Detecting and Quantifying T-Wave Alternans: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2008 1.0.0

File: <base>/sources/Khaustov/TWAnalyser/twa-mfiles/lombtest.m (536 bytes)
function lombtest

p = 1;

close all hidden

len = 128;

x = [];
t = [];
for i = 1:len
    y(i) = (-1)^i * 10;
    if (rand < p)
        t(length(t) + 1) = i;
        x(length(x) + 1) = (-1)^i * 10;
disp(['пропущенных точек ' num2str(128 - length(t))]);

fs = 250;
freq = [0:1:floor(fs / 2)]/fs;
[amp prob] = lomb(t, x, freq);
plot(freq, amp);
hold on;

ampPSD = PSD(y);
slen = length(ampPSD);
plot([0:slen-1] / len, ampPSD(1:slen), 'r');
set(gca, 'XLim', [0, 0.6])