PhysioNet Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox 1.0.0
(1,694 bytes)
rrgen.c is always the latest version of rrgen:
from the Physionet challenge:
all c-files are compiled with gcc -Wall rrgen.c -lm
rrgen.tar.gz contains all the files in this directory
gzip -d rrgen.tar.gz
tar -xvf rrgen.tar
will extract them in a unix environment. Winzip should work too.
rrgenV1.c is the original rrgen-201.c entry.
usage: rrgenV1 seed [tmax]
The seed for the random number generator must be specified, but tmax can be omitted (and therefore takes the default value of 24hours = (24*60*60 seconds)
rrgenV2.c is rrgen-201.c with two added flags to switch the ectopy off (0) and on (1)
usage: rrgenV2 seed [tmax] noEctopics? noNoise?
The flag default values are
rrgenV3.c is rrgenV2.c with the flags changed to floating point probabilities of the occurrence of ectopy.
usage: rrgenV3 seed [tmax] P(ectopy) P(noise)
Defaults are :
P(ectopy), Pe = 0.0003; /* Probability of ectopy ~ 1 per hr */
P(noise), Pn = 0.0048; /* Probability of noise ~ 16 per hr */
P(noise) in sleep is Pn/12, P(ectopy) in sleep is unchanged.
Note that because the flags are now probabilities ....
rrgenV3 seed [tmax] 0 0
is the same as
rrgenV3 seed [tmax] 1 1
Matlab wrappers
Matlab routines to run the above executables are also provided.
Copy the C amd m-file version number are interested in to
rrgen.c and rrgen.m ... then compile the executable (or copy the
one provided to rrgen [or rrgen.exe under windows]).
Type help rrgen at the matlab prompt, or run as per C with a return
argument for the data.
G Clifford 13th Nov 2003