Cardiac Output Estimation from Arterial Blood Pressure Waveforms 1.0.0
(3,306 bytes)
function []=aggdb(alg)
% creates a aggdb database with using algorithm x. Database structure as
% follows:
% caseid matrix <nx4>
% col 1: caseid
% 2: pid
% 3: age
% 4: gender
% tco cell <nx1>
% One cell for each caseid. Within each cell is a <kx3> matrix:
% col 1: tco num
% 2: time [minute], relative to beginning of each record
% 3: tco [L/min]
% F <nx1>
% col 1: Systolic BP [mmHg]
% 2: Diastolic BP [mmHg]
% 3: Pulse pressure [mmHg]
% 4: Mean pressure [mmHg]
% 5: heart rate [bpm]
% 6: noisiness (sqi thresh at -3)
% 7: Area under systole 0.3*sqrt(RR) method
% 8: Area under systole 1st min-slope method
% estco cell <nx11>
% col 1: est01_MAP.m --- Mean pressure
% 2: est02_WK.m --- Windkessel 1st order LTI RC circuit model
% 3: est03_SA.m --- Systolic area distributed model
% 4: est04_SAwarner.m --- Warner's SA with time correction
% 5: est05_Lilj.m --- Liljestrand's PP/(Psys+Pdias) estimator
% 6: est06_Herd.m --- Herd's estimator
% 7: est07_SAwessCI.m --- Wesseling's SA with impedance correction
% 8: est08_Pulsion.m --- Pulsion's non-linear compliance model
% 9: est09_LidCO.m --- LidCO's root-mean-square model
% 10: est10_RCdecay.m --- RC exponential decay fit
% 11: est11_mf.m --- Wesseling's NLTV 3-element model
% within each cell is a <kx2> matrix
% col 1: uncalibrated CO
% 2: std dev of the 1 minute segment
% sqi cell <nx1>
% One cell for each caseid. Within each cell is a <kx1> vector:
% - quality of each segment --- 100=best, 0=worst
warning off MATLAB:divideByZero
[cid fn] = fnames;
n = length(fn);
if alg==1
caseid = zeros(n,4);
tco = cell(n,1);
sqi = cell(n,1);
F = cell(n,1);
estco = cell(n,1);
load agegender
caseid(:,1) = cid;
for i=1:n
x = evco(fn{i},alg,60,0);
ind = find(agegender(:,1)==cid(i));
if ind
age = agegender(ind,3);
gender = agegender(ind,4);
age = 0;
gender = 0;
caseid(i,2) = cpid_convert(cid(i));
caseid(i,3) = age;
caseid(i,4) = gender;
tco{i} = x(:,1:3);
estco{i,alg} = x(:,4:5);
sqi{i} = x(:,6);
F{i} = x(:,7:end);
% save results!
save aggdb caseid tco estco sqi F
load aggdb
for i=1:n
for j=1:length(alg)
x = evco(fn{i},alg(j),60,0);
estco{i,alg(j)} = x(:,4:5);
save aggdb estco -append