Leipzig Heart Center ECG-Database: Arrhythmias in Children and Patients with Congenital Heart Disease 1.0.0

File: <base>/dataset_info.csv (2,184 bytes)
aAVNRTXavnrtAberrated AVNRT
aAVRTXavrtAberrated AVRT
ABL12Ablation and mapping catheter (distal electrodes)
AFXAFIBAtrial Fibrillation
AFLXAFLAtrial Flutter
AIVRXIVRAccelerated Idioventricular Rhythm
APAccessory Pathway
aPACaAberrated premature atrial beats
APB//AAtrial Paced beats
ATAtrial Tachycardia
AVB1AV-Block 1
AVNRTXAVNRTAtrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia
AVRTXAVRTAtrioventricular reentrant tachycardia
CHDCongenital heart defect
cLBBBBLComplete left bundle branch block
cRBBBBRComplete right bundle branch block
CS12Coronary sinus electrodes 1/2 (distal)
CS34Coronary sinus electrodes 3/4
CS56Coronary sinus electrodes 5/6
CS78Coronary sinus electrodes 7/8
CS90Coronary sinus electrodes 9/10 (proximal)
EATXEATEctopic atrial tachycardia
EPSElectrophysiological study
FBFFusion beats
Fusion VPB+NBfFusion of Ventricular paced beat and Normal Beat
IEGMIntracardiac electrograms
JEBJunctional escape beats
nsVTnon-sustained ventricular tachycardia
PACAPremature atrial beats
PJCJPremature junctional beats
PJRTPermanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia
pPACAA-PrexPreexcitated premature atrial beats
PVCPVCVPremature ventricular beats
RVA12Catheter in the right ventricular apex (distal electrodes)
SVTSupraventricular tachycardia
TOFTetralogy of Fallot
VPB//VVentricular Paced beats
VTXVTVentricular tachycardia
WFDBWave Form Database
+(NSinus rhythm
+(VTrhythm of Ventricular Tachycardia
+(IVRAccelerated Idioventricular Rhythm
+(AVRTrhythm of Atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia
+(AVNRTrhythm of Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachcardia
+(AFIBrhythm of Atrial Fibrillation
+(EATrhythm of Ectopic atrial tachycardia
+(AFLrhythm of Atrial Flutter
+(AEctopic atrial rhythm
+(BVentricular bigeminy rhythm
+(JJunctional rhythm
+(/AAtrial Paced rhythm
+(/VVentricular Paced rhythm