Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 2.0.0
(461 bytes)
ndof_force_combination6_sample1 5 100 2500
ndof_force_combination6_sample1.dat 16 125746.4119(-952)/V 0 0 -1178 -11841 0 thumb
ndof_force_combination6_sample1.dat 16 144424.3653(13441)/V 0 0 13392 -7831 0 index
ndof_force_combination6_sample1.dat 16 1403598.2009(-859)/V 0 0 7 -19672 0 middle
ndof_force_combination6_sample1.dat 16 2214734.7077(-438)/V 0 0 -2182 -22288 0 ring
ndof_force_combination6_sample1.dat 16 2013333.3333(9971)/V 0 0 6936 19243 0 little