plt - Software for 2D Plots 2.5

File: <base>/plt-2.5a/src/pltpng (1,072 bytes)
#! /bin/sh
# file: pltpng			G. Moody	22 February 2002
#				Last revised:    25 March 2009
# Convert a PostScript file to a PNG image, using ImageMagick's 'convert'.
# Unlike 'convert', this script can be used in a pipeline since it can read
# the standard input and write to the standard output.

case $# in
  0) PSFILE=$$.ps; PNGFILE=$$.png; cat >$$.ps;;
  1) case $1 in
        *.eps) PSFILE=$1; PNGFILE=`basename $1 .eps`.png ;;
        *.ps)  PSFILE=$1; PNGFILE=`basename $1 .ps`.png  ;;
	*) echo "usage: $0 [ file.[e]ps ]" ;;
     esac ;;
  *) echo "$0: Too many arguments ($#). Only need one: the PostScript filespec";;

CONVERT -crop 0x0 -density 288 -geometry 25% $PSFILE $PNGFILE
# -crop 0x0: crop tightly around the image
# -density 288 -geometry 25%: improve the image quality by rasterizing at 4
#    times the default resolution, then decimating to the standard resolution
#    (72 dpi) but with anti-aliasing.  If this fails due to insufficient
#    memory, try -density 144 -geometry 50% .

case $# in
  0) cat $PNGFILE; rm -f $PNGFILE $PSFILE;;