PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox 1.0.0
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function mse = ComputeMultiscaleEntropy(data, m, r, maxTau, maxVecSize)
% mse = ComputeMultiscaleEntropy(data, m, r, max_tau)
% Overview
% Calculates multiscale entropy on a vector of input data.
% Input
% data - data to analyze; vector of doubles
% m - pattern length; int
% r - radius of similarity (% of std); double
% maxTau - maximum number of coarse-grainings; int
% maxVecSize - optional, parameter to switch from SampEn to FastSempEn
% Output
% mse - vector of [max_tau, 1] doubles
% Example
% data = rand(1e4, 1); % generate random data
% m = 2; % template length
% r = 0.2; % radius of similarity
% maxTau = 4; % calculate sample entropy over four coarse grainings
% mse = multiscaleEntropy(data, m, r, maxTau, entropyType);
% Reference(s)
% Copyright (C) 2017 Erik Reinertsen <>
% All rights reserved.
% 08-23-2017 Modyfied by Giulia Da Poian for the VOSIM HRV Toolbox
% Removed the possibility to use different types of entropy, only
% fastSampen method in this version
% 10-10-2017 Modyfied by Giulia Da Poian, use FastSampEn in series < 34000
% otherwise use traditional SampEn that is faster for long series
% 10-23-2017 Modyfied by Giulia Da Poian, using scales like in Costa's
% paper instead of Coarse-grain data using halving method.
% This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
% of the BSD license. See the LICENSE file in this repo for details.
if nargin<5 || isempty(maxVecSize)
maxVecSize = 34000;
data = zscore(data); % (introduced by GDP) normalization of the signal that
% replace the common practice of expressing the
% tolerance as r times the standard deviation
mse = NaN(maxTau, 1); % Initialize output vector
SampEnType = 'Maxim'; % Initialize default SampEn method
% Check data length, if < 34000 use Fast Implementation (introduced GDP)
% if length(data) < maxVecSize
% SampEnType = 'Fast';
% end
% Loop through each window
% Loop through each timescale
% Note: i_tau == 1 is the original time series
for i_tau = 1:maxTau
% Coarse-grain data (using scale in Costa's paper)
scaledData = coarsegrain(data,i_tau); % Changed by GDP
switch SampEnType
case 'Fast'
mse(i_tau) = fastSampen(scaledData, m, r);
mse(i_tau) = sampenMaxim(scaledData, m, r);
end % end for loop
end % end function