [mmHg]
m = (P-P0)/P1;
A = Amax*(0.5+atan(m)/pi); % aortic cross-sectional area [cm^2]
Cp = Amax/(pi*P1*(1+m^2)); % aortic compliance per unit length [cm^2/mmHg]
%% circuit parameters
Z = sqrt(rho/(1333*A*Cp)); % aortic characteristic impedance [mmHg*s/cc]
C = l*Cp; % arterial compliance (windkessel) [cc/mmHg]
%% state-space setup
AA = -(1/R+1/Z)/C;
BB = -1/(Z^2*C);
CC = 1;
DD = 1/Z;
%% run simulation
[y,x] = SSsolve(AA,BB,CC,DD,P,[0 0.008],x(end));
flow(i) = y(end);
%% Update MAP, CO, R
if k+1 > length(onset)
elseif i >= onset(k+1)
pos_flow = flow(onset(k):endSys(k));
SV = sum(pos_flow)/125;
CO(k) = SV*HR(k)/60; % preserve CO in units of [cc/s]
R = MAP(k)/CO(k); % peripheral resistance [mmHg*s/cc]
k = k+1; % point to next index for R,HR,onset,CO,etc.
CO = 60/1000 * CO; % convert final CO into L/min