Robust Detection of Heart Beats in Multimodal Data

The following paper describes the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge. Please cite this publication when referencing the Challenge.

The following papers were presented at the Computing in Cardiology Conference.

"Heart Rate Variability Discovery: Algorithm for Detection of Heart Rate from Noisy, Multimodal Recordings253
Jan J Gierałtowski, Kamil Ciuchciński, Iga Grzegorczyk, Katarzyna Kośna, Mateusz Soliński, Piotr Podziemski

"Heart Beat Detection in Multimodal Data using Signal Recognition and Beat Location Estimation"
Thomas De Cooman, Griet Goovaerts, Carolina Varon, Devy Widjaja, Sabine Van Huffel

"Multimodal Information Fusion for Robust Heart Beat Detection
Quan Ding, Yong Bai, Yusuf Bugra Erol, Rebeca Salas-Boni, Xiaorong Zhang, Lei Li, Xiao Hu

"Predicting Heart Beats using Co-occurring Constrained Sequential Patterns"
Shameek Ghosh, Mengling Feng, Hung Nguyen, Jinyan Li

"Rhythm-based Accuracy Improvement of Heart Beat Detection Algorithms"
Zoltán Gilián, Péter Kovács, Kaveh Samiee

"Identification of a Signal for an Optimal Heart Beat Detection in Multimodal Physiological Datasets"
Roman Schulte, Johannes Krug, Georg Rose

"Robust Algorithm to Locate Heart Beats from Multiple Physiological Waveforms"
Lars Johannesen, Jose Vicente, Christopher G Scully, Loriano Galeotti, David G Strauss

"R- Peak Estimation using Multimodal Lead Switching"
Alistair EW Johnson, Joachim Behar, Fernando Andreotti, Gari D Clifford, Julien Oster

"Robust Detection of Heart Beats in Multimodal Data using Integer Multiplier Digital Filters and Morphological Algorithms"
Urska Pangerc, Franc Jager

"Hidden Semi-Markov Model-Based Heartbeat Detection Using Multimodal data and Signal Quality Indices"
Marco AF Pimentel, Mauro D Santos, David B Springer, Gari D Clifford

"Robust Multichannel QRS Detection"
Filip Plesinger, Juraj Jurco, Pavel Jurak, Josef Halamek

"Heart Beat Detection Method with Estimation of Regular Intervals between ECG and Blood Pressure"
Jongmin Yu, Taegyun Jeon, Moongu Jeon

"Robust Identification of Heartbeats with Blood Pressure Signals and Noise Detection"
Bo Yang, Soo-Kng Teo, Bart Hoeben, Christopher Monterola, Yi Su

"Robust Detection of Heart Beats using Dynamic Thresholds and Moving Windows"
Marcus Vollmer