Noninvasive Fetal ECG: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2013 1.0.0
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function [qrs, ECGp, pc] = MyBeatDect(ECG, Fs)
% function: computes beat detection
% IN:
% ECG: raw data Nx4 matrix, N=Fs*60s
% Fs: sample rate
% OUT:
% qrs: detected beat time series [smpls]
% Nx4 matrix. Columns contain detected beats, padded with 0 to fill to N
% ECGp: PCA-ECG is Nx4 matrix
% pc: selected PC
% LP filter
[b,a] = butter(4, 25/(Fs/2));
ECGl = filtfilt(b,a,ECG);
% HP filter
[b,a] = butter(4, 5/(Fs/2), 'high');
ECG = filtfilt(b,a,ECGl);
N = 32+1;
b = ones(1,N)/N; a = 1;
Le = size(ECG,1);
for k=1:size(ECG,2)
D = diff(ECG(:,k)).^2;
Sk = filtfilt(b,a,D);
S(:,k) = Sk/std(Sk);
Sx = sqrt( S(:,1).^2+S(:,2).^2+S(:,3).^2+S(:,4).^2 );
[pks, locs] = findpeaks(Sx);
DW = 1*Fs; qrs = [];
for q=1:numel(locs)
i1 = max(1, locs(q)-DW);
i2 = min(i1+2*DW, Le);
pkM = max(pks(locs>=i1 & locs<=i2));
if( pks(q)>(0.5*pkM) )
qrs = [qrs locs(q)];