ECG-Kit 1.0
(2,590 bytes)
%GENDATD Generation of 'difficult' normally distributed classes
% N Number of objects in each of the classes (default: [50 50])
% K Dimensionality of the dataset (default: 2)
% D1 Difference in mean in feature 1 (default: 3)
% D2 Difference in mean in feature 2 (default: 3)
% LABTYPE 'crisp' or 'soft' labels (default: 'crisp').
% A Generated dataset
% Generation of a K-dimensional 2-class dataset A of N objects.
% Class variances are very different for the first two dimensions.
% Separation is thereby, for small sample sizes, 'difficult'.
% D1 is the difference between the means for the first feature, D2
% is the difference between the means for the second feature. In all
% other directions the means are equal. The two covariance matrices
% are equal with a variance of 1 in all directions except for the
% second feature, which has a variance of 40. The first two feature
% are rotated over 45 degrees to construct a strong correlation.
% Class priors are P(1) = P(2) = 0.5.
% If N is a vector of sizes, exactly N(I) objects are generated
% for class I, I = 1,2.
% LABTYPE defines the desired label type: 'crisp' or 'soft'. In the
% latter case true posterior probabilities are set for the labels.
% SEE ALSO (<a href="">PRTools Guide</a>)
% Copyright: R.P.W. Duin,
% Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology
% P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
% $Id: gendatd.m,v 1.2 2006/03/08 22:06:58 duin Exp $
function A = gendatd(N,k,d1,d2,labtype)
if nargin < 5, labtype = 'crisp'; end
if nargin < 4, d2 = 3; end
if nargin < 3, d1 = 3; end
if nargin < 2, k = 2; end
if nargin < 1, N = [50 50]; end
if k < 2,
error('Number of features should be larger than 1'),
V = ones(1,k); V(2) = 40; V = sqrt(V);
p = [0.5 0.5];
N = genclass(N,p);
ma = zeros(1,k);
mb = zeros(1,k); mb(1:2) = [d1, d2];
A = [randn(N(1),k).*V(ones(1,N(1)),:) + ma(ones(1,N(1)),:); ...
randn(N(2),k).*V(ones(1,N(2)),:) + mb(ones(1,N(2)),:)];
A(:,1:2) = A(:,1:2)*[1 -1; 1 1]./sqrt(2);
lab = genlab(N);
A = prdataset(A,lab,'name','Difficult Dataset','prior',p);
switch labtype
case 'crisp'
case 'soft'
U = prdataset([ma(1:2);mb(1:2)],getlablist(A));
G = diag(V(1:2));
W = nbayesc(U,G);
targets = A(:,1:2)*W*classc;
A = setlabtype(A,'soft',targets);
error(['Label type ' labtype ' not supported'])