Predicting Mortality of ICU Patients: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2012 1.0.0
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function [J,G] = objFuncLR(w,X,y,alpha,lambda,we)
% Logistic regression objective function and gradient
% Inputs:
% w - vector of model parameters. In two-category case, this
% is (d+1)-dimensional vector, where d is the number of variables in the
% data. In multicategory case, this is M*(d+1)-dimensional vector where
% M is the number of categories
% X - n*d data matrix with n observations and d variables
% y - binary coded category labels. In two category case, this is n-dimensional
% vector of zeros and ones. In multicategory case, this is n*M matrix
% of zeros and ones (use "codeCategories.m" to convert labels to this format)
% alpha - controls the extent of L1- and L2-regularization.
% alpha = 1 means pure L1-regularization
% alpha = 0 means pure L2-regularization
% 0 < alpha < 1 means combination of L1- and L2-regularization
% lambda - controls the extent of regularization with respect to log-likelihood
% lambda = 0 means that regularization is not used at all, and increase of lambda
% increases the extent of regularization.
% we - optional parameter to weight model parameters. Do not use in the current version.
% Outputs:
% J - value of objective function
% G -gradient of the objective function
% Jukka-Pekka Kauppi
% University of Helsinki, Department of Computer Science
% History:
% Multinomial logreg implemented 22.8.2012
% Binomial logreg implemented and comments added 23.8.2012
if nargin == 3
alpha = 0;
lambda = 1;
n = size(X,1);
d = size(X,2);
M = size(y,2);
% in two-category case, make sure that labels are given as column vector:
if min(size(y)) == 1
y = y(:);
M = 2;
% add column of ones to include bias to scalar products:
X = [X ones(size(X,1),1)];
if M > 2 % multi-category case:
% order weights category-wise for easier handling:
w = reshape(w,(d+1),M);
% w = w.*we; % optional: "we" can be use to weight parameter
q_tm = zeros(n,M); %n*M
for m = 1:M
q_tm(:,m) = X*w(:,m);
R = sum(exp(q_tm),2); % n*1;
Ptm = exp(q_tm)./repmat(R,1,M); % n*M
% gradient of log-likelihood:
dw = zeros(d+1,M);
for m = 1:M
dw(:,m) = sum(X.*(repmat(y(:,m),1,d+1) - repmat(Ptm(:,m),1,d+1)),1)';
% gradient of penalty:
der_penalty = lambda*( alpha*( [sign(w(:))] ) + (1-alpha)*[w(:)] );
% dw = dw.*we;
% complete gradient:
G = dw(:) - der_penalty;
% flip signs because objective function sign is flipped (see below):
G = -1*G;
% log-likelihood:
term1 = sum(y.*q_tm,2);
term2 = -log(R);
J = sum( term1 + term2 );
% penalty term (prior):
penalty = lambda*( alpha*( sum( abs(w(:)) ) ) + 0.5*(1-alpha)*( sum( w(:).^2 ) ) );
% complete objective function:
J = J - penalty;
% convert maximization to minimization problem:
J = -1*J;
% disp(num2str(J)) % optional: display objective function value
else % two-category case:
q_t = X*w;
exp_q_t = exp(q_t);
R = 1 + exp_q_t;
P_t = exp_q_t ./ R;
% log-likelihood:
J = sum( (y.*q_t) - log(R) );
% penalty term (prior):
penalty = lambda*( alpha*( sum( abs(w) ) ) + 0.5*(1-alpha)*( sum( w.^2 ) ) );
% complete objective function:
J = J - penalty;
% convert maximization to minimization problem:
J = -1*J;
% gradient of log-likelihood:
dw = sum(X.*(repmat(y,1,d+1) - repmat(P_t,1,d+1)), 1)';
% gradient of penalty:
der_penalty = lambda*( alpha*( [sign(w)] ) + (1-alpha)*w );
% dw = dw.*we;
% complete gradient:
G = dw - der_penalty;
% flip signs because objective function sign is flipped:
G = -1*G;