ECG-Kit 1.0
(2,872 bytes)
%CROSSVAL Error/performance estimation by cross validation (rotation)
% A Input dataset
% CLASSF The untrained classifier to be tested.
% NFOLDS Number of folds
% (default: number of samples: leave-one-out)
% NREP Number of repetitions (default: 1)
% TESTFUN Mapping,evaluation function (default classification error)
% ERR Average test error or performance weighted by class priors.
% CERR Unweighted test errors or performances per class
% NLAB_OUT Assigned numeric labels
% STDS Standard deviation over the repetitions.
% R Index array with rotation set
% Cross validation estimation of the error or performance (defined by TESTFUN)
% of the untrained classifier CLASSF using the dataset A. The set is randomly
% permutated and divided in NFOLDS (almost) equally sized parts, using a
% stratified procedure. The classifier is trained on NFOLDS-1 parts and the
% remaining part is used for testing. This is rotated over all parts. ERR
% is
% their weighted avarage over the class priors. CERR are the class error
% frequencies. The inputs A and/or CLASSF may be cell arrays of datasets and
% classifiers. In that case ERR is an array with on position ERR(i,j) the
% error or performance of classifier j for dataset i. In this mode CERR and
% NLAB_OUT are returned in cell arrays.
% For NREP > 1 the mean error(s) over the repetitions is returned in ERR
% and the standard deviations in the observed errors in STDS.
% If NREP == 'DPS', crossvalidation is done by density preserving data
% splitting (DPS). In this case NFOLD should be a power of 2.
% In case NREP == 0 an index array is returned pointing to a fold for every
% object. No training or testing is done. This is useful for handling
% training and testing outside CROSSVAL.
% Note that this routine is identical to the PRCROSSVAL rouitne located in
% the PRTools main directory. It thereby avoids confusion with the CROSSVAL
% routine in the Stats toolbox if called by a dataset as a first parameter.
% Users should preferably call PRCROSSVAL for the PRTools routine and use
% CROSSVAL for the Stats version.
% 1. R. Kohavi: A Study of Cross-Validation and Bootstrap for Accuracy
% Estimation and Model Selection. IJCAI 1995: 1137-1145.
% 2. M. Budka, B. Gabrys, Correntropy-based density-preserving data
% sampling as an alternative to standard cross-validation, IJCNN2010, 1-8
% SEE ALSO (<a href="">PRTools Guide</a>)