Mind the Gap: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2010 1.0.0
(648 bytes)
Follow the following steps to apply this software to physionet 2010 challenge data:
1. Create two folders, "physionetdata" and "code", in the same level.
2. Place physionet data into the folder "physionetdata". Separate data from each set to
subfolders, such as "set-a", "set-b", and "set-c," respectively.
3. Place AFF_fill.m into the folder "code."
4. Run the software in matlab.
5. The code can be run in parallel in a cluster to speed up computation.
Address comments and questions to
Xiaopeng Zhao <xzhao9@utk.edu>
Nonlinear Biodynamics Laboratory
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996