You Snooze You Win: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2018 1.0.0

File: <base>/sample-matlab/ (1,238 bytes)
#! /bin/bash
# file:
# This bash script analyzes the record named in its command-line
# argument ($1), and writes per-sample classification to the file
# "$1.vec".  This script is run once for each record in the Challenge
# test set.  The input record ($1.hea and $1.mat) will be located in
# the current working directory.
# The output file must be a plain text file, with one line for each
# sample of the record.  Each line must be a number between 0 and 1,
# indicating the probability that an arousal is occurring at that
# instant.  For an (unrealistic) example, if an arousal appears to
# begin 15 milliseconds after the start of the record, the $RECORD.vec
# file might contain:
# 0.000
# 0.002
# 0.048
# 0.955
# 1.000
# 0.946

set -e
set -o pipefail

RECBASE=$(basename $RECORD)

# Example (Matlab)
matlab -nodisplay -r \
    "try x = run_classifier('$RECORD.hea'); \
     f = fopen('$RECBASE.vec', 'w'); fprintf(f, '%.3f\n', x); fclose(f); \
     catch e; display(getReport(e)); exit(1); end; quit"

# Example (Octave)
#octave -q -f --eval \
#    "pkg load signal; pkg load statistics;
#     x = run_classifier('$RECORD.hea');
#     f = fopen('$RECBASE.vec', 'w'); fprintf(f, '%.3f\n', x); fclose(f);"