Mind the Gap: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2010 1.0.0
(960 bytes)
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This is a collection of 100 six, seven, and eight-channel records, each 10
minutes long, to be used as a test set for the
<a href=/challenge/2010/>PhysioNet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2010
(Mind the Gap)</a>. In each of these records, the final 30 seconds of one
signal has been replaced by zeroes (i.e., a flat signal). As in the other
sets of the Challenge, the problem to be solved is to reconstruct the missing
data as accurately as possible, using all of the contextual information.</p>
In this test set, the missing samples from each record are included in
the (text) files with the suffix <tt>.missing</tt>, which were not available
to participants until after the conclusion of the Challenge.</p>
For additional information, see the <a href=/challenge/2010/>Challenge
2010 home page</a>.</p>