plt - Software for 2D Plots 2.5
(1,978 bytes)
# file: Makefile G. Moody 24 February 2002
# Last revised: 26 April 2005
# This file is used to compile miscellaneous 'plt'-related stuff. See
# '../INSTALL'.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Site-dependent variables:
# The values of these variables are normally set in ../Makefile -- change them
# there if necessary.
# PREFIX is the root of the tree into which the plt package is ultimately
# installed.
# INSTALL_PREFIX is usually the same as PREFIX, but 'rpm' or 'rpmbuild' resets
# it to the root of a temporary build tree when making a set of RPMs.
# BINDIR is the directory into which the executables and shell scripts are
# to be installed. You must have write permission in BINDIR to complete the
# installation successfully.
# It should not be necessary to modify anything below this line.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# `make all' (or just `make') compiles the targets but does not install them.
# You must have write permission in this directory, but nothing more is needed.
all: ftable imageplt
@echo "plt-misc compiled successfully. Install by typing:"
@echo " make install"
# `make install' compiles the targets if necessary, then installs them.
# You must have write permission in BINDIR.
install: all
-mkdir -p $(BINDIR)
cp ftable pltf imageplt $(BINDIR)
cd $(BINDIR); chmod 755 ftable pltf imageplt
cd $(BINDIR); rm -f ftable ftable.exe pltf imageplt imageplt.exe
# ftable: given a function of x, ftable makes a bc script for generating a
# table of function values.
ftable: ftable.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ ftable.c
# imageplt: prepare a grey-scale image to be plotted via 'plt 0 1 2 -pc'
imageplt: imageplt.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ imageplt.c
# Remove binary and backup files.
rm -f ftable ftable.exe imageplt imageplt.exe *.o *~ core