A Cardiovascular Simulator for Research 1.0.0
(9,232 bytes)
% Parameters characterizing the cardiovascular simulator and its execution.
% The following parameter assignment format must be maintained:
% parameter: numerical_value
% Parameters labelled {*} cannot be adjusted on-line; any changes to these
% parameters will simply be ignored.
% Integration and sampling parameters
% Integration/Sampling frequency of generated signals (Def: 125 Hz) {*}
% WARNING -- smaller sampling frequency leads to greater
% integration errors
Fs: 125
% Total integration time (s) {*}
% Set time: 1000 for cardiac function/venous return curves
% (Simulator will stop integration as soon as the computation
% of the curves is complete.)
time: 300
% Display parameters
% Waveforms to be viewed
% Simulated waveforms and corresponding numerical values
% | Pl 0 | Pa 1 | Pv 2 | Pr 3 | Ppa 4 | Ppv 5 |
% | Pth 6 | Palv 7 | Pra 8 | Ql 9 | Qa 10 | Qv 11 |
% | Qr 12 | Qpa 13 | Qpv 14 | Qlu 15 | qpv 16 | ql 17 |
% | qa 18 | qv 19 | qr 20 | qpa 21 | Cls 22 | Crs 23 |
% | Qvo 24 | Ra 25 | F 26 | El 27 | Er 28 |
% Place single space between each waveform number
% For no waveforms, write waveform: -1
waveform: 0 1
% Annotation to be viewed
% 0 - no
% 1 - yes
annotations: 1
% Time duration of window of displayed waveforms (s)
% For best viewing, set window = WAVE time window
% See View... option on WAVE menu bar for adjustment
% of WAVE time window
window: 20
% Time period between waveform display updates (s)
% WARNING -- smaller step values lead to display errors
step: 2
% Cardiac function/venous return curve plotting format
% -1 - no plot
% 0 - single plot per window; x-axis: mPra
% 1 - multiple plots per window; x-axis: mPra
% 2 - single plot per window; x-axis: mPa
% 3 - multiple plots per window; x-axis: mPa
% (Note: 2 and 3 are only applicable to heart-lung unit)
numerics: 0
% Status parameters
% These parameters override any of the settings below.
% Status of heart and circulation {*}
% 0 - intact circulation
% 1 - heart-lung unit
% 2 - systemic circulation
preparation: 0
% Status of baroreflex system {*}
% 0 - arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflexes off
% 1 - arterial baroreflex on only
% 2 - cardiopulmonary baroreflex on only
% 3 - arterial and cardiopulmonary baroreflexes on
baro: 0
% Status of direct neural coupling mechanism
% between Qlu and F {*}
% 0 - off
% 1 - on
dncm: 0
% Status of breathing {*}
% 0 - no breathing
% 1 - fixed-rate breathing
% 2 - random-interval breathing
breathing: 0
% Status of bandlimited disturbance to Ra {*}
% 0 - off
% 1 - on
dra: 0
% Status of 1/f disturbance to F {*}
% 0 - off
% 1 - on
df: 0
% Heart and circulation parameters
% These parameters completely characterize the intact
% circulation. Some of these parameters also characterize
% the heart-lung unit [HLU] and systemic circulation [SC]
% as specified below.
% Left ventricle
% Differential end-systolic compliance at
% unstressed volume (Def: 0.4 ml/mmHg) [HLU]
Cls: 0.4
% Differential diastolic compliance at
% unstressed volume (Def: 10 ml/mmHg) [HLU]
Cld: 10
% Unstressed volume (Def: 15 ml) [HLU]
Qlo: 15
% Maximum volume (Def: 270 ml) [HLU]
Qlmax: 270
% Maximum pressure (Def: 260 mmHg) [HLU]
Plmax: 260
% Resistance (Def: 0.006 mmHg-s/ml) [HLU]
Rl: 0.006
% Systemic arteries
% Compliance (Def: 1.6 ml/mmHg) [SC]
Ca: 1.6
% Unstressed volume (Def: 715 ml) [SC]
Qao: 715
% Resistance (Def: 1.0 mmHg-s/ml) [SC]
Ra: 1.0
% Systemic veins
% Compliance (Def: 100 ml/mmHg) [SC]
Cv: 100
% Unstressed volume (Def: 2600 ml) [SC]
Qvo: 2600
% Resistance when Starling resistor is
% fully opened (Def: 0.02 mmHg-s/ml) [HLU,SC]
Rv: 0.02
% Chamber pressure -- atmospheric pressure (Def: 0 mmHg)
% Also functional reserve alveolar pressure
% [HLU,SC]
Pvc: 0
% Right ventricle
% Differential end-systolic compliance at
% unstressed volume (Def: 1.2 ml/mmHg) [HLU,SC]
Crs: 1.2
% Differential diastolic compliance at
% unstressed volume (Def: 12.5 ml/mmHg) [HLU,SC]
% This parameter cannot be updated for preparation: 2
% when Crd is automatically being stepped up through Crds.
Crd: 12.5
% Unstressed volume (Def: 15 ml) [HLU,SC]
Qro: 15
% Maximum volume (Def: 235 ml) [HLU,SC]
Qrmax: 235
% Maximum pressure (Def: 70 mmHg) [HLU,SC]
Prmax: 70
% Resistance (Def: 0.003 mmHg-s/ml) [HLU,SC]
Rr: 0.003
% Pulmonary arteries
% Compliance (Def: 4.3 ml/mmHg) [HLU]
Cpa: 4.3
% Unstressed volume (Def: 90 ml) [HLU]
Qpao: 90
% Resistance when all Starling resistors are
% fully opened (Def: 0.09 mmHg-s/ml) [HLU]
Rpa: 0.09
% Pulmonary veins
% Compliance (Def: 8.4 ml/mmHg) [HLU]
Cpv: 8.4
% Unstressed volume (Def: 490 ml) [HLU]
Qpvo: 490
% Resistance (Def: 0.01 mmHg-s/ml) [HLU]
Rpv: 0.01
% System
% Total blood volume (Def: 5000 ml)
Qtot: 5000
% Heart rate (Def: 1.2 bps) [HLU,SC]
F: 1.2
% Additional HLU parameters
% Systemic arterial constant pressure reservoir (Def: 100 mmHg)
% May only be updated for preparation: 1 when Pa is not
% automatically stepped up through Pas.
Pa: 100
% Systemic venous constant pressure reservoir (Def: 5 mmHg)
% May only be updated for preparation: 1 when Pv is not
% automatically stepped down through Pvs.
Pv: 5
% Step in Pa (Def: 1000 mmHg for cardiac output curve) {*}
% (Def: 30 for cardiac output versus arterial pressure)
% If Pas <= Plmax-Pas-10, then Pa is stepped up
% as follows: 30:Pas:Plmax-10. Else, Pa is assigned
% the scalar value above.
Pas: 1000
% Step in Pv (Def: 2 mmHg for cardiac output curve) {*}
% (Def: 100 mmHg for cardiac output versus arterial pressure)
% If Pvs <= round((Qrmax-Qro-20)/Crd)+3-1, then
% Pv is stepped down as follows:
% [round((Qrmax-Qro-20)/Crd)+3:-Pvs:0, Pth+1]. Else, Pv
% is assigned the scalar value above.
Pvs: 2
% Additional SC parameters
% Pulmonary arterial constant pressure reservoir (Def: 24 mmHg)
% May only be updated for preparation: 2.
Ppa: 24
% Mean systemic pressure (Def: 6.9 mmHg) {*}
% This parameter can be updated by adjusting the systemic
% arteries and veins parameters.
Pms: 6.9
% Step in Crd (Def: 5 ml/mmHg for venous return curve) {*}
% (Def: 100 ml/mmHg for constant Crd)
% If Crds <= 60-Crs, then Crd is stepped up as follows:
% Crs:Crds:60. Else, Crd is assigned the scalar value
% above.
Crds: 5
% Short-term regulatory system parameters
% Static gain control of the beta-sympathetic
% nervous system (Def: 1 unitless)
bgain: 1
% Static gain control of the alpha-sympathetic
% nervous system (Def: 1 unitless)
again: 1
% Static gain control of the parasympathetic
%nervous system (Def: 1 unitless)
pgain: 1
% Arterial baroreflex
% Setpoint pressure (Def: 94 mmHg)
Pasp: 94
% Saturation factor (Def: 18 mmHg)
% (if Sa == 9999, then no saturation)
Sa: 18
% Static gain control of F parasympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 12 unitless)
againfp: 12
% Static gain control of F beta-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 12 unitless)
againfs: 12
% Static gain control of Cls, Crs beta-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 12 unitless)
againc: 12
% Static gain control of Ra alpha-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 9 unitless)
againr: 9
% Static gain control of Qvo alpha-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 9 unitless)
againq: 9
% Cardiopulmonary baroreflex
% Setpoint pressure (Def: 6.6 mmHg)
Pratrsp: 6.6
% Saturation factor (Def: 5 mmHg)
% (if Sc == 9999, then no saturation)
Sc: 5
% Static gain control of F parasympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 0 unitless)
cgainfp: 0
% Static gain control of F beta-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 0 unitless)
cgainfs: 0
% Static gain control of Cls, Crs beta-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 0 unitless)
cgainc: 0
% Static gain control of Ra alpha-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 9 unitless)
cgainr: 9
% Static gain control of Qvo alpha-sympathetic
% baroreflex (Def: 9 unitless)
cgainq: 9
% Direct neural coupling mechanism between respiration and F
% Static gain control of parasympathetic limb (Def: 1 unitless)
dgainp: 1
% Static gain control of beta-sympathetic limb (Def: 1 unitless)
dgains: 1
% Resting physiologic perturbations parameters
% Respiration
% Respiratory cycle period for fixed-rate
% breathing (Def: 5 sec)
Tr: 5
% Tidal volume (Def: 500 ml)
Qt: 500
% Initial functional reserve volume (Def: 2200 ml) {*}
Qfr: 2200
% Step amplitude in functional reserve volume (Def: 0 ml)
Qfrs: 0
% Dead space of airways (Def: 150 ml)
Qds: 150
% Airway resistance (Def: 0.0026 mmHg-s/ml)
Rair: 0.0026
% Lung compliance (Def: 252.5 ml/mmHg)
Clu: 252.5
% Unstressed volume in lungs (Def: 1190 ml)
Qluo: 1190
% Bandlimited disturbance to Ra
% Frequency cutoff (Def: 0.1 Hz)
fco: 0.1
% Standard deviation of white noise (Def: 0.16 (mmHg-s/ml)/Hz^{1/2})
stdwr: 0.16
% 1/f disturbance to F
% Standard deviation of white noise (Def: 0.0035 (bps)/Hz^{1/2})
stdwf: 0.0035
% Alpha exponent (Def: 1 unitless)
alpha: 1