ECG-Kit 1.0
(1,290 bytes)
function result=qn(x)
%QN is a scale estimator which does not require an auxiliary location estimate.
% Essentially it is the first quartile of all pairwise distances between
% two data points. Its definition is given by
% qn(x)= c_n 2.2219{|x_i - x_j|; i<j}_(k)
% with c_n a small sample correction factor to make the qn unbiased at the
% normal distribution. It can resist 50% outliers.
% If x is a matrix, the scale estimate is computed on the columns of x. The
% result is then a row vector. If x is a column vector, the output is a scalar.
% Reference:
% Rousseeuw P.J., Croux C. (1993),
% "Alternatives to the median absolute deviation",
% Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88, 1273-1283.
% Required input argument:
% x: either a data matrix with n observations in rows, p variables in columns
% or a column vector of length n.
% I/O: result=qn(x);
% This function is part of LIBRA: the Matlab Library for Robust Analysis,
% available at:
% This is help on the C MEX-file "qn.dll". If full Matlab code is required,
% use the qnm.m function.
% Original Fortran Code by C. Croux, translated to MATLAB by S. Verboven.
% Last update : 13/07/2000