plt should be easy to compile and to run on any version of Unix (or Linux). You will need to have a working X Window System installation in order to compile xplt and to use it to make screen plots, but lwplt can be used without X (and it should be possible to compile it under any POSIX-compliant environment).
If you plan to use plt without X, you may wish to use GhostScript as a screen viewer for lwplt. GhostScript is a free PostScript renderer that runs on a vast variety of operating systems; get it from
To install plt:
tar xfvz plt.tar.gz
Otherwise, if you have another version of tar, unpack it using:
gzip -d plt.tar.gz tar xfv plt.tar
cd plt/src make install
You may need root permissions to do this successfully. If the make command fails, read the text file named Makefile in the plt/src directory to see how to proceed.
Add the directory in which plt has been installed (usually /usr/local/bin) to your PATH if necessary.
make xdemo
If you have gv (included in most Linux distributions, and freely available from, you can see the same demonstration in PostScript format by typing:
make psdemo