ECG-Kit 1.0
(5,493 bytes)
%ROC Receiver-Operator Curve
% E = ROC(A,W,C,N)
% E = ROC(B,C,N)
% A Dataset
% W Trained classifier, or
% B Classification result, B = A*W*CLASSC
% C Index of desired class (default: C = 1)
% N Number of points on the Receiver-Operator Curve (default: 100)
% E Structure containing the error of the two classes
% Computes N points on the receiver-operator curve of the classifier W for
% class C in the labeled dataset B, which is typically the result of
% B = A*W; or for the dataset A labelled by applying the (cell array of)
% trained classifiers W.
% Note that a Receiver-Operator Curve is related to a specific class (class C)
% for which the errors are plotted horizontally. The total error on all other
% classes is plotted vertically. The class index C refers to its position in
% the label list of the dataset (A or B). It can be found by GETCLASSI.
% The curve is computed for N thresholds of the posteriori probabilities
% stored in B. The resulting error frequencies for the two classes are
% stored in the structure E. E.XVALUES contains the errors in the first
% class, E.ERROR contains the errors in the second class. In multi-class
% problems these are the mean values in a single class, respectively the
% mean values in all other classes. This may not be very useful, but not
% much more can be done as for multi-class cases the ROC is equivalent to a
% multi-dimensional surface.
% Use PLOTE(E) for plotting the result. In the plot the two types of error
% are annotated as 'Error I' (error of the first kind) and 'Error II' (error
% of the second kind). All error estimates are weighted according the class
% prior probabilities. Remove the priors in A or B (by setprior(A,[])) to
% produce a vanilla ROC.
% Train set A and test set T:
% B = T*NMC(A); E = ROC(T,50); PLOTE(E); % Plots a single curve
% E = ROC(T,A*{NMC,UDC,QDC}); PLOTE(E); % Plots 3 curves
% 1. R.O. Duda, P.E. Hart, and D.G. Stork, Pattern classification, 2nd edition,
% John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2001.
% 2. A. Webb, Statistical Pattern Recognition, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
% 2002.
% Copyright: R.P.W. Duin,
% Faculty EWI, Delft University of Technology
% P.O. Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
% $Id: roc.m,v 1.8 2009/07/09 14:17:38 davidt Exp $
function e = roc(a,w,clas,n)
% Depending on the call, CLAS may the third or second argument.
% and N the third or the fourth.
if nargin < 4, n = []; end
if nargin < 3, clas= []; end
if nargin < 2, w = []; end
if nargin < 1, a= []; end
if isempty(a)
e = prmapping('roc','fixed',{w,clas,n});
name = [];
num_w = 1;
compute = 0;
if isa(w,'double') | isempty(w)
n = clas;
clas = w;
b = a;
elseif iscell(w)
num_w = length(w);
compute = 1;
elseif ismapping(w)
b = a*w*classc;
name = getname(w);
error('Classifier or cell array of classifiers expected.')
if isempty(n),
n = 100;
prwarning(4,'number of ROC points not given, assuming 100');
if isempty(clas)
clas = 1;
prwarning(4,'no class given, class 1 assumed');
p = getprior(a);
datname = getname(a);
lablist = getlablist(a,'string');
if size(lablist,1)<2
error('At least two classes should be present for computing the ROC curve.');
if clas > size(lablist,1)
error('Wrong class number')
clasname= lablist(clas,:);
%DXD: also check the class sizes:
cs = classsizes(a);
if cs(clas)==0
error(['Class ',clas,' does not contain objects.']);
cs(clas) = 0;
if sum(cs)==0
error(['One of the classes does not contain objects.']);
% Set up the ROC structure.
e.error = zeros(num_w,n+1);
e.std = zeros(num_w,n+1);
e.xvalues = [0:n]/n;;
e.n = 1;
e.xlabel = 'Error I';
e.ylabel = 'Error II';
e.plot = 'plot';
e.names = name;
if (~isempty(datname))
e.title = ['ROC curve for the ' datname ', class ' clasname];
for j = 1:num_w
thr = []; % Threshold range, will be set below.
% If a cell array of classifiers was given, apply each one here.
if (compute)
v = w{j};
if (~istrained(v))
error('The supplied classifier mappings should be trained.')
b = a*v*classc;
e.names = char(e.names,getname(v));
b = b*normm; % make sure we have a normalised classification matrix
[m,c] = size(b); nlab = getnlab(b); d = sort(b(:));
% Attempt to compute a good threshold range on the first classified
% dataset.
if (isempty(thr))
thr = [min(d)-eps d(ceil(([1:n-1]/(n-1))*m*c))' 1+eps];
e1 = []; e2 = [];
% NLAB_OUT will be one where B is larger than THR.
I = matchlablist(getlablist(b),getfeatlab(b)); % Correct possible changes class orders
nlab_out = (repmat(+b(:,I(clas)),1,n+1) >= repmat(thr,m,1));
% ERRS will be 1 where the numeric label is unequal to NLAB_OUT
% (i.e., where errors occur).
errs = (repmat((nlab==clas),1,n+1) ~= nlab_out);
% Split the cases where ERRS = 1 into cases for CLAS (E1) and all
% other classes (E2).
e1 = [mean(errs(find(nlab==clas),:),1)];
e2 = [mean(errs(find(nlab~=clas),:),1)];
% Fill results in the ROC structure.
e.error(j,:) = e2;
e.xvalues(j,:) = e1;
% First name will be the empty string [], remove it.
if (num_w > 1)
e.names(1,:) = [];