Heartprints - A Dynamical Portrait of Cardiac Arrhythmia 1.0.0

File: <base>/src/Makefile (623 bytes)
# Makefile   Jennifer Healey - jahealey@physionet.org	 Dec 19 2001

CC = gcc
BINDIR = /usr/local/bin

hp_scatter :	hp_scatter.c
	$(CC) -O -o $@ hp_scatter.c -lm

	@echo "Type 'make all' to compile everything in this directory."
	@echo "Type 'make install' to install executables into" $(BINDIR)
	@echo "Type 'make clean' to remove binaries and backups."

all:	hp_scatter

install:	hp_scatter
	test -d $(BINDIR) || mkdir $(BINDIR)
	install -s hp_scatter $(BINDIR)
	cp heartprint hp_hist hp_rrlist $(BINDIR)

	cd $(BINDIR); rm -f heartprint hp_hist hp_rrlist hp_scatter

	rm -f hp_scatter *.o *~ core