RR Interval Time Series Modeling: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2002 1.0.0
(41,457 bytes)
/* file: rrgen.c
Entry number : 184
Author(s) : Phil Langley, Emma Bowers, Michael Drinnan, John Allan,
Alan Murray
Organization : Medical Physics, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
email address : philip.langley at ncl.ac.uk,
emma.bowers at nuth.northy.nhs.uk
This program should compile without errors or warnings using:
gcc -Wall rrgen.c -lm
See http://www.physionet.org/challenge/2002/ for further information on
the CinC Challenge 2002.
This program was used to generate series rr17 and rr25 of the challenge
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#define SPS 128 /* sampling frequency (determines quantization of
RR intervals; see main()) */
#define cSampleRate 5
#define cDT (1.0 / (double) cSampleRate)
#define cSamplesPerDay (24 * 60 * 60 * cSampleRate)
#define cMaxDays 2
#define cSamplesTotal (cSamplesPerDay * cMaxDays)
#define cMaxAlloc (cSamplesTotal + 1000)
#define cMaxCycles 1000
#define cPI (3.141592654)
#define cDayActiveAmpMaxPos 0.15
#define cDayActiveAmpMinPos 0.05
#define cDayActiveAmpVarPos 0.25
#define cDayActiveFrqMaxPos 0.3
#define cDayActiveFrqMinPos 0.1666
#define cDayActiveFrqVarPos 0.15
#define cDayActiveAmpMaxNeg 0.15
#define cDayActiveAmpMinNeg 0.05
#define cDayActiveAmpVarNeg 0.25
#define cDayActiveFrqMaxNeg 0.3
#define cDayActiveFrqMinNeg 0.1666
#define cDayActiveFrqVarNeg 0.15
#define cDayPassiveAmpMaxPos 0.2
#define cDayPassiveAmpMinPos 0.05
#define cDayPassiveAmpVarPos 0.05
#define cDayPassiveFrqMaxPos 0.2666
#define cDayPassiveFrqMinPos 0.0666
#define cDayPassiveFrqVarPos 1.0
#define cDayPassiveAmpMaxNeg 0.3
#define cDayPassiveAmpMinNeg 0.05
#define cDayPassiveAmpVarNeg 0.15
#define cDayPassiveFrqMaxNeg 0.2666
#define cDayPassiveFrqMinNeg 0.0666
#define cDayPassiveFrqVarNeg 1.0
#define cNightActiveAmpMaxPos 0.3
#define cNightActiveAmpMinPos 0.05
#define cNightActiveAmpVarPos 0.05
#define cNightActiveFrqMaxPos 0.2666
#define cNightActiveFrqMinPos 0.0666
#define cNightActiveFrqVarPos 1.0
#define cNightActiveAmpMaxNeg 0.3
#define cNightActiveAmpMinNeg 0.05
#define cNightActiveAmpVarNeg 0.05
#define cNightActiveFrqMaxNeg 0.2666
#define cNightActiveFrqMinNeg 0.0666
#define cNightActiveFrqVarNeg 1.0
#define cNightPassiveAmpMaxPos 0.2
#define cNightPassiveAmpMinPos 0.05
#define cNightPassiveAmpVarPos 0.1
#define cNightPassiveFrqMaxPos 0.2
#define cNightPassiveFrqMinPos 0.0666
#define cNightPassiveFrqVarPos 0.15
#define cNightPassiveAmpMaxNeg 0.2
#define cNightPassiveAmpMinNeg 0.05
#define cNightPassiveAmpVarNeg 0.1
#define cNightPassiveFrqMaxNeg 0.2
#define cNightPassiveFrqMinNeg 0.0666
#define cNightPassiveFrqVarNeg 0.15
double *nT = NULL ;
double *nRR = NULL ;
double *nLFeffect = NULL ;
double *nWhitenoise = NULL ;
double *nPinknoise = NULL ;
double *nResp = NULL ;
double Min( double A, double B )
return A < B ? A : B ;
double Max( double A, double B )
return A > B ? A : B ;
/* Set part of the array (IndexFrom to IndexTo) to equal Value */
void SetArray( double *Array, int IndexFrom, int IndexTo, double Value )
int Index ;
if( ( IndexFrom < 0 ) || ( IndexTo >= cSamplesPerDay ) || ( IndexFrom > IndexTo ) )
fprintf( stderr, "Can't write to array elements %d to %d\n", IndexFrom, IndexTo ) ;
for( Index = IndexFrom ; Index <= IndexTo ; Index ++ )
Array[ Index ] = Value ;
/* Pick a random number between 0 and 1 */
/* rand( ) picks a number between 1 and RAND_MAX */
/* This is scaled down appropriately */
/* Numbers are from a flat distribution */
double Rand0To1( void )
double Val ;
Val = rand( ) ;
return Val / (double) RAND_MAX ;
/* Pick a random number from a normal distribution */
/* Approximation to normal distribution works by adding 100 random values from a flat distribution */
/* The value is then scaled for mean of 0 and SD of 1 */
/* The factor 3.464 is square root of 12 */
double RandGauss( void )
int Count ;
double Total ;
Total = 0.0 ;
for( Count = 0 ; Count < 100 ; Count ++ )
Total += (double) rand( ) ;
Total -= 50.0 * (double) RAND_MAX ;
Total /= 10.0 * (double) RAND_MAX ;
Total *= 3.464 ;
return Total ;
/* Convert from Time to the corresponding Index into the array */
int TimeToIndex( double Time )
double Index ;
Index = (double ) Time * (double) cSampleRate ;
return (int) Index ;
/* Convert from Index to the corresponding Time */
double IndexToTime( int Index )
double Time ;
Time = (double ) Index / (double) cSampleRate ;
return Time ;
% a(1)*y(n) = b(1)*x(n) + b(2)*x(n-1) + ... + b(nb+1)*x(n-nb)
% - a(2)*y(n-1) - ... - a(na+1)*y(n-na)
void Filter( double *X, int N, double *a, double *b, int Order, double *Y )
int SampleNo ;
int SourceSampleNo ;
int TapNo ;
double Output ;
for( SampleNo = 0 ; SampleNo < N ; SampleNo ++ )
Output = b[ 0 ] * X[ SampleNo ] ;
for( TapNo = 1 ; TapNo <= Order ; TapNo ++ )
SourceSampleNo = SampleNo - TapNo ;
if( SourceSampleNo < 0 )
break ;
Output += b[ TapNo ] * X[ SourceSampleNo ] - a[ TapNo ] * Y[ SourceSampleNo ] ;
Y[ SampleNo ] = Output ;
/* Implement a first-order low-pass filter for 1/f rolloff */
/* Idea is first to calculate the corresponding time constant */
/* This leads to multiplication factor for exponential smoothing */
/* This is equivalent to a 1st order RC filter */
/* General idea is: NewOutput = ( Z * OldOutput ) + ( ( 1 - Z ) * CurrentInput ) */
/* If Z is nearly 1, the time constant is long */
void FirstOrderLowPassFilter( double *X, int N, double CutoffFreq, double *Y )
double TimeConstant ;
double DecayPerSec ;
double DecayPerSample ;
double OneMinusDecayPerSample ;
double Output ;
int SampleNo ;
TimeConstant = 1.0 / ( 2.0 * cPI * CutoffFreq ) ;
DecayPerSec = 1.0 / TimeConstant ;
DecayPerSample = DecayPerSec / (double) cSampleRate ;
OneMinusDecayPerSample = 1.0 - DecayPerSample ;
Output = 0.0 ;
for( SampleNo = 1 ; SampleNo <= N ; SampleNo ++ )
Output = ( OneMinusDecayPerSample * Output ) + ( DecayPerSample * X[ SampleNo ] ) ;
Y[ SampleNo ] = Output ;
/* Sort the values in the Raw array */
/* Number of values is given by N */
/* Results are put in Cooked array */
/* Uses simple insertion sort algorithm */
/* Go thru Raw array N times */
/* Each time thru, find the smallest element */
/* Add this element to the end of the Cooked array */
/* Then set the element to a very big number so it doesn't get found again */
void Sort( double *Raw, int N, double *Cooked )
int Iteration ;
int Smallest ;
int Test ;
for( Iteration = 0 ; Iteration <= N - 1 ; Iteration ++ )
Smallest = 1 ;
for( Test = 1 ; Test <= N ; Test ++ )
if( Raw[ Test ] < Raw[ Smallest ] )
Smallest = Test ;
Cooked[ Iteration ] = Raw[ Smallest ] ;
Raw[ Smallest ] = 1e250 ;
/* This section adapted from MATLAB code by Phil & Emma */
%development code for Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2002
%24 hr RR simulator for normal subjects
%CVPER group
%16th April 2002
/*Calculating the frequency and amplitude of the respiratory component*/
void choosefreqamp( double maxamp, double minamp, double percentagechangeamp, double previousamp, double maxfreq, double minfreq, double variance, double tlength, double i, double *numberoftimeelement, double *freq, double *amp )
double meanfreq ;
/*choosing the amplitude randomly within a percentage range of the previous value*/
*amp = ( Rand0To1( ) * 2.0 * percentagechangeamp * previousamp ) + ( ( 1.0 - percentagechangeamp ) * previousamp ) ;
/*if the above value does not fall in the given range guess again */
*amp = Min( *amp, maxamp + Rand0To1( ) * 0.02 - 0.01 ) ;
*amp = Max( *amp, minamp + Rand0To1( ) * 0.02 - 0.01 ) ;
/*choosing the frequency randomly*/
meanfreq = ( maxfreq + minfreq ) / 2.0 ;
*freq = RandGauss( ) * variance + meanfreq ;
/*if the above value does not fall in the given range continue to guess until it does*/
while( ( *freq < minfreq ) || ( *freq > maxfreq ) )
*freq = RandGauss( ) * variance + meanfreq ;
/*working out how many whole array elements are in a half period*/
*numberoftimeelement = floor( 1.0 / ( 2.0 * *freq * cDT ) ) ;
if( i + *numberoftimeelement > tlength )
*numberoftimeelement = tlength - i ;
/* Note this only generates 1 day's worth of RR data */
void RRSim1Day( double RRday, double RRnight, double *T, double *RR, double *Resp )
int Index ;
int SleepIndex ;
int WakeIndex ;
/* int NumRemCycles ;*/
int NumFalls1 ;
int NumFalls2 ;
int NumArouse ;
int NumArtifacts ;
/* int Cycle ;*/
int Fall ;
int Arouse ;
int Artifact ;
/* int RemIndex ;*/
int FallIndex1 ;
int FallIndex2 ;
int ArouseIndex ;
int i ;
int IsSleep ;
int IsFall1 ;
int IsFall2 ;
int IsArousal ;
/* int IsREM ;*/
double SleepTime ;
double WakeTime ;
/* double RemTime ;*/
double ArouseTime ;
double RampDuration ;
double Duration ;
double FallTime ;
double FallRR ;
/* double RemRR ;*/
double ArouseRR ;
double FreqWander ;
double RandInd ;
double amp ;
double numberoftimeelement ;
/* double CoeffA[ ] = { 1.0000, -4.0469, 6.3705, -4.8224, 1.7212, -0.2223 } ;
double CoeffB[ ] = { 1.0000, -3.4673, 4.4317, -2.4428, 0.4608, 0.0177 } ;*/
/* double RemDuration[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double StableDuration[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double RemFrom[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double RemTo[ cMaxCycles ] ;*/
double FallFrom1[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double FallTo1[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double FallFrom2[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double FallTo2[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double ArouseFrom[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double ArouseTo[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double OrderedFallFrom1[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double OrderedFallTo1[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double OrderedArouseFrom[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double OrderedArouseTo[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double OrderedFallFrom2[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double OrderedFallTo2[ cMaxCycles ] ;
double freqpos ;
double freqneg ;
double amppos;
double ampneg ;
static double previousamppos = 0.1 ;
static double previousampneg = 0.1 ;
%define time axis
t = [0:dt:24*60*60];
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesPerDay ; Index ++ )
T[ Index ] = (double) Index * cDT ;
%t = 0 is start of recording
%Define sleep and awake times
%sleep 12 to 14 hrs after start time
sleepTime = (rand*2+12)*60*60;
SleepTime = ( Rand0To1( ) * 2.0 + 12.0 ) * 60.0 * 60.0 ;
%wake up between 2 and 3 hrs before end of recording next day
wakeTime = (24-(rand*1+2))*60*60;
WakeTime = ( 24.0 - ( Rand0To1( ) * 1.0 + 2.0 ) ) * 60.0 * 60.0 ;
RR = ones(size(t))*RRday;
sleepIndex = find(t > (sleepTime-dt/2) & t < (sleepTime+dt/2));
wakeIndex = find(t > (wakeTime-dt/2) & t < (wakeTime+dt/2));
RR(sleepIndex(1):wakeIndex(1)) = RRnight;
SleepIndex = TimeToIndex( SleepTime ) ;
WakeIndex = TimeToIndex( WakeTime ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesPerDay ; Index ++ )
RR[ Index ] = RRday ;
for( Index = SleepIndex ; Index <= WakeIndex ; Index ++ )
RR[ Index ] = RRnight ;
%ramp up from day to night rr over 30 min period
%y = mx+c
rampDuration = 30*60;
RR(sleepIndex(1):sleepIndex(1)+rampDuration/dt) = ((RRnight-RRday)/(rampDuration/dt))*[0:rampDuration/dt] + RRday;
/* if( 1 )
{ */
/* fprintf( stderr, " Day-night ramp...\n" ) ;*/
RampDuration = (Rand0To1( ) * 50.0 + 40.0 ) * 60.0 ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index <= RampDuration / cDT ; Index ++ )
RR[ SleepIndex + Index ] = ( ( RRnight - RRday ) / ( RampDuration / cDT ) ) * Index + RRday ;
/* } */
RampDuration = (Rand0To1( ) * 15.0 + 15.0 ) * 60.0 ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index <= RampDuration / cDT ; Index ++ )
RR[ WakeIndex + Index ] = ( ( RRday - RRnight ) / ( RampDuration / cDT ) ) * Index + RRnight ;
%cycle of 50 to 70 mins of stable sleep RR (RRnight) followed by 15 to 45 mins unstable sleep RR (REM sleep)
%reduces mean RR during REM sleep by between 5 to 20 %
if (1)
numCycles = fix((wakeTime-sleepTime)/(1.5*60*60));
for (cycle = 1:numCycles)
remDuration(cycle) = (rand*30+15)*60;
stableDuration(cycle) = (rand*20+50)*60;
if (cycle == 1)
remTime = sleepTime+stableDuration(cycle);
remTime = remTime+stableDuration(cycle)+remDuration(cycle-1);
remRR = RRnight*(1-(rand*0.15+0.05));
remInd(cycle).vect = find(t > remTime & t < remTime+remDuration(cycle));
RR(remInd(cycle).vect) = ones(size(remInd(cycle).vect))*remRR;
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " REM cycles...\n" ) ;
/* NumRemCycles = (int) floor( ( WakeTime - SleepTime ) / ( 1.5 * 60.0 * 60.0 ) ) ;
for( Cycle = 1 ; Cycle <= NumRemCycles ; Cycle ++ )
RemDuration[ Cycle ] = ( Rand0To1( ) * 30.0 + 15.0 ) * 60.0 ;
StableDuration[ Cycle ] = ( Rand0To1( ) * 40.0 + 40.0 ) * 60.0 ;
if( Cycle == 1 )
RemTime = SleepTime + StableDuration[ Cycle ] ;
RemTime = RemTime + StableDuration[ Cycle ] + RemDuration[ Cycle - 1 ] ;
RemRR = RRnight * ( 1 - ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.03 +0.02 ) ) ;
RemFrom[ Cycle ] = TimeToIndex( RemTime ) ;
RemTo[ Cycle ] = TimeToIndex( RemTime + RemDuration[ Cycle ] ) ;
SetArray( RR, RemFrom[ Cycle ], RemTo[ Cycle ], RemRR ) ;
/* } */
%2 to 5 sudden falls in mean RR of 10 to 20 % between start of recording and sleep
%with durations of 3 to 30 minutes to simulate various physical activities!
if (1)
numFalls = fix(rand*3)+2;
for (fall = 1:numFalls)
duration = (rand*27+3)*60;
fallTime = rand*sleepTime;
fallRR = RRday*(1-(rand*0.1+0.1));
fallInd1(fall).vect = find(t > fallTime & t < fallTime+duration);
RR(fallInd1(fall).vect) = ones(size(fallInd1(fall).vect))*fallRR;
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " Falls 1...\n" ) ;
NumFalls1 = (int) floor( Rand0To1( ) * 3.0 ) + 2.0 ;
for( Fall = 1 ; Fall < NumFalls1 ; Fall ++ )
Duration = ( Rand0To1( ) * 27.0 + 3.0 ) * 60.0 ;
FallTime = Rand0To1( ) * SleepTime ;
FallRR = RRday * ( 1.0 - ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.1 + 0.1 ) ) ;
FallFrom1[ Fall ] = TimeToIndex( FallTime ) ;
FallTo1[ Fall ] = TimeToIndex( FallTime + Duration ) ;
SetArray( RR, FallFrom1[ Fall ], FallTo1[ Fall ], FallRR ) ;
/* }
%1 to 2 sudden falls in mean RR of 10 to 20 % between awaking and end of recording
%with durations of 3 to 30 minutes to simulate various physical activities!
if (1)
numFalls = fix(rand)+1;
for (fall = 1:numFalls)
duration = (rand*27+3)*60;
fallTime = rand*(24*60*60-wakeTime)+wakeTime;
fallRR = RRday*(1-(rand*0.1+0.1));
fallInd2(fall).vect = find(t > fallTime & t < fallTime+duration);
RR(fallInd2(fall).vect) = ones(size(fallInd2(fall).vect))*fallRR;
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " Falls 2...\n" ) ;
NumFalls2 = (int) floor( Rand0To1( ) ) + 1.0 ;
for( Fall = 1 ; Fall < NumFalls2 ; Fall ++ )
Duration = ( Rand0To1( ) * 27.0 + 3.0 ) * 60.0 ;
FallTime = Rand0To1( ) * ( 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 - WakeTime ) + WakeTime ;
FallRR = RRday * ( 1.0 - ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.1 + 0.1 ) ) ;
FallFrom2[ Fall ] = TimeToIndex( FallTime ) ;
FallTo2[ Fall ] = TimeToIndex( FallTime + Duration ) ;
SetArray( RR, FallFrom2[ Fall ], FallTo2[ Fall ], FallRR ) ;
/* }
%15 to 25 spontaneous arousels of 5 to 20 s duration during sleep
%where mean sleep RR falls to by 10 to 20 %
if (1)
numArouse = fix(rand*10)+15;
for (arouse = 1:numArouse)
duration = rand*15+5;
arouseTime = rand*(wakeTime-sleepTime)+sleepTime;
arouseRR = RRnight*(1-(rand*0.1+0.1));
arouseInd(fall).vect = find(t > arouseTime & t < arouseTime+duration);
RR(arouseInd(fall).vect) = ones(size(arouseInd(fall).vect))*arouseRR;
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " Arousals...\n" ) ;
NumArouse = floor( Rand0To1( ) * 10.0 ) + 15.0 ;
for( Arouse = 1 ; Arouse <= NumArouse ; Arouse ++ )
Duration = Rand0To1( ) * 15.0 + 5.0 ;
ArouseTime = Rand0To1( ) * ( WakeTime - SleepTime ) + SleepTime ;
ArouseRR = RRnight * ( 1.0 - ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.1 + 0.1 ) ) ;
ArouseFrom[ Arouse ] = TimeToIndex( ArouseTime ) ;
ArouseTo[ Arouse ] = TimeToIndex( ArouseTime + Duration ) ;
SetArray( RR, ArouseFrom[ Arouse ], ArouseTo[ Arouse ], ArouseRR ) ;
/* }
if (1)
%Baseline wander - low frequency 2 to 5 hrs
freqWander = 1/((rand*3+2)*60*60);
sleepIndex = fix(sleepTime/dt);
amp = 0.1;
RR(1:sleepIndex) = RR(1:sleepIndex)+amp*sin(2*pi*freqWander*t(1:sleepIndex));
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " Baseline wander...\n" ) ;
// FreqWander = 1.0 / ( ( Rand0To1( ) * 3.0 + 2.0 ) * 24 * 60.0 * 60.0 ) ;
FreqWander = 1.0/(13.0*60.0*60.0);
SleepIndex = floor( SleepTime / cDT ) ;
amp = 0.1 ;
for( Index = 1 ; Index <= SleepIndex ; Index ++ )
RR[ Index ] += amp * (sin( 2.0 * cPI * FreqWander * IndexToTime( Index )+(cPI/6.5) ) +sin( 2.0 * cPI * (FreqWander-(1.0/(5.0*60.0*60.0))) * IndexToTime( Index ) ) +sin( 2.0 * cPI * (FreqWander-(1.0/(8.0*60.0*60.0))) * IndexToTime( Index ) ));
/* } */
if (1)
%measurement artifact
%0 or 5 artifacts during period of activity with high (1.5 to 2) rr
for (fall = 1:size(fallInd1))
numArtifacts = fix(rand*5);
for (artifact = 1:numArtifacts)
randInd = fix(rand*(fallInd1(fall).vect(end)-fallInd1(fall).vect(1))+1);
ind = fallInd1(fall).vect(randInd);
RR(ind) = rand*0.5+1.5;
for( Fall = 1 ; Fall <= NumFalls1 ; Fall ++ )
// fprintf( stderr, " Artifacts...\n" ) ;
NumArtifacts = floor( Rand0To1( ) * 5.0 ) ;
for( Artifact = 1 ; Artifact <= NumArtifacts ; Artifact ++ )
RandInd = floor( Rand0To1( ) * ( FallTo1[ Fall ] - FallFrom1[ Fall ] ) + 1.0 ) ;
RR[ (int)RandInd ] = Rand0To1( ) * 0.5 + 1.5 ;
/* This is where Emma's respiration bit starts */
/* if( 1)
// fprintf( stderr, " Emma's Resp bit...\n" ) ;
/*initialise variables */
SetArray( Resp, 1, cSamplesPerDay - 1, 0 ) ;
i=1 ;
FallIndex1 = 1 ;
FallIndex2 = 1 ;
/* RemIndex = 1 ;*/
ArouseIndex = 1 ;
/*ordering the random activities and arousal*/
Sort( FallFrom1, NumFalls1, OrderedFallFrom1 ) ;
Sort( FallTo1, NumFalls1, OrderedFallTo1 ) ;
Sort( ArouseFrom, NumArouse, OrderedArouseFrom ) ;
Sort( ArouseTo, NumArouse, OrderedArouseTo ) ;
Sort( FallFrom2, NumFalls2, OrderedFallFrom2 ) ;
Sort( FallTo2, NumFalls2, OrderedFallTo2 ) ;
/* while (1) */
while( 1 )
/* calculating what is happening at each time instant*/
IsSleep = ( ( T[ i ] > SleepTime ) && ( T[ i ] < WakeTime ) ) ;
IsFall1 = ( i <= OrderedFallTo1[ FallIndex1 ] ) && ( i >= OrderedFallFrom1[ FallIndex1 ] ) ;
IsFall2 = ( i <= OrderedFallTo2[ FallIndex2 ] ) && ( i >= OrderedFallFrom2[ FallIndex2 ] ) ;
IsArousal = ( i <= OrderedArouseTo[ ArouseIndex ] ) && ( i >= OrderedArouseFrom[ ArouseIndex ] ) ;
/* IsREM = ( i <= RemTo[ RemIndex ] ) && ( i >= RemFrom[ RemIndex ] ) ;*/
if( !IsSleep && IsFall1 )
/*this is day (before sleep) and active
%so breathing rate increases so RR changes are modulated by a faster less varying frequency
%the positive part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through*/
// fprintf( stderr, " Emma's Resp bit...\n" ) ;
choosefreqamp( cDayActiveAmpMaxPos, cDayActiveAmpMinPos, cDayActiveAmpVarPos, previousamppos, cDayActiveFrqMaxPos, cDayActiveFrqMinPos, cDayActiveFrqVarPos, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
/*appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = amppos * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqpos * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*fall out of the loop if the array is full */
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values */
previousamppos = amppos ;
/*negative part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through */
choosefreqamp( cDayActiveAmpMaxNeg, cDayActiveAmpMinNeg, cDayActiveAmpVarNeg, previousampneg, cDayActiveFrqMaxNeg, cDayActiveFrqMinNeg, cDayActiveFrqVarNeg, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqneg, &neg ) ;
/*%appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = -ampneg * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqneg *T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*%fall out of the loop if the array is full*/
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values */
previousampneg = ampneg ;
/*got to the end of the active time look at next one*/
if( ( i >= OrderedFallTo1[ FallIndex1 ] ) && ( FallIndex1 != NumFalls1 ) )
FallIndex1 ++ ;
} /* end if */
else if( !IsSleep && IsFall2 )
/*this is day (after wake up) and active
%so breathing rate increases so RR changes are modulated by a faster less varying frequency
%the positive part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through*/
fprintf( stderr, " Emma's Resp bit2...\n" ) ;
choosefreqamp( cDayActiveAmpMaxPos, cDayActiveAmpMinPos, cDayActiveAmpVarPos, previousamppos, cDayActiveFrqMaxPos, cDayActiveFrqMinPos, cDayActiveFrqVarPos, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
/*appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = amppos * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqpos * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*fall out of the loop if the array is full */
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values */
previousamppos = amppos ;
/*negative part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through */
choosefreqamp( cDayActiveAmpMaxNeg, cDayActiveAmpMinNeg, cDayActiveAmpVarNeg, previousampneg, cDayActiveFrqMaxNeg, cDayActiveFrqMinNeg, cDayActiveFrqVarNeg, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqneg, &neg ) ;
/*%appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = -ampneg * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqneg *T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*%fall out of the loop if the array is full*/
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values */
previousampneg = ampneg ;
/*got to the end of the active time look at next one*/
if( ( i >= OrderedFallTo2[ FallIndex2 ] ) && ( FallIndex2 != NumFalls2 ) )
FallIndex2 ++ ;
} /* end if */
else if( !IsSleep )
/*%this is day and not active
%large variation in breathing frequency so RR interval changes are modulated by a large number of frequencies
%the positive part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through*/
choosefreqamp( cDayPassiveAmpMaxPos, cDayPassiveAmpMinPos , cDayPassiveAmpVarPos, previousamppos, cDayPassiveFrqMaxPos, cDayPassiveFrqMinPos, cDayPassiveFrqVarPos, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
/*appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = amppos * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqpos * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*%fall out of the loop if the array is full*/
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values*/
previousamppos = amppos ;
/*negative part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through*/
choosefreqamp( cDayPassiveAmpMaxNeg, cDayPassiveAmpMinNeg, cDayPassiveAmpVarNeg, previousampneg, cDayPassiveFrqMaxNeg, cDayPassiveFrqMinNeg, cDayPassiveFrqVarNeg, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqneg, &neg ) ;
/*appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = -ampneg * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqneg * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*%fall out of the loop if the array is full*/
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values*/
previousampneg = ampneg ;
} /* end else if */
else if( IsSleep && IsArousal )
/*%this is night and aroused
%when aroused breathing frequency increases so RR changes are modulated by a faster frequency
%the positive part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through*/
choosefreqamp( cNightActiveAmpMaxPos, cNightActiveAmpMinPos, cNightActiveAmpVarPos, previousamppos, cNightActiveFrqMaxPos, cNightActiveFrqMinPos, cNightActiveFrqVarPos, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
/*%appending samples to the end of the resp signal*/
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = amppos * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqpos * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
/*%fall out of the loop if the array is full*/
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
/*%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values*/
previousamppos = amppos ;
/* %appending samples to the end of the resp signal
%incrementing i
%fall out of the loop if the array is full
if (i >= length(t))
%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values
/*negative part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through*/
choosefreqamp( cNightActiveAmpMaxNeg, cNightActiveAmpMinNeg, cNightActiveAmpVarNeg, previousampneg, cNightActiveFrqMaxNeg, cNightActiveFrqMinNeg, cNightActiveFrqVarNeg, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqneg, &neg ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = -ampneg * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqneg * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
previousampneg = ampneg ;
%got to the end of the aroused time look at next one
if (t(i)>=t(orderarouseend(ArouseIndex)) & ArouseIndex~=numArouse)
if( ( i >= OrderedArouseTo[ ArouseIndex ] ) && ( ArouseIndex != NumArouse ) )
ArouseIndex ++ ;
} /* end else if */
elseif ((t(i)>sleepTime) & (t(i)<wakeTime)) & (t(i)<=t(orderremend(RemIndex)) & t(i)>=t(orderremstart(RemIndex)))
%this is night and REM
%when aroused breathing frequency increases so RR changes are modulated by a faster frequency
%the positive part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through
%appending samples to the end of the resp signal
resp(i:i+numberoftimeelement-1)= amppos*sin(2*pi*freqpos*t(1:numberoftimeelement));
%incrementing i
%fall out of the loop if the array is full
if (i >= length(t))
%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values
/* else if( IsSleep && IsREM )
choosefreqamp( cNightActiveAmpMaxPos, cNightActiveAmpMinPos, cNightActiveAmpVarPos, previousamppos, cNightActiveFrqMaxPos, cNightActiveFrqMinPos, cNightActiveFrqVarPos, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = amppos * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqpos * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
previousamppos = amppos ;*/
%negative part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through
%appending samples to the end of the resp signal
%incrementing i
%fall out of the loop if the array is full
if (i >= length(t))
%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values
/* choosefreqamp( cNightActiveAmpMaxNeg, cNightActiveAmpMinNeg, cNightActiveAmpVarNeg, previousamppos, cNightActiveFrqMaxNeg, cNightActiveFrqMinNeg, cNightActiveFrqVarNeg, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = -ampneg * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqneg * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
previousampneg = ampneg ;*/
%got to the end of the aroused time look at next one
if (t(i)>=t(orderremend(RemIndex)) & RemIndex~=numRem)
/* if( ( i >= RemTo[ RemIndex ] ) && ( RemIndex != NumRemCycles ) )
RemIndex ++ ;
}*/ /* end else if */
elseif ((t(i)>sleepTime) & (t(i)<wakeTime))
%this is night and not rem or aroused
%less variation in frequency lower breathing rates
%the positive part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through
%appending samples to the end of the resp signal
resp(i:i+numberoftimeelement-1)= amppos*sin(2*pi*freqpos*t(1:numberoftimeelement));
%incrementing i
%fall out of the loop if the array is full
if (i >= length(t))
%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values
else if( IsSleep )
choosefreqamp( cNightPassiveAmpMaxPos, cNightPassiveAmpMinPos, cNightPassiveAmpVarPos, previousamppos, cNightPassiveFrqMaxPos, cNightPassiveFrqMinPos, cNightPassiveFrqVarPos, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqpos, &pos ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = amppos * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqpos * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
previousamppos = amppos ;
%negative part of the cycle
%calculating the amp, freq and number of points the half cycle passes through
%appending samples to the end of the resp signal
%incrementing i
%fall out of the loop if the array is full
if (i >= length(t))
%remembering previous values so changes can be related to previous values
choosefreqamp( cNightPassiveAmpMaxNeg, cNightPassiveAmpMinNeg, cNightPassiveAmpVarNeg, previousampneg, cNightPassiveFrqMaxNeg, cNightPassiveFrqMinNeg, cNightPassiveFrqVarNeg, cSamplesPerDay, i, &numberoftimeelement, &freqneg, &neg ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < numberoftimeelement ; Index ++ )
Resp[ Index + i ] = -ampneg * sin( 2.0 * cPI * freqneg * T[ Index + 1 ] ) ;
i += numberoftimeelement ;
if( i >= cSamplesPerDay )
break ;
previousampneg = ampneg ;
} /* end else if */
} /* end while( 1 ) */
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesPerDay ; Index ++ )
RR[ Index ] += Resp[ Index ] ;
/* } end if( 1 ) */
/* function rrsim(dummy) */
/* Calls RRSim1Day as many times as necessary */
void RRSim( void )
int Day ;
int StartIndex ;
int Index ;
double RRday ;
double RRnight ;
double amp ;
double phase ;
double deltaphase ;
double freq1 ;
/* double ThisFreq ;*/
%Define mean night and day RR
%day RR between 0.6 & 0.9 s
%night RR between 0.8 & 1.2 s
%difference between night & day RR greater than 0.2 s
while (1)
RRday = rand*0.3+0.6;
RRnight = rand*0.4+0.8;
if ((RRnight - RRday) > 0.2)
// fprintf( stderr, "\nSimulating background...\n" ) ;
while( 1 )
RRday = Rand0To1( ) * 0.3 + 0.8 ;
RRnight = Rand0To1( ) * 0.4 + 0.8 ;
if ( ( RRnight - RRday ) > 0.2 )
break ;
if (1)
%0.1 Hz effect
%amplitude 5 to 10 % of mean daytime RR
%frequency 0.05 to 0.2 Hz - multiple components to smooth peak out
freq1 = (rand*0.15)+0.05;
amp = RRday*(rand*0.008+0.008);
lfeffect = zeros(size(t));
for (freqNo = 1:length(freq))
lfeffect = lfeffect+amp*sin(2*pi*freq(freqNo)*t);
RR = RR+lfeffect;
xlim([0 24]);
/* if( 0 )
fprintf( stderr, " Phil's 0.1 Hz effect...\n" ) ;
freq1 = ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.15 ) + 0.05 ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
nLFeffect[ Index ] = 0.0 ;
for( ThisFreq = freq1 - 0.005 ; ThisFreq <= freq1 + 0.005 ; ThisFreq +=0.001 )
amp = RRday * ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.008 + 0.008 ) ;
phase = Rand0To1( ) * 2.0 * cPI ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesPerDay ; Index ++ )
nLFeffect[ Index ] = nLFeffect[ Index ] + amp * sin( 2.0 * cPI * ThisFreq * IndexToTime( Index ) + phase );
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
nRR[ Index ] += nLFeffect[ Index ] ;
/* My effort at a 0.1 Hz effect */
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " MD's 0.1 Hz effect...\n" ) ;
amp = RRday * ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.008 + 0.008 ) ;
freq1 = ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.15 ) + 0.05 ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
nLFeffect[ Index ] = 0.0 ;
phase = 0.0 ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
if( Rand0To1( ) < 0.01 )
freq1 += ( Rand0To1( ) - 0.5 ) * 0.01 ;
if( freq1 == 0.2 )
freq1 = 0.17 ;
if( freq1 == 0.05 )
freq1 = 0.08 ;
deltaphase = 2.0 * cPI * freq1 * cDT ;
amp += Rand0To1( ) * 0.002 - 0.001 ;
amp = Min( amp, 0.016 ) ;
amp = Max( amp, 0.008 ) ;
phase += deltaphase * ( 0.95 + Rand0To1( ) * 0.1 ) ;
nLFeffect[ Index ] = amp * sin( phase );
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
nRR[ Index ] += nLFeffect[ Index ] ;
/* } */
if (1)
%1/f effect (pink noise)
%amplitude 1 to 2 % of mean daytime RR
%poles and zero from Mr. Tom Bruhns of HP
%for white to pink noise filter for audio signals
%poles=[0.9986823 0.9914651 0.9580812 0.8090598 0.2896591]';
%zeros=[0.9963594 0.9808756 0.9097290 0.6128445 -0.0324723]';
%get the numerator and denominator of the filter
a = [ 1.0000 -4.0469 6.3705 -4.8224 1.7212 -0.2223];
b = [ 1.0000 -3.4673 4.4317 -2.4428 0.4608 0.0177];
%filter to get pink noise
amp = RRday*(rand*0.025+0.025);
RR = RR+amp*pinknoise;
/* if( 1 )
{ */
// fprintf( stderr, " White noise...\n" ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
nWhitenoise[ Index ] = RandGauss( ) ;
// Filter( whitenoise, cSamplesPerDay, CoeffA, CoeffB, 5, Pinknoise ) ;
// fprintf( stderr, " Pink noise...\n" ) ;
FirstOrderLowPassFilter( nWhitenoise, cSamplesTotal, 0.1, nPinknoise ) ;
amp = RRday * ( Rand0To1( ) * 0.025 + 0.025 ) ;
for( Index = 0 ; Index < cSamplesPerDay ; Index ++ )
nRR[ Index ] += amp * nPinknoise[ Index ] ;
/* }
for( Day = 0 ; Day < cMaxDays ; Day ++ )
// fprintf( stderr, "\nSimulating day %d...\n", Day + 1 ) ;
StartIndex = Day * cSamplesPerDay ;
RRSim1Day( RRday, RRnight, nT + StartIndex, nRR + StartIndex, nResp + StartIndex ) ;
/* This function is called once, before generate() is called. See main()
for a description of its arguments.
void initialize(long seed, long tmax)
int Index=0 ;
/* FILE *OutputFile ; */
/* tmax not used here, added to aviod compiler warning */
Index = tmax < Index ? tmax : Index;
/* Allocate memory for the arrays */
/* Abandon hope if you can't */
nT = malloc( cMaxAlloc * sizeof( double ) ) ;
if( nT != NULL )
nRR = malloc( cMaxAlloc * sizeof( double ) ) ;
if( nRR != NULL )
nLFeffect = malloc( cMaxAlloc * sizeof( double ) ) ;
if( nLFeffect != NULL )
nWhitenoise = malloc( cMaxAlloc * sizeof( double ) ) ;
if( nWhitenoise != NULL )
nPinknoise = malloc( cMaxAlloc * sizeof( double ) ) ;
if( nPinknoise != NULL )
nResp = malloc( cMaxAlloc * sizeof( double ) ) ;
if( nResp == NULL )
fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't allocate enough memory to continue." ) ;
return ;
srand((unsigned int) seed ) ;
RRSim( ) ;
/* Write the intermediate data to the file RR.num in the working directory */
/* fprintf( stderr, "\nWriting to RR.num...\n" ) ;
OutputFile = fopen( "RR.num", "wt" ) ;
if( OutputFile == NULL )
return ;
for( Index = 1 ; Index < cSamplesTotal ; Index ++ )
fprintf( OutputFile, "%8.3lf %8.3lf %8.3lf %8.3lf %8.3lf %8.3lf\n",
nT[ Index ], nLFeffect[ Index ], nWhitenoise[ Index ], nPinknoise[ Index ], nResp[ Index ], nRR[ Index ] ) ;
fclose( OutputFile ) ;*/
/* This function is called once per RR interval. It should return the length
of the next (simulated) RR interval in seconds.
The example code generates samples of a noisy sine wave.
float generate(void)
float rr;
static float t;
rr = 0.8 + 0.05*sin(t/5.5) + ((float)rand() - RAND_MAX)/(RAND_MAX*100.0);
t += rr;
return (rr);
/* Generate a series of RR intervals */
/* Start with the first element in the RR array */
/* This is the first RR interval - 'ThisRR' */
/* Following this heartbeat, time has moved on by 'ThisRR' seconds */
/* Which tells us where to find the next RR interval from */
float generate( void )
static double CurrentTime = 0.0 ;
double ThisRR ;
int Index ;
Index = TimeToIndex( CurrentTime ) + 1 ;
if( Index < cSamplesTotal )
ThisRR = nRR[ Index ] ;
CurrentTime += ThisRR ;
return ThisRR ;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
float t = 0.0; /* sum of intervals since the beginning of the
simulation, in seconds */
long ts = 0; /* t, in sample intervals */
long tsp = 0; /* previous value of ts */
long tmax = 24*60*60; /* 24 hours, in seconds */
long seed; /* a 32-bit random variable that can be used to
initialize the generator */
long atol();
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s seed [tmax]\n", argv[0]);
seed = atol(argv[1]);
if (argc > 2)
tmax = atol(argv[2]);
initialize(seed, tmax);
/*#if 0*/
while ((t += generate()) < tmax) { /* add RR interval to running time */
/* calculate and output a quantized RR interval */
ts = (long)(SPS*t + 0.5);
printf("%5.3f\n", (ts - tsp)/((float)SPS));
tsp = ts;
/*#endif */
free( nT ) ;
free( nRR ) ;
free( nLFeffect ) ;
free( nWhitenoise ) ;
free( nPinknoise ) ;
free( nResp ) ;