Puka - Software for Detection of Breaths in Strain Gauge Recordings 1.0.0
(1,208 bytes)
To save all the data in the database in a text file which can be used to recreate the database,
follow these directions.
Open a dos command window (start -> all programs -> accessories -> command prompt)
navigate to the mysql\bin directory by typing: cd C:\mysql\bin
to save the data from the database DATABASENAME in a text file entitled TODAYSDATE.sql
type: mysqldump -u root DATABASENAME > TODAYSDATE.sql
the above command will create TODAYSDATE.sql in the \mysql\bin. If the database requires a
login name other than root enter it after the -u switch instead of root.
To recreate a database from the saved text file, follow these directions.
Open a dos command window (start -> all programs -> accessories -> command prompt)
navigate to the mysql\bin directory by typing: cd C:\mysql\bin
start mysql by typing: mysql -u root Use a different login name after -u if required.
to create a new blank database type: create database NEWDATABASENAME;
then: source C:/PATH/TODAYSDATE.sql;
where PATH is the path to the TODAYSDATE.sql file made previously.