ECG-ID Database 1.0.0
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Database name: Biometric human identification ECG database (ecgiddb)
Tatiana Lugovaya
for master's thesis "Biometric human identification based on ECG" in 2005
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Electrotechnical University "LETI", Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Database contains 310 ECG recordings, obtained from 90 persons:
- each recording contain 20-second I-lead ECG signal;
- 10 beats in every recording are annotated (unaudited R- and T-wave peaks annotations from an automated detector);
- signals were digitized at 500 Hz with 12-bit resolution;
- number of records for each person vary from 2 (collected during one day) to 20 (collected periodically during 6 months);
- each recording is supplied with an information containing age, gender and record date;
- records were obtained from volunteers among students, colleagues and friends (44 men and 46 women aged from 13 to 75 years);
Collected raw data is rather noisy and contain both high and low frequency noise components.
Each recording combine both raw and filtered signals:
- Column 0 "ECG I": raw signal;
- Column 1 "ECG I filtered": filtered signal;
Contact information:
Tatiana Lugovaya