Predicting Acute Hypotensive Episodes: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2009 1.0.0

File: <base>/test-set-b/202bc/202bc.txt (58,632 bytes)
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=9	n1=9	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=9	n1=9	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=CPR Not Indicate	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=CPR Not Indicate	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1337	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Unarousable	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=108	n1=108	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=110	n1=110	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=99	n1=99	u1=mmHg	v2=41	n2=41	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=105	n1=105	u1=mmHg	v2=42	n2=42	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=62	n1=62	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=64	n1=64	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=550	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Universal	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=550	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Universal	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=160	n2=160	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=160	n2=160	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=656	t0=[20:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Yellow	v2=Thin	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=657	t0=[20:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Suctioned	v2=Scant	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[00:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[00:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[00:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=12	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=12	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=55	t0=[00:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[00:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=43.3125	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=43.3125	vu=ml
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[02:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[03:00:00 14/01/2019]	to	id=26	t0=[23:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	cg=1628	cu=1	cv=0	ac=24	ap=none	re=0
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=130	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=135	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Absent	v2=Absent	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=137	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1427	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=154	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=NPO	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1698	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Salem Sump	v2=Oral	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=184	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=197	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=No	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=198	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=3	n1=3	u1=points	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=200	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Salem Sump	v2=Oral	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=203	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Low Cont Suction	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=208	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=27	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Firm Distended	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=423	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=424	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Cool	v2=Dusky	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=425	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Diminished	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=426	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=428	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Diminished	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=432	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Unresponsive	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=43	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Clean and Dry	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=454	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=45	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Transparent	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=465	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Not Indicated	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=478	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Bleeding Gum	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=479	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Unable to Assess	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=47	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=R Femoral	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=584	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Nonreactive	v2=Nonreactive	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=585	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=5 mm	v2=5 mm	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=590	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=591	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Cool	v2=Dusky	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=593	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Diminished	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=596	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=599	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Diminished	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=617	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Regular	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=620	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Sternal Rub	v2=No Response	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=648	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Intubated/trach	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=655	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=659	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Maroon	v2=Liquid	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=661	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Fecal Incont Bag	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=707	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Indwelling Cath	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=723	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[03:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=80	t0=[23:00:00 13/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=157	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=21cm	v2=Lip	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=190	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=0.4	n1=0.4	u1=torr	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=2129	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=218	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=219	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=20	n1=20	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=221	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=1:3.3	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=39	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=7.0 mm	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=40	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=Endotracheal	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=417	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=36.9	n1=36.9	u1=Deg. C	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=418	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=434	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=439	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	v2=Albuterol	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=440	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	v2=Atrovent	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=444	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=7	n1=7	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=450	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=9.6	n1=9.6	u1=L/min	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=503	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32	u1=.	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=506	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=50	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=20	n1=20	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=60	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=614	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=615	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=619	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6208	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=14	n1=14	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=631	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=2	n1=2	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=667	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=668	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=Insp. Time Fixed	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=669	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=1:3.3	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=670	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=671	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=0.6	n1=0.6	u1=sec	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=682	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=435	n1=435	u1=ml/B	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=720	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=Pressure Control	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=722	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=Drager	st=NotStopd
[04:02:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=732	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2452	cu=1	v1=SQUARE	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=9	n1=9	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=CPR Not Indicate	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1337	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Unarousable	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=114	n1=114	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=107	n1=107	u1=mmHg	v2=42	n2=42	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=64	n1=64	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=550	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Universal	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=160	n2=160	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=677	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=37.2222	n1=37.2222	u1=Deg. C	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=678	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=99	n1=99	u1=Deg. F	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[05:04:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1126	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=7.2	n1=7.2	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=776	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=-11	n1=-11	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=777	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=16	n1=16	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=778	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=40	n1=40	u1=mmHg	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=779	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=117	n1=117	u1=mmHg	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=780	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=7.2	n1=7.2	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:10:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=834	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=97	n1=97	u1=%	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1127	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=57.4	n1=57.4	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=114	t0=[06:09:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=13.1007	n1=13.1007	u1=ml/dl	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1542	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=57.4	n1=57.4	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=813	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=28.1	n1=28.1	u1=%	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=814	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=9.8	n1=9.8	u1=gm/dl	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=828	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=107	n1=107	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=833	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=3.29	n1=3.29	u1=/mic l	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[06:54:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=861	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=57.4	n1=57.4	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=9	n1=9	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=CPR Not Indicate	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=114	n1=114	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=107	n1=107	u1=mmHg	v2=41	n2=41	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=64	n1=64	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=550	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=Universal	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=160	n2=160	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1628	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[06:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[06:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=12	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[06:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=12	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[04:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=43.3125	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[06:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=43.3125	vu=ml
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[07:03:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[05:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=1628	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1162	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=73	n1=73	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1522	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=7.6	n1=7.6	u1=mg/dl	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1523	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=96	n1=96	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1525	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=4.9	n1=4.9	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1529	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=196	n1=196	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1532	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=2.1	n1=2.1	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1536	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=131	n1=131	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=781	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=73	n1=73	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=786	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=7.6	n1=7.6	u1=mg/dl	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=787	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=16	n1=16	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=788	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=96	n1=96	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=791	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=4.9	n1=4.9	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=811	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=196	n1=196	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=821	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=2.1	n1=2.1	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:42:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=837	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=131	n1=131	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:44:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1286	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=25.7	n1=25.7	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:44:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1530	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=2.6	n1=2.6	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:44:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=815	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=2.6	n1=2.6	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:44:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=824	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=25.7	n1=25.7	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:45:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1533	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=53.1	n1=53.1	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[07:45:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=825	t0=[05:48:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=1663	cu=1	v1=53.1	n1=53.1	rs=Final	st=NotStopd
[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=156	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=-1	cu=1	st=D/C'd
[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=549	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=-1	cu=1	st=D/C'd
[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=102	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=103	cg=-1	cu=1	vo=0	st=D/C'd
[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=160	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=-1	cu=1	vo=0	st=D/C'd
[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=190	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=-1	cu=1	vo=0	st=D/C'd
[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=55	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=-1	cu=1	vo=0	st=D/C'd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=157	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=21cm	v2=Lip	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=190	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0.4	n1=0.4	u1=torr	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=2129	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=218	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=219	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=20	n1=20	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=221	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=1:3.3	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=39	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=7.0 mm	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=40	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Endotracheal	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=417	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=36.9	n1=36.9	u1=Deg. C	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=418	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=434	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=439	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	v2=Albuterol	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=440	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	v2=Atrovent	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=444	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=7	n1=7	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=450	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=8.8	n1=8.8	u1=L/min	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=503	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32	u1=.	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=506	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=50	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=20	n1=20	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=60	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=614	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=615	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=619	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6206	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=2000	n1=2000	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6207	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=2000	n1=2000	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6208	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=14	n1=14	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=631	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=2	n1=2	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=646	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=100	n1=100	u1=%	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=667	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=668	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Insp. Time Fixed	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=669	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=1:3.3	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=670	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=671	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0.6	n1=0.6	u1=sec	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=682	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=390	n1=390	u1=ml/B	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=686	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=720	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Pressure Control	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=722	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Drager	st=NotStopd
[08:25:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=732	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=RAMP	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1046	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=10	n1=10	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=130	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1337	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Unarousable	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=135	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	v2=Absent	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=137	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1425	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No/Not Sedated	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=154	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=NPO	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1622	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=ON	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1623	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1698	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Salem Sump	v2=Oral	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=171	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Disease Process	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=184	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=197	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=198	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=3	n1=3	u1=points	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=200	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Salem Sump	v2=Oral	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=202	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Done	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=203	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Low Cont Suction	v2=Brown	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=208	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=210	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=15 degrees	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=114	n1=114	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=229	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=A-Line	v2=Right Femoral	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=231	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=232	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=WNL	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=235	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Venous Access	v2=Right Femoral	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=237	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=241	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Multi-lumen	v2=Right Subclavian	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=243	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=26	n2=26	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=27	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Firm Distended	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=283	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sharp	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=292	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=294	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Right Antecub	v2=18 gauge	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=296	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=297	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Other/Remarks	v2=18 gauge	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=31	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Bedrest	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=32	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Good	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=423	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=425	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Coarse	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=426	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=428	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Clear	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=432	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Unresponsive	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=43	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Clean and Dry	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=454	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=465	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Not Indicated	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=478	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=479	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Unable to Assess	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=47	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=R Femoral	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=109	n1=109	u1=mmHg	v2=43	n2=43	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=66	n1=66	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=54	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=2 Person Assist	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5684	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=26	n2=26	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5685	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=26	n2=26	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=130	n2=130	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=584	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Nonreactive	v2=Nonreactive	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=585	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=6 mm	v2=6 mm	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=590	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=593	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Coarse	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=596	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=599	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Clear	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=617	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Regular	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=620	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Other/Remarks	v2=No Response	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=621	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=637	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=All rails up	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=644	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Intact	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=648	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=655	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=659	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Maroon	v2=Loose	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=660	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Positive	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=661	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Fecal Incont Bag	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=663	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=674	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Oral	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=677	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=37.2222	n1=37.2222	u1=Deg. C	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=678	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=99	n1=99	u1=Deg. F	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=680	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=AtmosAir Mattres	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=704	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Left Side	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=707	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Other/Remarks	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=723	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1.0 ET/Trach	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=80	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=82	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Bedfast	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=83	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Potential Prob	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=84	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Comp. Immobile	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=85	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Rarely Moist	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=86	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Very Poor	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=87	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=10	n1=10	u1=number	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=88	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Comp. Limited	st=NotStopd
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=20	vu=ml
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=12	vu=ml
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=43.3125	vu=ml
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[08:47:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=183	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Done	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=112	n1=112	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=477	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Done	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=117	n1=117	u1=mmHg	v2=49	n2=49	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=72	n1=72	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=130	n2=130	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=642	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Done	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=646	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=100	n1=100	u1=%	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=72	t0=[08:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Done	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=10	vu=ml
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=10	vu=ml
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=6	vu=ml
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=21.6562	vu=ml
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[08:48:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=9	n1=9	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[09:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Full Code	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Full Code	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=114	n1=114	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=127	n1=127	u1=mmHg	v2=53	n2=53	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=80	n1=80	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=130	n2=130	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=646	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=100	n1=100	u1=%	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[10:06:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[10:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=157	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=21cm	v2=Lip	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=190	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0.4	n1=0.4	u1=torr	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=2129	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=218	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=219	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=20	n1=20	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=221	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=1:3.3	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=39	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=7.0 mm	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=40	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Endotracheal	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=417	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=36.8	n1=36.8	u1=Deg. C	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=418	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=434	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=439	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	v2=Albuterol	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=440	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=6	n1=6	v2=Atrovent	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=444	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=7	n1=7	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=450	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=9.9	n1=9.9	u1=L/min	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=503	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32	u1=.	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=506	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=50	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=20	n1=20	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=614	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=615	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=619	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6206	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=2000	n1=2000	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6207	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=2000	n1=2000	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=6208	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=14	n1=14	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=631	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=2	n1=2	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=646	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=100	n1=100	u1=%	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=656	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Blood Tinged	v2=Thick	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=657	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Suctioned	v2=Scant	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=667	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=668	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Insp. Time Fixed	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=669	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=1:3.3	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=670	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=32	n1=32	u1=cmH2O	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=671	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=0.6	n1=0.6	u1=sec	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=682	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=432	n1=432	u1=ml/B	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=720	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Pressure Control	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=722	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=Drager	st=NotStopd
[10:39:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=732	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2235	cu=1	v1=RAMP	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1046	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1125	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=MICU	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=113	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=12	n1=12	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Full Code	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=128	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Full Code	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1337	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Unarousable	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=135	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	v2=Absent	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=137	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1425	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No/Not Sedated	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1427	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Proton/Pump/Inhi	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1484	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=154	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=NPO	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=159	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=161	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=1698	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Salem Sump	v2=Oral	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=171	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Disease Process	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=184	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=197	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=198	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=3	n1=3	u1=points	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=200	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Salem Sump	v2=Oral	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=203	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Low Cont Suction	v2=Brown	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=208	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=111	n1=111	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=211	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=109	n1=109	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=212	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sinus Tachy	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=229	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=A-Line	v2=Right Femoral	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=230	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=231	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=232	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=WNL	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=235	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Venous Access	v2=Right Femoral	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=237	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=241	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Multi-lumen	v2=Right Subclavian	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=242	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Yes	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=243	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=26	n2=26	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=244	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=WNL	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=27	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Firm Distended	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=283	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sharp	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=285	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Sharp	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=292	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=294	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Right Antecub	v2=18 gauge	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=296	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=24	n2=24	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=297	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Other/Remarks	v2=18 gauge	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=423	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=426	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=432	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Unresponsive	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=454	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=465	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Not Indicated	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=478	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Teeth/Tissue WNL	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=479	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Unable to Assess	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=47	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=R Femoral	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=113	n1=113	u1=mmHg	v2=43	n2=43	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=51	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=113	n1=113	u1=mmHg	v2=41	n2=41	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=65	n1=65	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=52	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=61	n1=61	u1=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5684	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=26	n2=26	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5685	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=11	n1=11	v2=26	n2=26	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5813	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=mmHg	v2=180	n2=180	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5814	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=0	n1=0	u1=mmHg	v2=24	n2=24	u2=mmHg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=130	n2=130	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5815	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=50	n1=50	u1=BPM	v2=130	n2=130	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5819	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=8	n1=8	u1=BPM	v2=30	n2=30	u2=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=5820	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=90	n1=90	u1=%	v2=100	n2=100	u2=%	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=584	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Nonreactive	v2=Nonreactive	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=585	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=6 mm	v2=6 mm	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=590	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=596	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=No Movement	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=617	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Regular	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=618	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=23	n1=23	u1=BPM	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=620	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Other/Remarks	v2=No Response	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=637	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=All rails up	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=646	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=98	n1=98	u1=%	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=655	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=663	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=None	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=707	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Other/Remarks	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=723	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1 No Response	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=742	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=1	n1=1	u1=kg	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=80	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2800	cu=1	v1=Absent	st=NotStopd
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=30	vu=ml
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=134	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=2	ai=107	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=30	vu=ml
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=4969	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=107	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=18	vu=ml
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=772	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=189	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=64.9688	vu=ml
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=120	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=0.33	du=mcgkgmin	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[11:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[11:49:00 14/01/2019]	me	id=51	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=0	do=2.4	du=Uhr	so=18	sv=250	su=ml	rt=IV Drip
[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	po	pi=4271400	hi=27283	t0=[13:00:00 14/01/2019]	tf=[22:00:00 18/01/2019]	pt=IV Large Volume	st=Inactive (Due to a change order)	rt=IV	fr=ASDIR	iv=1000 ml D5 1/2NS Continuous  at 75 ml/hr	ir=75	it=C	ss=N	di=Ongoing	xu=Enter on Label
[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	po	pi=4271401	hi=27283	t0=[13:00:00 14/01/2019]	tf=[12:00:00 15/01/2019]	mn=Sodium Bicarbonate	pt=Unit Dose	st=Expired	rt=IV	fr=ONCE	ds=13	dn=1	dt=1	di=Doses	xv=36	xu=Hours
[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	po	pi=4271402	hi=27283	t0=[13:00:00 14/01/2019]	tf=[12:00:00 15/01/2019]	mn=Dextrose 50%	pt=Unit Dose	st=Expired	rt=IV	fr=ONCE	ds=13	dn=1	dt=1	di=Doses	xv=36	xu=Hours
[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	po	pi=4271403	hi=27283	t0=[13:00:00 14/01/2019]	tf=[12:00:00 15/01/2019]	mn=Insulin	pt=Unit Dose	st=Expired	rt=IV	fr=ONCE	ds=13	dn=1	dt=1	di=Doses	xv=36	xu=Hours
[12:01:00 14/01/2019]	io	id=104	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=1	ai=105	cg=2800	cu=1	vo=250	vu=ml
[12:03:00 14/01/2019]	ch	id=807	t0=[12:00:00 14/01/2019]	el=0	cg=2165	cu=1	v1=245	n1=245	rs=Manual	st=NotStopd