Open Access Dataset and Toolbox of High-Density Surface Electromyogram Recordings 2.0.0
(463 bytes)
ndof_force_combination8_sample2 5 100 2500
ndof_force_combination8_sample2.dat 16 114411.9136(-3345)/V 0 0 -3536 6488 0 thumb
ndof_force_combination8_sample2.dat 16 889682.3242(-15888)/V 0 0 -14333 -16279 0 index
ndof_force_combination8_sample2.dat 16 754913.0285(-9760)/V 0 0 743 704 0 middle
ndof_force_combination8_sample2.dat 16 204838.5584(18206)/V 0 0 18354 26020 0 ring
ndof_force_combination8_sample2.dat 16 813480.6356(15449)/V 0 0 15912 -16761 0 little