Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Events Detection from Dynamic ECG Recordings: The 4th China Physiological Signal Challenge 2021 1.0.0
(2,780 bytes)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import wfdb
from utils import qrs_detect, comp_cosEn, save_dict
Written by: Xingyao Wang, Chengyu Liu
School of Instrument Science and Engineering
Southeast University, China
Save answers to '.json' files, the format is as {‘predict_endpoints’: [[s0, e0], [s1, e1], …, [sm-1, em-2]]}.
def load_data(sample_path):
sig, fields = wfdb.rdsamp(sample_path)
length = len(sig)
fs = fields['fs']
return sig, length, fs
def ngrams_rr(data, length):
grams = []
for i in range(0, length-12, 12):
grams.append(data[i: i+12])
return grams
def challenge_entry(sample_path):
This is a baseline method.
sig, _, fs = load_data(sample_path)
sig = sig[:, 1]
end_points = []
r_peaks = qrs_detect(sig, fs=200)
rr_seq = np.diff(r_peaks) / fs
len_rr = len(rr_seq)
rr_seq_slice = ngrams_rr(rr_seq, len_rr)
is_af = []
for rr_period in rr_seq_slice:
cos_en, _ = comp_cosEn(rr_period)
if cos_en <= -1.4:
is_af = np.array([[j] * 12 for j in is_af]).flatten()
rr_seq_last = rr_seq[-12: ]
cos_en, _ = comp_cosEn(rr_seq_last)
if cos_en <= -1.4:
is_af_last = 0
is_af_last = 1
len_rr_remain = len_rr - int(12*len(rr_seq_slice))
is_af = np.concatenate((is_af, np.array([is_af_last] * len_rr_remain).flatten()), axis=0)
if np.sum(is_af) == len(is_af):
end_points.append([0, len(sig)-1])
elif np.sum(is_af) != 0:
state_diff = np.diff(is_af)
start_r = np.where(state_diff==1)[0] + 1
end_r = np.where(state_diff==-1)[0] + 1
if is_af[0] == 1:
start_r = np.insert(start_r, 0, 0)
if is_af[-1] == 1:
end_r = np.insert(end_r, len(end_r), len(is_af)-1)
start_r = np.expand_dims(start_r, -1)
end_r = np.expand_dims(end_r, -1)
start_end = np.concatenate((r_peaks[start_r], r_peaks[end_r]), axis=-1).tolist()
pred_dcit = {'predict_endpoints': end_points}
return pred_dcit
if __name__ == '__main__':
DATA_PATH = sys.argv[1]
RESULT_PATH = sys.argv[2]
if not os.path.exists(RESULT_PATH):
test_set = open(os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'RECORDS'), 'r').read().splitlines()
for i, sample in enumerate(test_set):
sample_path = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, sample)
pred_dict = challenge_entry(sample_path)
save_dict(os.path.join(RESULT_PATH, sample+'.json'), pred_dict)