Noninvasive Fetal ECG: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2013 1.0.0
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function y = FindEMG(x, Fs)
% computes frequency of peak PSD in EMG band
[PSD, f] = pwelch(x, Fs*4, 2*Fs, Fs*4, Fs);
[pks, locs] = findpeaks(PSD);
vi = find(f>49 & f<52);
vx = find(locs>=vi(1) & locs<=vi(end));
[V, I] = max(pks(vx));
ifP = locs(vx(I));
fP = f(ifP);
M1 = max( PSD(f>(fP-10) & f<(fP-5)) );
M2 = max( PSD(f>(fP+5) & f<(fP+10)) );
M0 = PSD(ifP);
Thr = 10;
if(M0>Thr*M1 || M0>Thr*M2)
y = fP;
y = 0;