Icelandic 16-electrode Electrohysterogram Database 1.0.0

File: <base>/ice036_p_1of6.hea (1,516 bytes)
ice036_p_1of6 16 200 726000
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -12895 0 EHG1
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 1703 0 EHG10
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 19538 0 EHG11
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 26190 0 EHG12
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 4056 0 EHG13
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -25895 0 EHG14
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 22488 0 EHG15
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -31111 0 EHG16
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -4500 0 EHG2
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 22134 0 EHG3
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 -24119 0 EHG4
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 30760 0 EHG5
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 19329 0 EHG6
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 11195 0 EHG7
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 12302 0 EHG8
ice036_p_1of6.dat 16 131.068/mV 15 0 0 30954 0 EHG9

#Record type:pregnancy
#Record number:1/6
#BMI before pregnancy:31.0
#BMI at recording:35.5
#Previous caesarean:No
#Placental position:Anterior/High
#Gestational age at recording(w/d):31/6
#Gestational age at delivery:41/1
#Mode of delivery:Emergency caesarean due to other than slow progress
#Synthetic oxytocin use in labour:No
#Epidural during labour:No
#Comments for recording:
#Participant feels contraction sensation in the lower region of abdomen at 43 minutes.
#Comments for delivery:
#Participant was in spontaneous labour before the caesarean.