PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox 1.0.0
(4,035 bytes)
function windows_output = FindLowestHRwin(t_win, t, rr, num_segs, HRVparams)
% windows_output = FindLowestHRwin(t_win, t, rr, num_segs, HRVparams)
% Given time series data, calculate and return median HR within window
% satisfying condition (e.g. lowest or highest median HR)
% t_win -
% t - time stamps for 'hr'; in units of seconds
% rr - input time series of RR intervals from QRS file
% num_segs - number of windows to find;
% i.e. if this == 3 and 'condition' == 'lowest', then return
% windows with three lowest median HR in order of
% lowest to highest
% HRVparams - struct of settings for hrv_toolbox analysis
% windows_output.t - vector of start times for windows
% - vector of median HR values for windows
% Erik Reinertsen <>
% (Adapted for use in HRV Toolbox)
% COPYRIGHT (C) 2016 AUTHORS (see above)
% This code (and all others in this repository) are under the GNU General Public License v3
% See LICENSE in this repo for details.
% Convert RR intervals into HR
hr = 60 ./ rr;
% Set value of increment window (sec)
increment = HRVparams.increment;
windowlength = HRVparams.windowlength;
% Initialize struct to hold t and hr of each window
windows = [];
% Initialize start time
t_window_start = 0;
% Initialize index counter for storing results
ii = 1;
% Loop through time series until we reach the end
% NOTE: vectorizing is non-trivial because the data is not evenly
% sampled. Otherwise I'd just stagger the matrix and calculate
% medians down each column containing each window of data.
while t_window_start <= t(end) - windowlength + increment
% Find indices of HR values in this window
idx_window = find(t > t_window_start & t < t_window_start + windowlength);
% Store the time
windows(ii).t = t_window_start;
% Calculate the median of these HR values
windows(ii).hr = median(hr(idx_window));
% Increment time by sliding window length (sec)
t_window_start = t_window_start + increment;
% Increment struct index
ii = ii + 1;
% Find indices for top non-overlapping windows that meet conditions
[~, idx_sorted] = sort([]');
% Remove indexes where the data is disqualified from analysis, ie t_win =
% NaN
idxN = find(isnan(t_win));
idx_sorted(idxN) = [];
% The first non-NaN sorted index is the window with the lowest median HR,
% so we definitely return that one, as long as it's corresponding t_win is
% not a NaN value
windows_output(1).t = [];
while isempty(windows_output(1).t)
windows_output(1).t = windows(idx_sorted(1)).t;
windows_output(1).hr = windows(idx_sorted(1)).hr;
% Erase the first entry from 'idx_sorted'
idx_sorted(1) = [];
% Until we've found all of the lowest median HR windows,
% go to the next ordered window, check if overlaps with any other
% windows; if not, add. If yes, erase it.
while length(windows_output) < num_segs
% Check dt between all best windows and the next sorted window
dt = [windows_output.t] - windows(idx_sorted(1)).t;
% Check if any dt's are less than the window length;
% any that are suggests new window overlaps with a best window
bool_overlaps = abs(dt) < windowlength;
% If all bools are zero, the candidate window doesn't overlap
if sum(bool_overlaps) == 0
% Append t and hr
windows_output(end + 1).t = windows(idx_sorted(1)).t;
windows_output(end).hr = windows(idx_sorted(1)).hr; % note 'end' is +1 compared to the line before
% If there exist any bools == 1, the candidate window does
% overlap, so don't append t and hr
% Erase candidate window from 'idx_sorted'
idx_sorted(1) = [];
end % end function