Influence of the MHD effect on 12-lead and 3-lead ECGs recorded in 1T to 7T MRI scanners 1.0.0

File: <base>/ECGMRI3T08Hf.hea (1,818 bytes)
ECGMRI3T08Hf 12 1024 718200
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 11861.4215(-2722)/mV 0 0 8470 1555 0 I
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 9851.2843(-1948)/mV 0 0 -1915 -5606 0 II
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 9288.457(1234)/mV 0 0 -7499 -342 0 III
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 12718.986(1964)/mV 0 0 -4048 -3013 0 aVR
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 14172.9989(-4020)/mV 0 0 9329 15629 0 aVL
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 9635.6627(-279)/mV 0 0 -4800 -12497 0 aVF
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 9028.6814(-665)/mV 0 0 9932 7397 0 V1
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 23986.6(-1879)/mV 0 0 242 -14413 0 V2
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 17175.0687(-6984)/mV 0 0 -12045 21509 0 V3
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 16515.7936(-1792)/mV 0 0 -5845 4696 0 V4
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 19935.2295(-1843)/mV 0 0 -6981 -4311 0 V5
ECGMRI3T08Hf.dat 16 8471.1056(17849)/mV 0 0 14411 24614 0 V6
#*Technical parameters of the MR scanner:
#--Magnetic field strength:3T
#--MR scanner:Siemens Magnetom Skyra
#--Orientation of the static magnetic field (B0):Horizontal
#*Technical parameters of the ECG hardware: 
#--ECG recorder:Getemed CM 3000, 12-lead Holter ECG
#--ADC resolution:12bit
#--ADC input voltage range:+/-6mV
#--ECG lead configuration:Diagnostic 12 lead ECG
#*Information about the subject: 
#--Positon in the scanner:Head first (Hf)
#--Respiration:Spontaneous respiration
#*Electrocardiographic information: 
#--Manual annotations of all QRS complexes
#--No distinction between normal and abnormal beats (e.g. ectopic beats)
#--No known cardiac diseases
#*Contact information: 
#--Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg, Germany
#--Johannes Krug Passand
#--krug.johannes at
#[1] J. Krug et al., A Database of Electrocardiogram Signals Acquired in Different Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scanners, Proc Comput Cardiol, 44, 2017