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Comprehensive Polysomnography (CPS) Dataset: A Resource for Sleep-Related Arousal Research

Stefan Kraft Andreas Theissler Vera Wienhausen-Wilke Philipp Walter Gjergji Kasneci

Published: Sept. 18, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

When using this resource, please cite: (show more options)
Kraft, S., Theissler, A., Wienhausen-Wilke, V., Walter, P., & Kasneci, G. (2024). Comprehensive Polysomnography (CPS) Dataset: A Resource for Sleep-Related Arousal Research (version 1.0.0). PhysioNet.

Please include the standard citation for PhysioNet: (show more options)
Goldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P. C., Mark, R., ... & Stanley, H. E. (2000). PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.


The CPS dataset, assembled at Klinikum Esslingen, Germany, encompasses 113 diagnostic polysomnographic sleep recordings. These recordings include up to 36 raw and 23 derived data channels, alongide 81 types of annotated events for each participant, supplemented by data from various questionnaires. The dataset was collected during 2021-2022 for the medical study "Computer-aided diagnostics of sleep-related arousals on the basis of pulse wave analyses" in a collaborative effort between Klinikum Esslingen, IT-Designers Gruppe and NRI Medizintechnik GmbH, all based in Germany. The dataset may be used for research that is in-line with the original study goals (see more in section "Usage Notes").


Sleep-related arousals which are brief interruptions or stage changes in sleep lead to fragmentation of sleep and reduced restfulness, often resulting in hypersomnia. According to the American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM), arousal diagnostics are currently performed using electroencephalogram (EEG), with additional parameters such as limb movement, thoracic and abdominal breathing movements, and airflow measured for causal differentiation [4].

The dataset was compiled to investigate how Machine Learning could enhance the quality and efficiency of sleep-related arousal diagnostics, while also reducing technical demands. This research sought to refine the diagnostic workflow by leveraging Photoplethysmography (PPG) data, aiming to reduce reliance on comprehensive EEG, electromyography (EMG) and electrooculography (EOG) inputs. It also involved an examination of additional sleep event data such as apnea and hypopnea occurrences, as well as patient demographic data, to enhance diagnostic results.


The data collection was conducted monocentrically at the sleep laboratory of the Klinik für Kardiologie, Angiologie u. Pneumologie of the medical clinic in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany. Only adult patients undergoing regular and purely diagnostic examinations were considered. Patients receiving therapeutic interventions in the form of positive pressure therapies were excluded. The technical data collection was facilitated by the SOMNOscreen device and DOMINO software from SOMNOmedics GmbH. Algorithms from the DOMINO software were employed to calculate additional data channels and diagnostic events. Manual scoring of arousals and other critical diagnostic data was conducted by medical experts from NRI Medizintechnik GmbH, using the suggestions from DOMINO as a baseline.

To ensure privacy, the data was anonymized by omitting most free text, various indirect identifiers (e.g. profession), and and sensitive data such as medication and pre-existing conditions. From the the doctor's letter we only report the sleep medical diagnosis extracting three key attributes: (1) The textual description of the diagnosis, (2) the Baveno classification for obstructive sleep apnea [5] indicating its severity and (3) the T90 value indicating the time percentage spent below 90% oxygen saturation during sleep. The age attribute was categorized into broader groups:

Age [years]: <50, 50-60, 60-70, >70

The BMI was calculated from height and weight (which are not reported themselves) and is categorized in the following groups:

BMI [kg / m²]: <18.5, 18.5-25, 25-30, >30

Absolute timestamps in the measurement data were adjusted to start on January 1st, 1970. Additionally, measurement data underwent conversion from EDF into the WFDB format, with sampling frequencies upsampled to 256 Hz utilizing the mne library [1].

Data Description

The files are structured as follows:

├── <patient_id>
│   ├── PSG
│   │   ├── Analysedaten
│   │   │   ├── <txt-files>
│   │   └── <patient_id>.wfdb
│   └── YAML
│        ├── <yml-files>

Arousal Annotations

The table titled "Event Annotations from TXT-Files" categorizes arousal events as either accompanied by the "(EEG)" notation or not. The presence of "(EEG)" signifies that the event was first recognized within the EEG channel, followed by its causative occurrence. In contrast, the lack of "(EEG)" denotes that the causative event preceded the observable EEG effects.

Raw data channels

Two subjects with the IDs vHJMSYFIl1TfLweQ5DWMGN5f47ULFNxe and MT1zW5iB0h1bxF42QBpyDqotQk7NcnHw have inverted EEG channels A1:O2 instead of O2:A1. Otherwise, all subjects have an identical set of raw data channels as listed below.

Content of WFDB-files

Raw data channels from WFDB-files (sampling frequencies are 256 Hz)
grouped channels [org] grouped channels [eng] description original sampling freq. [Hz] unit
C4:A1, C3:A2, F4:A1, O2:A1, A1, A2, C3, C4, F4, O2 C4:A1, C3:A2, F4:A1, O2:A1, A1, A2, C3, C4, F4, O2 Electroencephalogram. Single electrodes mean that this electrode is derived against all other electrodes. "A" electrodes are nowadays denoted as "M" 128 uV
Akku Battery Battery voltage level 4 mV
Beweg. Motion Movement sensor measuring patient's physical activity or motion 32 mg
Druck Flow Pressure Flow Airflow pressure measured using oxygen nasal cannula at the nose and mouth 256 Pa (Pascal)
Flow Th Thermal Flow Thermal airflow sensor measuring breathing flow rate 32 uV
ECG 2 ECG 2 Electrocardiogram measuring heart's electrical activity 256 uV
EMG+, EMG-, EMG EMG+, EMG-, EMG Electromyogram measuring skeletal muscle activity at the left side (-) and right side (+) of the chin 256 uV
EOGl, EOGl:A1, EOGl:A2, EOGr, EOGr:A1, EOGr:A2 EOGl, EOGl:A1, EOGl:A2, EOGr, EOGr:A1, EOGr:A2 Electrooculogram measuring the left (l) and right (r) eye movements 128 uV
Licht Light Ambient light sensor measuring light exposure 4 lux
PLMl, PLMr PLMl, PLMr Periodic Limb Movement sensors measuring limb movements at the left leg (l) and right leg (r) 128 uV
Pleth Pleth Plethysmography measuring changes in blood volume at the tip of the ring finger of the non-dominant arm 128 -
Pos. Pos. Body position sensor. Used to derive the patient's posture (see Körperlage.txt) 4 uV
Pulse Pulse Pulse rate of the pulse wave 4 bpm
RIP.Abdom, RIP.Thrx, Summe RIPs RIP.Abdom, RIP.Thrx, Sum RIPs Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography sensors measuring abdominal and thoracic movements during breathing. "Summe RIPs" is a combination of RIP.Abdomen and RIP.Thrx 32 -
SPO2 SPO2 Pulse oximetry sensor measuring blood oxygen saturation levels 4 %
Schnarc Snoring Sound Snore sensor measuring snoring sounds or vibrations 256 -
Druck Snore Snoring Pressure Pressure sensor measuring snoring intensity using oxygen nasal cannula at the nose and mouth 256 Pa (Pascal)

Content of TXT-files

Calculated signals from TXT-files which are derived by DOMINO from the raw data
File name Signal name [org] Signal name [eng] Unit Description
Syst.txt PTT\RR_Kurve Syst mm Hg Systolic blood pressure curve
Diastol.txt PTT\RR_Diastol Diastol mm Hg Diastolic blood pressure curve
MAD.txt PTT\MAD MAP mm Hg Mean arterial pressure
Diastol PTT.txt PTT\PTT_Diastol Diastol PTT ms Diastolic pulse transit time
Systol. PTT.txt PTT\PTT_Kurve Systol PTT ms Systolic pulse transit time
SpO2.txt Spo2\SpO2_Mittlere SpO2 % Average oxygen saturation level
Integral EMG.txt SchlafProfil\iEMG Integrated EMG dB Integrated electromyography signal from the chin
PTT Raw.txt PTT\PTT_Raw PTT Raw ms Pulse transit time
HRV LF.txt KardioUSA\vlf HRV LF ms x0.1 RMS Low frequency component of heart rate variability
HRV HF.txt KardioUSA\vhf HRV HF ms x0.1 RMS High frequency component of heart rate variability
Herzfrequenz Kurve.txt KardioUSA\PR_Kurve Heart rate bpm Heart rate curve
RR-Intervall.txt KardioUSA\RR_Abstand RR Interval ms RR interval for heart rate analysis
SVB.txt KardioUSA\svb SVB LF/HF x10 Sympathovagal balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity
AF.txt AtemFreq\AF RR /min Respiratory rate per minute
Obstruktion.txt EffortSync\ObstructionKurve Obstruction degree Obstruction curve in synchronized effort from abdomen and thorax
Phasenwinkel.txt EffortSync\SyncKurve Phase Angle degree Phase angle of synchronized effort
Alpha+Beta FFT.txt SchlafFFT\Alpha_Beta Alpha+Beta FFT % Alpha and beta wave frequency analysis in sleep
Delta FFT.txt SchlafFFT\Delta Delta FFT % Delta wave frequency analysis in sleep
Sigma FFT.txt SchlafFFT\Sigma Sigma FFT µV Sigma wave frequency analysis in sleep
Average Frequency Value.txt SchlafFFT\AFV Average Frequency Value Hz Average frequency value in sleep FFT analysis
Akt.txt Akti\Akti Activity mg Activity level
Licht.txt Licht\Licht Light lux Light intensity in lux
REM Prüfung.txt SchlafProfil\REMProposal REM Confidence - Confidence of automatic REM sleep phase detection

Event annotations

Event annotations from TXT-files
File name Event name [org] Event name [eng] Unit Description
Marker.txt Beginn der Messung Measurement Start - Start of the measurement
Marker.txt RR <dias>/<sys> RR <dias>/<sys> - Diastolic/Systolic blood pressure recording
Marker.txt Licht aus Lights Off - Lights turned off indicating start of sleep
Marker.txt Licht an Lights On - Lights turned on indicating end of sleep
Marker.txt Ende der Messung Measurement End - End of the measurement
Marker.txt Marker Marker - Marker of an unknown type
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Respiratorische Arousal (EEG) Respiratory Arousal (EEG) s EEG arousal due to respiratory effort
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Respiratorische Arousal Respiratory Arousal s Arousal due to respiratory effort
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Flusslimitationen Arousal (EEG) Flow Limitation Arousal (EEG) s EEG arousal due to flow limitations
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Flusslimitationen Arousal Flow Limitation Arousal s Arousal due to flow limitations
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt SpO2 Arousal (EEG) SpO2 Arousal (EEG) s EEG arousal due to oxygen desaturation
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt LM Arousal (EEG) LM Arousal (EEG) s EEG arousal due to limb movements
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt LM Arousal LM Arousal s Arousal due to limb movements
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt PLM Arousal (EEG) PLM Arousal (EEG) s EEG arousal due to periodic limb movements
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt PLM Arousal PLM Arousal s Arousal due to periodic limb movements
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Schnarchen Arousal (EEG) Snoring Arousal (EEG) s EEG arousal due to snoring
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Schnarchen Arousal Snoring Arousal s Arousal due to snoring
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Arousal (EEG) Arousal (EEG) s Spontaneous EEG arousal
Klassifizierte Arousal.txt Arousal Arousal s Spontaneous arousal
Autonome Arousal.txt Autonome Arousal Autonomic Arousal s Autonomic nervous system arousal event
Schlafprofil.txt N1 N1 - N1 sleep stage
Schlafprofil.txt N2 N2 - N2 sleep stage
Schlafprofil.txt N3 N3 - N3 sleep stage
Schlafprofil.txt Rem Rem - Rapid Eye Movement sleep stage
Schlafprofil.txt Wach Awake - Awake state during the measurement
Schlafprofil.txt Artefakt Artifact - Data artifacts due to movements or sensor issues
Körperlage.txt Bauch Prone - Prone position during sleep using gravitation measurement
Körperlage.txt Aufrecht Upright - Upright position using gravitation measurement
Körperlage.txt Links Left - Lying on the left side using gravitation measurement
Körperlage.txt Rechts Right - Lying on the right side using gravitation measurement
Körperlage.txt Rücken Supine - Supine position using gravitation measurement
Körperlage.txt A A - Unknown body position
Klassifizierte Systol..txt Spontane Systol. Spontaneous Systolic mm Hg Spontaneous systolic event
Klassifizierte Systol..txt PLM Systol. PLM Systolic mm Hg Systolic event associated with Periodic Limb Movement
Klassifizierte Systol..txt Respiratorische Systol. Respiratory Systolic mm Hg Systolic event associated with respiration
Klassifizierte Systol..txt RERA Systol. RERA Systolic mm Hg Systolic event associated with Respiratory Effort-Related Arousal
Klassifizierte Systol..txt Schnarchen Systol. Snoring Systolic mm Hg Systolic event associated with snoring
Klassifizierte Systol..txt Körperlage Systol. Position Change Systolic mm Hg Systolic event related to changes in body position
Klassifizierte Systol..txt Limitation Systol. Limitation Systolic mm Hg Systolic event associated with airflow limitation
Effort Ext1 Events.txt Hypopnoe Hypopnea s Hypopnea event using induction plethymography via an external sensory input
Effort Ext1 Events.txt Apnoe Apnea s Apnea event using induction plethymography via an external sensory input
Effort Ext2 Events.txt Hypopnoe Hypopnea s Hypopnoe event using induction plethymography via an external sensory input
Effort Ext2 Events.txt Apnoe Apnea s Apnea event using induction plethymography via an external sensory input
Effort Ext1 Anstieg.txt Anstieg Effort Increase - Increase in breathing effort using induction plethymography via an external sensory input
Effort Ext2 Anstieg.txt Anstieg Effort Increase - Increase in breathing effort using induction plethymography via an external sensory input
Kardio Events.txt Tachykardie (schmale QRS-Komplexe) Tachycardia Narrow QRS s Tachycardia events with narrow QRS complexes
Kardio Events.txt Tachykardie (breite QRS-Komplexe) Tachycardia Broad QRS s Tachycardia with broad QRS complexes
Kardio Events.txt Arrhythmie Arrhythmia s Irregular heartbeat event
Kardio Events.txt Asystole Asystole s Absence of heartbeat event
SpO2 Events.txt Entsättigung Oxygen Desaturation % Oxygen desaturation
SpO2 Events.txt Körperlage Entsättigung Positional Desaturation % Oxygen desaturation event related to body position changes
Spindel K.txt Spindel Spindle ms Sleep spindle event, short bursts of brain activity
Spindel K.txt K-Komplexe K-Complex ms K-complex event, high amplitude waves during sleep
Flow Events.txt Zentrale Apnoe Central Apnea s Central apnea event
Flow Events.txt Hypopnoe Hypopnea s Hypopnea event
Flow Events.txt Zentrale Hypopnoe Central Hypopnea s Central hypopnea event
Flow Events.txt Gemischte Apnoe Mixed Apnea s Mixed apnea event, combination of obstructive and central apnea
Flow Events.txt Obstruktive Apnoe Obstructive Apnea s Obstructive apnea event
Flow Events.txt Körperlage Event Position Change Event s Event related to changes in body position during sleep
Flow Events.txt RERA RERA s Respiratory Effort-Related Arousal event
Flow Events.txt Flusslimitationen Flow Limitation s Flow limitation event
Klassifizierte PTT.txt Spontane PTT Spontaneous PTT ms Spontaneous Pulse Transit Time event
Klassifizierte PTT.txt PLM PTT PLM PTT ms Pulse Transit Time event related to Periodic Limb Movements
Klassifizierte PTT.txt Respiratorische PTT Respiratory PTT ms Pulse Transit Time event related to respiratory activity
Klassifizierte PTT.txt RERA PTT RERA PTT ms Pulse Transit Time event associated with Respiratory Effort-Related Arousals
Klassifizierte PTT.txt Schnarchen PTT Snoring PTT ms Pulse Transit Time event associated with snoring
Klassifizierte PTT.txt Körperlage PTT Positional PTT ms Pulse Transit Time event related to changes in body position
Klassifizierte PTT.txt Limitation PTT Limitation PTT ms Pulse Transit Time event associated with airflow limitation
Phasenw. Events.txt Obstruktive Apnoe Obstructive Apnea s Obstructive apnea event detected from phase angle analysis
Phasenw. Events.txt Zentrale Apnoe Central Apnea s Central apnea event detected from phase angle analysis
REM.txt REM REM µV Rapid eye movement event
REM.txt Blink Blink µV Blink event
PLM Events.txt I-Marker I-Marker dB*s Indicator marker for PLM events
PLM Events.txt P-Marker P-Marker dB*s Position marker for PLM events
PLM Events.txt LM-Körperlage LM Positional dB*s Body position marker for limb movements
PLM Events.txt LM-Resp LM Respiratory dB*s Respiratory marker for limb movements
Spindelfrequenz.txt Spindelfrequenz Spindle Frequency Hz Spindle frequency events
Schnarchen Events.txt Atemgeräusche Breathing Sounds dB Breathing sounds
Schnarchen Events.txt Schnarchen Snoring Sounds dB Snoring sounds
CAP.txt CAP CAP s Cyclic alternating pattern events
Cheyne Stokes.txt Cheyne Stokes Cheyne Stokes s Cheyne-Stokes respiration events

Content of YAML-files from questionnaires and doctor letter


key question [org] question [eng]

Altersbereich (y)

Age range (y)

BMI Bereich (kg / m²)

BMI range (kg / m²)

Arbeitszeitmodell [Vollzeit, Teilzeit, Schichtdienst]

Work schedule model [Full-time, Part-time, Shift work]

Schichtsystem [Früh, Spät, Nacht]

Shift system [Early, Late, Night]

Um wie viel Uhr gehen Sie in der Regel ins Bett?

What time do you usually go to bed?

Wann stehen Sie gewöhnlich auf?

When do you usually get up?

Wie lange benötigen Sie um einzuschlafen?

How long does it take you to fall asleep?

Wie lange schlafen Sie nachts?

How long do you sleep at night?

Mit wie viel Stunden Schlaf wären Sie zufrieden?

With how many hours of sleep would you be satisfied?

Wird Ihr Schlaf gestört durch... [Licht, Lärm, Hitze, Kälte, Schmerzen, andere Störfaktoren]

Is your sleep disturbed by... [Light, Noise, Heat, Cold, Pain, other disturbances]

"Sie würden sich selber als ___ Schläfer bezeichnen." [guter, mäßiger, schlechter]

"You would describe yourself as a ___ sleeper." [good, moderate, poor]


key question [org] question [eng]
13a Schlafen Sie in der Regel alleine? Do you usually sleep alone?
13b Schnarchen Sie? Do you snore?
13c Sind Atempausen bekannt? Are there known pauses in breathing?
13d Bestehen Einschlafprobleme? Do you have problems falling asleep?
13e Schwitzen Sie nachts viel? Do you sweat a lot at night?
13f Leiden Sie morgens unter Kopfschmerzen? Do you suffer from headaches in the morning?
13g Haben Sie morgens einen trockenen Mund? Do you have a dry mouth in the morning?
13h Werden Sie nachts wach? Wenn ja, wie häufig? Do you wake up at night? If yes, how often?
13i Müssen Sie nachts Wasser lassen? Wenn ja, wie häufig? Do you need to urinate at night? If yes, how often?
13aa Leiden Sie unter Einschlafstörungen? Do you suffer from difficulties falling asleep?
13k Richten Sie sich im Schlaf auf oder gehen Sie im Raum umher oder machen unbewusst Verschiedenes? Do you sit up in your sleep, walk around the room, or do various things unconsciously?
13l Leiden Sie nachts unter Luftnot? Do you suffer from shortness of breath at night?
13m Bemerken Sie nachts Herzklopfen? Do you notice palpitations at night?
13n Leiden Sie unter unruhigen Beinen, vor allem abends? Do you suffer from restless legs, especially in the evening?
13p Leiden Sie unter Sodbrennen? Do you suffer from heartburn?
13q Schlafen Sie in anderer Umgebung besser als im eigenen Bett? Do you sleep better in a different environment than in your own bed?
13r Schlafen Sie tagsüber plötzlich ein? Do you suddenly fall asleep during the day?
13s Halten Sie einen Mittagsschlaf? Wie lange (Minuten)? Do you take a nap? How long (minutes)?
13t Hatten Sie schon einmal einen Unfall durch Müdigkeit? Have you ever had an accident due to fatigue?
13u Bestehen tagsüber Konzentrationsprobleme? Do you have concentration problems during the day?
13v Leiden Sie unter Tagesmüdigkeit? Do you suffer from daytime sleepiness?
13w Trinken Sie abends vor dem Zubettgehen Alkohol? Do you drink alcohol before going to bed in the evening?
13x Rauchen Sie oder haben Sie früher geraucht? Falls ja, wie viele Zigaretten pro Tag und wie viele Jahre? Do you smoke or have you smoked in the past? If yes, how many cigarettes per day and for how many years?
13y Treiben Sie regelmäßig (mind. 1x/Woche) Sport? Do you exercise regularly (at least once a week)?
13z Leidet jemand in Ihrer Familie an Schlafstörungen? Wenn ja, welche? Does anyone in your family suffer from sleep disorders? If yes, which ones?



key data [org] data [eng]
Schlafmedizinische Diagnose Schlafmedizinische Diagnose Sleep medical diagnosis

Task for the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (from the questionnaire, translated into English)

"The following question relates to your normal everyday life recently: How likely do you think it is that you would nod off or fall asleep in one of the following situations - i.e. not just feel tired? Even if you have not experienced some of these situations recently, try to imagine how they would have affected you. Please use the following scale to make as accurate an assessment as possible for each situation and tick the corresponding number: 0 = would never nod off 1 = low probability of nodding off 2 = medium probability of nodding off 3 = high probability of nodding off"


key situation [org] situation [eng]
Im Sitzen lesend Im Sitzen lesend While sitting and reading
Beim Fernsehen Beim Fernsehen While watching TV
Wenn Sie passiv in der Öffentlichkeit sitzen Wenn Sie passiv (als Zuhörer) in der Öffentlichkeit sitzen (z.B. im Theater oder bei einem Vortrag) If you are sitting passively (as an audience member) in public (e.g. in a theater or at a lecture)
Als Beifahrer im Auto während einer einstündigen Fahrt ohne Pause Als Beifahrer im Auto während einer einstündigen Fahrt ohne Pause As a passenger in the car during a one-hour drive without a break
Wenn Sie sich am Nachmittag hingelegt haben, um auszuruhen Wenn Sie sich am Nachmittag hingelegt haben, um auszuruhen When you lie down to rest in the afternoon
Wenn Sie sich mit jemandem unterhalten Wenn Sie sitzen und sich mit jemand unterhalten When you are sitting and talking to someone
Wenn Sie nach dem Mittagessen ruhig dasitzen Wenn Sie nach dem Mittagessen (ohne Alkohol) ruhig dasitzen When you sit quietly after lunch (without alcohol)
Wenn Sie als Fahrer verkehrsbedingt einige Minuten halten müssen Wenn Sie als Fahrer verkehrsbedingt einige Minuten halten müssen When you are driving a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic


key question [org] question [eng]
Missempfinden Leiden Sie in Ruhe- und Entspannungssituationen (Fernsehen, Kino, Busfahrten etc.) unter unangenehmen bis qualvollen Missempfindungen wie Ziehen, Jucken, Reißen oder Kribbeln in Beinen oder Armen? Do you suffer from unpleasant to agonizing sensations such as pulling, itching, tearing, or tingling in your legs or arms during rest and relaxation situations (watching TV, cinema, bus rides, etc.)?
Bewegungsdrang Werden Sie dann durch einen unstillbaren Bewegungsdrang zum Aufstehen und Umhergehen gezwungen? Are you then compelled to stand up and walk around due to an irresistible urge to move?
Beschwerdenbeseitigung Sind diese Beschwerden durch aktive Bewegung, kalte Fußbäder, Massagen o.ä. vorübergehend zu lindern oder zubeseitigen? Can these complaints be temporarily alleviated or eliminated by active movement, cold foot baths, massages, etc.?
Bewegung Haben Sie keine oder kaum Beschwerden, solange Sie am Tage in Bewegung sind? Do you have no or hardly any complaints as long as you are moving during the day?
Beschwerdenzunahme Bemerken Sie eine Zunahme der Beschwerden abends oder nachts? Do you notice an increase in complaints in the evening or at night?
Schlafstoerung Leiden Sie unter Ein- und/oder Durchschlafstörungen? Do you suffer from difficulties falling asleep and/or staying asleep?
abgespannt Fühlen Sie sich tagsüber häufig müde, abgespannt und erschöpft? Do you often feel tired, worn out, and exhausted during the day?
Entspannungsverhinderung Verhindern die Beschwerden in den Beinen auch tagsüber Ruhe und Entspannung? Fühlen Sie sich durch die Beschwerden in Ihren sozialen Aktivitäten eingeschränkt (z.B. Verzicht auf Kino- oder Theaterbesuche, Vermeiden von Flugreisen)? Do the complaints in the legs also prevent rest and relaxation during the day? Do you feel restricted in your social activities due to the complaints (e.g., avoiding cinema or theater visits, avoiding air travel)?
Beinzuckungen Bemerkt Ihr Partner nachts häufig unwillkürliche Zuckungen Ihrer Beine oder Füße während Sie schlafen? Does your partner often notice involuntary twitches of your legs or feet while you sleep at night?
Verwandtschaft Gibt es jemanden in Ihrer Verwandtschaft, der über ähnliche Symptome klagt? Is there anyone in your family who complains of similar symptoms?


key question [org] question [eng]
1 Wann sind Sie während der letzten vier Wochen gewöhnlich abends zu Bett gegangen? [übliche Uhrzeit] What time have you usually gone to bed at night over the last four weeks? [usual time]
2 Wie lange hat es während der letzten vier Wochen gewöhnlich gedauert, bis Sie nachts eingeschlafen sind? [in Minuten] How long has it usually taken you to fall asleep at night over the last four weeks? [in minutes]
3 Wann sind Sie während der letzten vier Wochen gewöhnlich morgens aufgestanden? [übliche Uhrzeit] What time have you usually gotten up in the morning over the last four weeks? [usual time]
4 Wie viele Stunden haben Sie während der letzten vier Wochen pro Nacht tatsächlich geschlafen? [Effektive Schlafzeit (Stunden) pro Nacht] How many hours of actual sleep did you get at night over the last four weeks? [Effective sleep hours per night]
  Wie oft haben Sie während der letzten vier Wochen schlecht geschlafen, ... [Während der letzten vier Wochen nicht, Weniger als einmal pro Woche, Einmal oder zweimal pro Woche, Dreimal oder häufiger pro Woche] How often have you slept badly during the last four weeks, ... [Not during the last four weeks, Less than once a week, Once or twice a week, Three or more times per week]
5a ... weil Sie nicht innerhalb von 30 Minuten einschlafen konnten? ... because you couldn't fall asleep within 30 minutes?
5b ... weil Sie mitten in der Nacht oder früh morgens aufgewacht sind? ... because you woke up in the middle of the night or early morning?
5c ... weil Sie aufstehen mussten, um zur Toilette zu gehen? ... because you had to get up to use the bathroom?


key question [org] question [eng]
  Wie oft haben Sie während der letzten vier Wochen schlecht geschlafen, ... [Während der letzten vier Wochen nicht, Weniger als einmal pro Woche, Einmal oder zweimal pro Woche, Dreimal oder häufiger pro Woche] How often have you slept badly during the last four weeks, ... [Not during the last four weeks, Less than once a week, Once or twice a week, Three or more times per week]
5d ... weil Sie Beschwerden beim Atmen hatten? ... because you had difficulty breathing?
5e ... weil Sie husten mussten oder laut geschnarcht haben? ... because you had to cough or snored loudly?
5f ... weil Ihnen zu kalt war? ... because you felt too cold?
5g ... weil Ihnen zu warm war? ... because you felt too warm?
5h ... weil Sie schlecht geträumt hatten? ... because you had bad dreams?
5i ... weil Sie Schmerzen hatten? ... because you had pain?
5j2 ... aus anderen Gründen? ... for other reasons?
6 Wie würden Sie insgesamt die Qualität Ihres Schlafes während der letzten vier Wochen beurteilen? [Sehr gut, Ziemlich gut, Ziemlich schlecht, Sehr schlecht] How would you rate your overall sleep quality over the last four weeks? [Very good, Fairly good, Fairly bad, Very bad]


key question [org] question [eng]
7 Wie oft haben Sie während der letzten vier Wochen Schlafmittel eingenommen (vom Arzt verschriebene oder frei verkäufliche)? [Während der letzten vier Wochen nicht, Weniger als einmal pro Woche, Einmal oder zweimal pro Woche, Dreimal oder häufiger pro Woche] How often have you taken sleeping medication (prescribed or over-the-counter) in the last four weeks? [Not during the last four weeks, Less than once a week, Once or twice a week, Three or more times per week]
8 Wie oft hatten Sie während der letzten vier Wochen Schwierigkeiten wachzubleiben, etwa beim Autofahren, beim Essen oder bei gesellschaftlichen Anlässen? [Während der letzten vier Wochen nicht, Weniger als einmal pro Woche, Einmal oder zweimal pro Woche, Dreimal oder häufiger pro Woche] How often have you had difficulty staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity in the last four weeks? [Not during the last four weeks, Less than once a week, Once or twice a week, Three or more times per week]
9 Hatten Sie während der letzten vier Wochen Probleme, mit genügend Schwung die üblichen Alltagsaufgaben zu erledigen [Keine Probleme, Kaum Probleme, Etwas Probleme, Große Probleme]? During the last four weeks, did you have any difficulty performing daily tasks with enough enthusiasm [No problems, Hardly any problems, Some problems, Major problems]?
10 Schlafen Sie allein in Ihrem Zimmer? [Ja, Ja, aber ein Partner/Mitbewohner schläft in einem anderen Zimmer, Nein, aber der Partner schläft im selben Zimmer, aber nicht im selben Bett, Nein, der Partner schläft im selben Bett] Do you sleep alone in your room? [Yes, Yes, but a partner/roommate sleeps in a different room, No, but the partner sleeps in the same room, not in the same bed, No, the partner sleeps in the same bed]
  Falls Sie einen Mitbewohner / Partner haben, fragen Sie sie/ihn bitte, ob und wie oft er/sie bei Ihnen folgendes bemerkt hat. [Während der letzten vier Wochen nicht, Weniger als einmal pro Woche, Einmal oder zweimal pro Woche, Dreimal oder häufiger pro Woche] If you have a roommate/partner, please ask him/her if and how often he/she has noticed the following with you. [Not during the last four weeks, Less than once a week, Once or twice a week, Three or more times per week]
10a Lautes Schnarchen Loud snoring
10b Lange Atempausen während des Schlafes Long pauses in breathing during sleep
10c Zucken oder ruckartige Bewegungen der Beine während des Schlafes Jerking or twitching leg movements during sleep


key question [org] question [eng]
  Falls Sie einen Mitbewohner / Partner haben, fragen Sie sie/ihn bitte, ob und wie oft er/sie bei Ihnen folgendes bemerkt hat. [Während der letzten vier Wochen nicht, Weniger als einmal pro Woche, Einmal oder zweimal pro Woche, Dreimal oder häufiger pro Woche] If you have a roommate/partner, please ask him/her if and how often he/she has noticed the following with you. [Not during the last four weeks, Less than once a week, Once or twice a week, Three or more times per week]
10d Nächtliche Phasen von Verwirrung oder Desorientierung während des Schlafes, Nighttime episodes of confusion or disorientation during sleep,


key data [org] data [eng]
Zeitaufwand Scoring Zeitaufwand Arousal Scoring Time demand arousal scoring

Usage Notes

The dataset may be used for research that is in-line with the original study goals (see The study is aimed at investigating the utility of Machine Learning (ML) for improving the quality and efficiency of sleep-related arousal diagnostics, reducing technical demands of the data collection process, assessing the utility of a transparent clinical decision support system, studying the clinical relevance of arousals on sleep quality and the utility of ML for medical knowledge discovery in this context.

The file contains instructions on how to load the data using the Python script files provided in the Files section. It also describes how to create statistics using the file, which uses the SweetViz [6] library. Precomputed dataset statistics are provided in the file statistics_DOWNLOAD_TO_VIEW.html, which must be downloaded and viewed locally for the page to render correctly. See the files recommended_training_fold and recommended_test_fold for recommendations of data splits.

You can use the official Python library developed by PhysioNet for working with WFDB files: [2, 3]. LightWave can be used for automatic rendering of the wfdb-files in the Browser [3].


The study protocol was approved by: Ethik-Kommission bei der Landesärztekammer Baden-Württemberg, Liebknechtstr. 33, 70565 Stuttgart, Germany ( Ethics committee number: F-2020-105

The clinical trial under which the data was collected was registered at: German Clinical Trials Register, DRKS-ID: DRKS00033641 (


This research is funded by STZ Softwaretechnik GmbH, 73730 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany.

Conflicts of Interest

IT-Designers Gruppe, Alleenstr. 26, 73730 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany; Klinikum Esslingen GmbH, Hirschlandstraße 97, 73730 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany; University of Tübingen, Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, 72074 Tübingen, Germany; Technical University of Munich, Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München, Germany; Aalen University of Applied Sciences, Beethovenstraße 1, 73430 Aalen, Germany; Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Kanalstraße 33, 73728 Esslingen am Neckar, Germany


  1. Alexandre Gramfort, Martin Luessi, Eric Larson, Denis A. Engemann, Daniel Strohmeier, Christian Brodbeck, Roman Goj, Mainak Jas, Teon Brooks, Lauri Parkkonen, and Matti S. Hämäläinen. MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7(267):1–13, 2013. doi:10.3389/fnins.2013.00267.
  2. Xie, C., McCullum, L., Johnson, A., Pollard, T., Gow, B., & Moody, B. (2023). Waveform Database Software Package (WFDB) for Python (version 4.1.0). PhysioNet.
  3. Goldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P. C., Mark, R., ... & Stanley, H. E. (2000). PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.
  4. Berry, Richard B., et al. "Rules for scoring respiratory events in sleep: update of the 2007 AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: deliberations of the sleep apnea definitions task force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine." Journal of clinical sleep medicine 8.5 (2012): 597-619.
  5. Randerath, Winfried, et al. "Challenges and perspectives in obstructive sleep apnoea: report by an ad hoc working group of the Sleep Disordered Breathing Group of the European Respiratory Society and the European Sleep Research Society." European respiratory journal 52.3 (2018).
  6. Bertrand (2020). SweetViz. Visualize and compare datasets, target values and associations, with one line of code. Accessed: 2024-06-04.


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PhysioNet Credentialed Health Data Use Agreement 1.5.0

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