Predicting Mortality of ICU Patients: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2012 1.0.0

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function featureVectors = featureExtractionLDA2(matrixData,weightsLDA)

% Feature extraction based on LDA
% Inputs:
% matrixData - d*t*n tensor containing n matrices of size d*t, where n is the number of samples.
% weightsLDA - LDA direction obtained with "getLDAweights.m"
% Ouput:
% featureVectors - n*d matrix containing n d-dimensional feature vectors
% Jukka-Pekka Kauppi
% University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science
% 23.8.2012

siz = size(matrixData);
d = siz(1);
t = siz(2);
n = 1;

featureVectors = zeros(n,d);

for m = 1:d
  X = squeeze(matrixData(m,:,:))'; % n*t matrix
  featureVectors(:,m) = X'*(weightsLDA(d,:))';