Long Term ST Database 1.0.0

File: <base>/trends/00README (3,497 bytes)
The sXYYYZ_SS-EE.png files contain figures of trend plots of diagnostic
and morphology parameters of the records and their annotation streams.
X is the number of ECG leads, YYY is the patient number, Z is the record
number of this patient, SS is the start time of the trends in hours, and
EE is the end time of the trends in hours.

Each file contains a figure with following plots (from top to bottom):

Heart Rate: Heart rate in bpm

Combined Epis.: Combined (in the sense of logical OR) ST segment change
episode annotation stream obtained by merging together the ST episode
annotations of ischemic ST episodes and of heart-rate related ST episodes
from the simultaneous leads into one single ST annotation stream
(narrow rectangles: ischemic ST episodes,  wide rectangles: heart-rate
related ST episodes)

ST Level: ST level function measured at the J + 80(60) milliseconds
(depending oh heart rate) in uV (lead 0)
ST Reference (red): ST reference function in uV (lead 0)

ST Deviation: ST deviation function in uV (lead 0)

Is/RR: ST segment episode annotation stream (lead 0)
(narrow rectangles: ischemic ST episodes, wide rectangles: heart-rate
related ST episodes)

Ax/CC: ST segment shifts (lead 0)
(short vertical lines: axis shifts, longer vertical lines: QRS conduction

ST Slope: Amplitude difference in uV between the ST level function and
the ST level function measured at the J + 20 milliseconds point (lead 0)

ST Level: ST level function measured at the J + 80(60) milliseconds
(depending oh heart rate) in uV (lead 1)
ST Reference (red): ST reference function in uV (lead 1)

ST Deviation: ST deviation function in uV (lead 1)

Is/RR: ST segment episode annotation stream (lead 1)
(narrow rectangles: ischemic ST episodes, wide rectangles: heart-rate
related ST episodes)

Ax/CC: ST segment shifts (lead 1)
(short vertical lines: axis shifts, longer vertical lines: QRS conduction

ST Slope: Amplitude difference in uV between the ST level function and
the ST level function measured at the J + 20 milliseconds point (lead 1)

[ ST Level: ST level function measured at the J + 80(60) milliseconds
  (depending oh heart rate) in uV (lead 2) ]
[ ST Reference (red): ST reference function in uV (lead 2) ]

[ ST Deviation: ST deviation function in uV (lead 2) ]

[ Is/RR: ST segment episode annotation stream (lead 2)
  (narrow rectangles: ischemic ST episodes, wide rectangles: heart-rate
  related ST episodes) ]

[ Ax/CC: ST segment shifts (lead 2)
  (short vertical lines: axis shifts, longer vertical lines: QRS conduction
  changes) ]

[ ST Slope: Amplitude difference in uV between the ST level function and
  the ST level function measured at the J + 20 milliseconds point (lead 2) ]

Unread/Noise l0: Unreadable intervals and noisy events (lead 0)

Unread/Noise l1: Unreadable intervals and noisy events (lead 1)

[ Unread/Noise l2: Unreadable intervals and noisy events (lead 2) ]

Abnormal Beats: Abnormal heart beats

QRS KL1-5: Time series of the first 5 Karhunen-Loeve coefficient
representation of QRS complexes (units in st.d.)

QRS Distance: Mahalanobis distance measure when using the first 5
Karhunen-Loeve coefficients of QRS complexes (units in st.d.)

ST KL1-5: Time series of the first 5 Karhunen-Loeve coefficient
representation of ST segments (units in st.d.)

ST Distance: Mahalanobis distance measure when using the first 5
Karhunen-Loeve coefficients of ST segments (units in st.d.)

Time: Time in hh:mm:ss