Noninvasive Fetal ECG: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2013 1.0.0
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%UKF_UPDATE1 - Additive form Unscented Kalman Filter update step
% Syntax:
% [M,P,K,MU,S,LH] = UKF_UPDATE1(M,P,Y,h,R,param,alpha,beta,kappa,mat)
% In:
% M - Mean state estimate after prediction step
% P - State covariance after prediction step
% Y - Measurement vector.
% h - Measurement model function as a matrix H defining
% linear function h(x) = H*x, inline function,
% function handle or name of function in
% form h(x,param)
% R - Measurement covariance.
% h_param - Parameters of h (optional, default empty)
% alpha - Transformation parameter (optional)
% beta - Transformation parameter (optional)
% kappa - Transformation parameter (optional)
% mat - If 1 uses matrix form (optional, default 0)
% Out:
% M - Updated state mean
% P - Updated state covariance
% K - Computed Kalman gain
% MU - Predictive mean of Y
% S - Predictive covariance Y
% LH - Predictive probability (likelihood) of measurement.
% Description:
% Perform additive form Discrete Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
% measurement update step. Assumes additive measurement
% noise.
% Function h should be such that it can be given
% DxN matrix of N sigma Dx1 points and it returns
% the corresponding measurements for each sigma
% point. This function should also make sure that
% the returned sigma points are compatible such that
% there are no 2pi jumps in angles etc.
% Example:
% h = inline('atan2(x(2,:)-s(2),x(1,:)-s(1))','x','s');
% [M2,P2] = ukf_update(M1,P1,Y,h,R,S);
% See also:
% History:
% 08.02.2008 JH Fixed a typo in the syntax description.
% 04.05.2007 JH Made corrections to the description.
% 02.05.2007 JH Fixed a bug in likelihood calculation and added
% a "See also"-section.
% 2002-2006 SS Initial version
% References:
% [1] Wan, Merwe: The Unscented Kalman Filter
% Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Simo S�rkk�
% $Id: ukf_update1.m 480 2010-10-18 07:45:48Z jmjharti $
% This software is distributed under the GNU General Public
% Licence (version 2 or later); please refer to the file
% Licence.txt, included with the software, for details.
function [M,P,K,MU,S,LH] = ukf_update1(M,P,Y,h,R,h_param,alpha,beta,kappa,mat)
% Check that all arguments are there
if nargin < 5
error('Too few arguments');
if nargin < 6
h_param = [];
if nargin < 7
alpha = [];
if nargin < 8
beta = [];
if nargin < 9
kappa = [];
if nargin < 10
mat = [];
% Apply defaults
if isempty(mat)
mat = 0;
% Do transform and make the update
tr_param = {alpha beta kappa mat};
[MU,S,C] = ut_transform(M,P,h,h_param,tr_param);
S = S + R;
K = C / S;
M = M + K * (Y - MU);
P = P - K * S * K';
if nargout > 5
LH = gauss_pdf(Y,MU,S);