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MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA: A Complex, Diverse, And Large-Scale Visual Question Answering Dataset for Chest X-ray Images

Seongsu Bae Daeun Kyung Jaehee Ryu Eunbyeol Cho Gyubok Lee Sunjun Kweon Jungwoo Oh Lei JI Eric Chang Tackeun Kim Edward Choi

Published: July 19, 2024. Version: 1.0.0

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Bae, S., Kyung, D., Ryu, J., Cho, E., Lee, G., Kweon, S., Oh, J., JI, L., Chang, E., Kim, T., & Choi, E. (2024). MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA: A Complex, Diverse, And Large-Scale Visual Question Answering Dataset for Chest X-ray Images (version 1.0.0). PhysioNet.

Additionally, please cite the original publication:

Bae, S., Kyung, D., Ryu, J., Cho, E., Lee, G., Kweon, S., ... & Choi, E. (2024). EHRXQA: A multi-modal question answering dataset for electronic health records with chest x-ray images. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.

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Goldberger, A., Amaral, L., Glass, L., Hausdorff, J., Ivanov, P. C., Mark, R., ... & Stanley, H. E. (2000). PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a new research resource for complex physiologic signals. Circulation [Online]. 101 (23), pp. e215–e220.


We introduce MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA (i.e., Extended from MIMIC database), a complex, diverse, and large-scale dataset designed for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks within the medical domain, focusing primarily on chest radiographs. This dataset includes approximately 377K entries derived from the MIMIC-CXR-JPG, MIMIC-IV, and Chest ImaGenome datasets, all sourced from Physionet. It features questions generated from 48 unique templates across seven content types: presence, anatomy, attribute, abnormality, size, plane, and gender. Each template, developed under the guidance of a board-certified medical expert to ensure clinical relevance, addresses both standard content from previous medical VQA tasks and more complex scenarios involving set and logical operations. To further enhance linguistic diversity while maintaining a medical context, we implemented a paraphrasing strategy with an average of 16.5 paraphrases per template, developed through carefully designed prompts based on GPT-4.

The primary aim of MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA is to serve as a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating medical VQA methodologies. However, the significance of this dataset extends far beyond just medical VQA benchmarking. It not only provides a foundational tool for developing and testing VQA methods but also acts as a valuable resource for instruction tuning of medical Vision-and-Language Models (VLMs), addressing the scarcity of medical instruction datasets. Furthermore, the integration of structured EHRs (i.e., MIMIC-IV) with our dataset, MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA, opens new avenues for the development of multi-modal AI frameworks that leverage both imaging and tabular modalities of patient records. By making this dataset publicly accessible, we aim to improve the understanding of medical images and stimulate further innovation within the realm of medical AI.


With the success of Visual Question Answering (VQA) in the general domain [1,2], there is growing interest in adapting this AI technology to medical imaging [3-10], especially chest X-ray images [11-13]. Medical VQA is designed to support diagnostic radiologists by providing answers to image-based medical questions, thereby reducing their workload and serving as a complementary tool. The use of natural language responses allows these systems to not only streamline radiologists' workflows [14] but also make medical expertise more accessible, especially in underserved areas [15]. Furthermore, this capability to communicate complex medical information in an easily understandable manner enhances patient engagement [13,14].

Despite several existing medical VQA datasets focused on chest X-ray images, they often fall short in terms of complexity, diversity, and scalability. Many are confined to simplistic questions with a limited range of templates, lack diverse paraphrases, and contain insufficient QA samples for comprehensive evaluation. Moreover, these limitations impede the improvement of medical VQA models in performance and robustness, particularly in addressing detailed diagnostic queries crucial for medical practice. To bridge these gaps, we introduce the MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA dataset. Designed with complex set and logical operations, it includes 48 unique templates and approximately 377,000 entries, making it a comprehensive, diverse, and large-scale resource tailored for Visual Question Answering tasks within the medical domain.


Data Preprocessing

We use MIMIC-CXR [15,16] as our image source and Chest ImaGenome [17] for label information. In MIMIC-CXR, each patient can have multiple studies arranged in chronological order, and each study can contain multiple CXR images. From each study, we select one representative frontal view (i.e., AP or PA) image. We then assign labels to these images derived from the Chest ImaGenome silver/gold datasets. As a result, each CXR image features 563 distinct relations among 36 objects, each linked to several attributes from a pool of 68 attributes (across 5 categories: anatomical findings, diseases, devices, tubes/lines, and technical assessment). Each relation indicates the presence (1) or absence (0) of an attribute (e.g., lung cancer) within a category (e.g., disease), linked to an object (e.g., left lung). For data splitting, we use the machine-generated silver label dataset for training and validation, with a 95:5 split, while the human-labeled gold dataset serves as the test dataset.

Question Template Construction

We started by analyzing existing medical VQA datasets [3-8] and templated their questions to match our preprocessed data schema (i.e., object, attribute, category), thus handcrafting our initial seed templates. We drew inspiration from general VQA datasets [1,2,18,19], enhancing these seed templates using logical and set operations to create a more diverse and complex set of question templates. We further incorporated clinically relevant factors [7] into our templates, such as the patient's gender (i.e., male, female), CXR view position (i.e., PA, AP), and size-related features (i.e., width ratio between two anatomical locations). As a result, we defined a total of 48 templates, all of which were evaluated by a medical expert for clinical importance. These templates fall into 3 semantic types (defining the response required: verify for yes/no, choose for selection from options, and query for information retrieval) and 7 content types (classifying the question's focus: presence, anatomy, attribute, abnormality, size, plane, and gender).

Here are the details about semantic and content types:

Semantic Types:

  • Verify: Yes/no questions.
  • Choose: Questions that require selecting the answer from given choices.
  • Query: Open-ended questions.

Content Types:

  • Presence: Yes/No questions inquiring about the presence of attributes or categories.
  • Anatomy: Open-ended questions that should be answered with anatomical locations.
  • Attribute: Open-ended questions that ask about attributes or categories.
  • Abnormality: Questions related to abnormalities, defined as a superset of four categories: anatomical finding, disease, device, and tubes/lines.
  • Size: Questions on two clinically significant measurements: the cardiothoracic ratio (CTR) and the mediastinal-thoracic ratio (MTR).
  • Plane: Questions involving the determination of the view position in a radiograph (PA or AP).
  • Gender: Questions about identifying gender from the images (male or female).
Table 1: Full list of 48 VQA question templates in MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA
Index Semantic Type Content Type Question Template
1 verify presence Are there any ${category} in the ${object}?
2 verify presence Is there ${attribute} in the ${object}?
3 verify abnormality Is the ${object} abnormal?
4 verify presence Are there any ${category_1} or ${category_2} in the ${object}?
5 verify presence Are there both ${attribute_1} and ${attribute_2} in the ${object}?
6 verify presence Is there either ${attribute_1} or ${attribute_2} in the ${object}?
7 query attribute List all ${category} in the ${object}.
8 query abnormality List all abnormalities in the ${object}.
9 query attribute List all ${category_1} and ${category_2} in the ${object}.
10 choose attribute Which ${category} is related to the ${object}, ${attribute_1} or ${attribute_2}?
11 verify abnormality Are there any abnormalities in either the ${object_1} or the ${object_2}?
12 verify abnormality Are there any abnormalities in both the ${object_1} and the ${object_2}?
13 query attribute List all ${category} in either the ${object_1} or the ${object_2}.
14 query attribute List all common ${category} in both the ${object_1} and the ${object_2}.
15 query attribute List all ${category} only in the ${object_1} but not in the ${object_2}.
16 query abnormality List all abnormalities in either the ${object_1} or the ${object_2}.
17 query abnormality List all common abnormalities in both the ${object_1} and the ${object_2}.
18 query abnormality List all abnormalities only in the ${object_1} but not in the ${object_2}.
19 verify presence Are there any ${category}?
20 verify abnormality Are there any abnormalities?
21 verify presence Are there any ${category_1} or ${category_2}?
22 verify presence Is there ${attribute}?
23 verify presence Are there both ${attribute_1} and ${attribute_2}?
24 verify presence Is there either ${attribute_1} or ${attribute_2}?
25 query attribute List all ${category}.
26 query attribute List all ${category_1} and ${category_2}.
27 query abnormality List all abnormalities.
28 choose attribute Which ${category} is related, ${attribute_1} or ${attribute_2}?
29 verify presence Are both the ${object_1} and the ${object_2} related to ${attribute}?
30 verify presence Is either the ${object_1} or the ${object_2} related to ${attribute}?
31 query anatomy List all anatomical locations related to ${attribute}.
32 choose anatomy Which anatomical location is related to ${attribute}, the ${object_1} or the ${object_2}?
33 choose abnormality Which anatomical location is abnormal, the ${object_1} or the ${object_2}?
34 query anatomy List all anatomical locations related to either ${attribute_1} or ${attribute_2}.
35 query anatomy List all common anatomical locations related to both ${attribute_1} and ${attribute_2}.
36 query anatomy List all anatomical locations related to ${attribute_1} but not ${attribute_2}.
37 verify presence Are there any ${category} related to the ${object_1} and the ${object_2}?
38 verify presence Are there any ${category} related to the ${object_1} or the ${object_2}?
39 query anatomy List all anatomical locations related to any ${category}.
40 query anatomy List all anatomical locations related to any ${category_1} or ${category_2}.
41 verify plane Is this an ${viewpos} view?
42 choose plane Which view is in this image, AP or PA?
43 query plane What is the view of this image?
44 verify gender Is this patient ${gender}?
45 choose gender What is the gender of this patient, male or female?
46 query gender What is the gender of this patient?
47 verify size Is the width of the cardiac silhouette wider than 1/2 of the thorax width?
48 verify size Is the width of the upper mediastinum wider than 1/3 of the thorax width?

VQA Dataset Generation

We generated our VQA dataset by sampling (image I, question Q, answer A) triples. For example, consider the template “Is there ${attribute} in the ${object}?”. We filled in this template using sampled arguments (e.g., ${object}=‘left lung’, ${attribute}=‘lung cancer’), which led to the creation of the question Q: “Is there lung cancer in the left lung?”. Next, we sampled an image I and executed a predefined program to generate an answer A. For each template, we defined a program to produce an answer A using the given question Q and relationship information from the preprocessed data of image I. To enrich linguistic diversity while preserving a focus on the medical domain [20], we devised a paraphrasing strategy (an average of 16.5 paraphrases per template) using carefully designed prompts based on GPT-4 [21].

Table 2: Sample Questions by Content Type in MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA
Content Type Sample Question
presence Does the cardiac silhouette show any evidence of diseases or devices?
anatomy What are all anatomical locations where both infiltration and interstitial lung diseases can be found?
attribute List all detected anatomical findings.
abnormality Are there signs of abnormalities in both the left lung and the right lung?
size Is the cardiac silhouette's width larger than half of the total thorax width?
plane Is this X-ray image in the AP or PA view?
gender Please specify the patient’s gender.

Data Description

The MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA dataset consists of 377,391 unique (Image, Question, Answer) triples. It utilizes 48 seed templates, which incorporate elements from set/logical operations. Through paraphrasing, these expand into 794 distinct templates. These templates are categorized into 3 semantic types (verify, choose, and query) and 7 content types (presence, anatomy, attribute, abnormality, size, plane, and gender). Detailed descriptions of each category are provided in the 'Question Template Construction' section.

Dataset statistics

Table 3: Overall Statistics of MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA
  Training Validation Test
# of Images 133,687 8,610 500
# of Questions 132,387 31,148 7,565
# of Answers 6,628 2,508 700
# of Samples 290,031 73,567 13,793
Table 4: Statistics of MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA by Semantic Type
Semantic Type Training Validation Test
verify 162,689 (56.1%) 39,336 (53.5%) 6,945 (50.4%)
choose 28,560 (9.8%) 7,806 (10.6%) 1,523 (11.0%)
query 98,782 (34.1%) 26,425 (35.9%) 5,325 (38.6%)
Table 5: Statistics of MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA by Content Type
Content Type Training Validation Test
presence 109,455 (37.7%) 26,153 (35.5%) 4,566 (33.1%)
anatomy 37,952 (13.1%) 10,210 (13.9%) 1,963 (14.2%)
attribute 49,948 (17.2%) 13,111(17.8%) 2,578(18.7%)
abnormality 60,692 (20.9%) 16,109 (21.9%) 3,199 (23.2%)
size 16,000 (5.5%) 4,000 (5.4%) 705 (5.1%)
plane 7,992 (2.8%) 1,992 (2.7%) 386 (2.8%)
gender 7,992 (2.8%) 1,992 (2.7%) 396 (2.9%)

File and Structure

The dataset is divided into training, validation, and test sets. For the training and validation sets, we use a machine-generated silver label dataset, employing a 95:5 split ratio. The test set consists of a human-labeled gold label dataset. In the process of splitting the silver dataset, we ensure an even distribution of abnormal images (studies with at least one attribute present) and normal images (studies without any attributes). Each dataset split is provided in JSON format: train.json, valid.json, and test.json.

Directory Structure

└── dataset
    ├── train.json
    ├── valid.json
    └── test.json

File Format and Contents

The QA samples in the MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA dataset are stored in individual .json files. Each file contains a list of Python dictionaries, with keys and corresponding data types as follows:

  • split: A string indicating the dataset split (train, valid, test).
  • idx: An integer indicating the instance index.
  • subject_id: A string indicating the subject's unique ID (patient ID).
  • study_id: A string indicating the corresponding study ID.
  • image_id: A string indicating the associated image ID.
  • image_path: A string indicating the corresponding image path.
  • question: A question string.
  • semantic_type: A string indicating its semantic type, which can be one of the following: 'verify', 'choose', 'query'.
  • content_type: A string indicating its content type, which can be one of the following: 'presence', 'anatomy', 'attribute', 'abnormality', 'plane', 'gender', 'size'.
  • template: A template string.
  • template_program: A string indicating its template program. Each template has a unique program to derive its answer from the database.
  • template_arguments: A dictionary specifying its template arguments, consisting of five sub-dictionaries that represent the sampled values for arguments in the template. When an argument needs to appear multiple times in a question template, an index is appended to the dictionary key. This includes 'object', 'attribute', 'category', 'viewpos', 'gender'.
  • answer: A list of strings containing the answers. If 'choose' and 'query' questions yield no answers, this list will be empty.

To be specific, here is the example instance:

    "question":"Is there any sign of both pleural effusion and copd/emphysema present in the right lower lung zone?",
    "template":"Is there any sign of both ${attribute_1} and ${attribute_2} present in the ${object}?",
            "0":"right lower lung zone"
            "0":"pleural effusion",
    "answer": ...

Usage Notes

Dataset Utility

The MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA dataset is recognized for its complexity, diversity, and scale, making it suitable for a variety of applications within healthcare and artificial intelligence, such as:

  • Medical Visual Question Answering (VQA) Benchmark [22]: It serves as an extensive benchmark for evaluating VQA methods, providing a robust foundation for the development and testing of VQA approaches in the medical field.
  • Instruction Dataset for Medical Vision-and-Language Models (VLMs) [23]: This dataset serves as a resource for instruction tuning of medical VLMs, aiding in the development of advanced AI systems that pave the way for automated CXR interpretation.
  • Components for Image-based and Multi-modal EHR QA [22,24]: MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA provides diverse question templates associated with patients' medical images for electronic health records (EHR) question answering. By connecting these medical images with the corresponding patients' structured EHRs [25], the dataset becomes invaluable for the development of multi-modal EHR AI frameworks. These frameworks improve the integration of imaging modalities and structured EHRs, enhancing the interpretation of complex medical records in hospital databases and supporting a broad spectrum of EHR question answering applications.

Known Limitations

Despite its expansive collection of (Image, Question, Answer) triples, the dataset encounters accuracy challenges due to potential label errors from the Chest ImaGenome source dataset, despite featuring the most detailed labeling available. To mitigate these label errors, we employ gold labels from the Chest ImaGenome, which were manually refined by four radiologists, within the test dataset of MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA. However, label uncertainties or ambiguities [26,27] may still arise, especially concerning subjective findings in MIMIC-CXR reports.

GitHub Repository for this Project

The dataset's creation code is accessible on GitHub at [28].

Release Notes

This is version 1.0.0 of the MIMIC-Ext-MIMIC-CXR-VQA dataset. For any questions or concerns regarding this dataset, please feel free to reach out to us ( or We appreciate your interest and are eager to assist.


The authors have no ethical concerns to declare.


This work was (partially) supported by Microsoft Research Asia, Institute of Information & Communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant (No.2019-0-00075, RS-2022-00155958), National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant (NRF-2020H1D3A2A03100945), and the Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) grant (No.HR21C0198), funded by the Korea government (MSIT, MOHW).

Conflicts of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


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