Improving the Quality of ECGs Collected using Mobile Phones: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2011 1.0.0
(1,482 bytes)
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This is a collection of 500 twelve-lead ECGs, each 10 seconds long, to be used
as a <em>test set</em> for events 1 and 2 of
the <a href=/challenge/2011/>PhysioNet/Computers
in Cardiology Challenge 2011</a>. These challenge events entail determining
which of the records in this test set are acceptable for
interpretation, and which are not.</p>
<b>File formats:</b> The records are provided in both CSV format (<tt>.txt</tt>
files) and standard PhysioBank format (<tt>.hea</tt> and <tt>.dat</tt> files).
The <tt>.hea</tt> files are short text files that specify the format of the
binary <tt>.dat</tt> signal files. The formats are those used elsewhere on
PhysioNet; see the <a href="/faq.shtml#signals">FAQ</a> for details. Note that
the last line of each <tt>.hea</tt> file indicates the age and gender of the
subject if known (unknown ages are recorded as 0, and ages over 89 are recorded
as 90). No other information is available about the subjects of these
Download individual files from the list below, or download the entire
dataset as a tarball (<a href="../set-b.tar.gz">set-b.tar.gz</a>,
about 51 MB). See the <a href="/faq.shtml#tar-gz">FAQ</a> if you are
not familiar with unpacking tarballs.</p>
For additional information, see the <a href="/challenge/2011/">Challenge
2011 home page</a>.</p>