You Snooze You Win: The PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2018 1.0.0

File: <base>/sample-matlab/prepare_submission.m (3,300 bytes)
% prepare_submission: This file illustrates how to prepare an entry
% for the PhysioNet/CinC 2018 Challenge.  It first trains a classifier
% for each record in the training set, then runs the classifiers over
% each record in both the training and test sets. The results from the
% training set are used to calculate scores (the average AUROC and
% average AUPRC), and the results from the test set are saved as .vec
% files for submission to PhysioNet.
% Written by Mohammad Ghassemi and Benjamin Moody, 2018

% PLEASE NOTE: The script assumes that you have downloaded the data, and is meant
%             to be run from the directory containing the '/training' and '/test'
%             subdirectories

clear all

% STEP 0: Get information on the subject files
[headers_tr, headers_te] = get_file_info;

% STEP 1: For each of the training subjects, let's build a model.
for i = 1:length(headers_tr)
        display(['Working on Subject ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(length(headers_tr))])

% STEP 2: Apply the models to the training set, and check performance

% Initialize scoring function

for i = 1:length(headers_tr)
        display(['Evaluating Models on Training Subject ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(length(headers_tr))])
        predictions = run_classifier(headers_tr{i});

        data = parse_header(headers_tr{i});
        arousal = load(data.arousal_location); arousal =;

        % Calculate AUPRC and AUROC scores
        [auprc_g, auroc_g, auprc_r, auroc_r] = score2018(arousal, predictions);

        display(['Gross AUROC (so far): ' num2str(auroc_g)]);
        display(['Gross AUPRC (so far): ' num2str(auprc_g)]);

% STEP 3: Apply the models to the testing set, and save .vec files
for i = 1:length(headers_te)
        display(['Scoring Test Subject ' num2str(i) '/' num2str(length(headers_te))])
        predictions = run_classifier(headers_te{i});

        % Save the predictions for submission to the challenge
        display(['Saving predictions'])
        [~, recbase, ~] = fileparts(headers_te{i});
        fileID = fopen([recbase '.vec'], 'w');
        fprintf(fileID, '%.3f\n', predictions);

% STEP 4: Generate a zip file for submission to PhysioNet

% Delete any files if they existed previously
% Note: this will not package any sub-directories!
zip('', {'*.m', '*.c', '*.mat', '*.vec', '*.txt', '*.sh'});