ECG-Kit 1.0
(2,567 bytes)
maxNoAnswers = 3;
cKnownFormats = {'MIT' 'ISHNE', 'AHA', 'HES', 'MAT'};
cHeaderFieldNamesRequired = {'freq' 'nsamp' 'nsig' 'gain' 'adczero' };
cAnnotationsFieldNamesRequired = {'time' };
cKnownLabelings = {'AAMI', 'AAMI2'};
typical_lablists_anntyp = { 'N' 'S' 'V' 'F' 'U' };
typical_lablists = { ...
{ 'Normal'; 'Supraventricular'; 'Ventricular'; 'Fusion'; 'Unclass'} ; ... AAMI
{ 'Normal'; 'Supraventricular'; 'Ventricular'; 'Unclass'} ; ... AAMI2
% maxQRSxIter: Maximum amount of heartbeats in ECG recordings of 2 leads
maxQRSxIter = 5e3;
% Minimum amount of heartbeats to be processed by a PID
min_QRS_perPID = 1500;
overlapping_time = 30; % seconds
cKnownModesOfOperation = {'auto' 'slightly-assisted', 'assisted'};
maxOperMode = length(cKnownModesOfOperation); % maxOperMode modes of operation
% Working sampling rate.
sampling_rate = 360; % Hz
%gzip compression ratio
typical_compression_ratio = 1.5; %times
% target maximum report file size
max_report_filesize = 4 * 1024^2; % bytes
%Java user interface is started. Not started in clusters for example.
bHaveUserInterface = usejava('desktop');
if( ~bHaveUserInterface )
%Cluster settings. Ignore them if running in a PC style computer.
%Limits of the cluster to have multiple process accesing I/O
Loops2io = 100;
MaxNodesReading = 15;
MaxNodesWriting = 15;
% Veces que intentar� ver si un archivo existe en filesystems distribuidos,
% como los del cluster.
%Delayed mounting of filesystems in CLusters. Check many times befor
if( bHaveUserInterface )
Retries2findfiles = 1;
Retries2findfiles = 3;
Time2WaitPIDs = 15 * 60; % seconds.
%path related constants.
mylocation_path = [fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')) filesep ];
%Check compilation of source MEX files
common_path = [mylocation_path 'common' filesep];
source_files = dir([ common_path '*.c'] );
lsource_files = length(source_files);
for ii = 1:lsource_files
[~, source_file_name] = fileparts( source_files(ii).name);
mex_file = dir([common_path source_file_name '.' mexext ]);
if( isempty(mex_file) || mex_file.datenum <= source_files(ii).datenum )
eval(['mex -outdir ''' common_path ''' ''' [common_path source_files(ii).name] '''']);
% ensure PRtools loaded
dummy = prmapping([]);
%the trained linear classifier.
% load('ldc_classifier.mat');