ECG-Kit 1.0
(1,367 bytes)
%PRMEM Size of memory and loops for intermediate results
% Assume that an array of the size [M x K] has to be processed. The
% numbers of LOOPS and ROWS are determined which are needed such that
% ROWS*K < GLOBALPRMEMORY (a global variable that is initialized in this
% routine, if necessary). The final number of rows for the last loop
% is returned in LAST.
% [M,K] = size(A);
% [LOOPS,ROWS,LAST] = prmem(M,K);
% if (LOOPS == 1)
% RESULT = < compute the result based on A >
% else
% RESULT = 0;
% for J =1:LOOPS
% if (J == LOOPS), N = LAST; else N = ROWS; end
% NN = (J-1)*ROWS;
% RESULT = RESULT + < compute a partial result based on A(NN+1:NN+N,:) >
% end
% end
% Copyright: R.P.W. Duin,
% Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology
% P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
% $Id: prmem.m,v 1.3 2007/03/22 07:46:46 duin Exp $
function [loops,n,n1] = prmem(m,k)
if nargin < 2, k = 1; end
n = min([floor(prmemory/k),m]);
if (nargin < 2 & m > prmemory) | (n == 0)
error(['Desired data size too large for PRMEMORY. Solutions:' newline ...
'- decrease data size' newline ...
'- increase PRMEMORY, see prmemory' newline ...
'- consider batch processing, see setbatch']);
loops = ceil(m/n);
n1 = m - (loops-1)*n;