ECG-Kit 1.0
(1,280 bytes)
%% (Internal) Generate a PIDs work list
% [pid_starts, pid_ends] = TaskPartition( task_size, cant_pid)
% Arguments:
% + task_size: A positive integer with the size of the job
% + cant_pid: The amount of PIDs to work
% Output:
% + pid_starts: An index array of size cant_pid x 1 with the starting
% indexes for each PID
% + pid_ends: An index array of size cant_pid x 1 with the ending
% indexes for each PID
% Example:
% [pid_starts, pid_ends] = TaskPartition( 10, 2)
% pid_starts = [ 1 6 ]
% pid_ends = [ 5 10 ]
% See also ECGwrapper
% Author: Mariano Llamedo Soria
% Version: 0.1 beta
% Last update: 14/5/2014
% Birthdate : 21/4/2015
% Copyright 2008-2015
function [pid_starts, pid_ends] = TaskPartition( task_size, cant_pid)
%no es recomendable hacerlo mas grande de cant_recs la particion.
cant_pid = min(cant_pid, task_size);
things2do = fix(task_size / cant_pid);
remainder = rem(task_size, cant_pid);
cantThingsXpid = repmat(things2do, cant_pid,1);
cantThingsXpid(1:remainder) = cantThingsXpid(1:remainder) + 1;
pid_ends = cumsum(cantThingsXpid);
pid_starts = [1;pid_ends(1:end-1)+1];