A Cardiovascular Simulator for Research 1.0.0
(8,988 bytes)
#LaTeX2HTML Version 96.1 : dot.latex2html-init
# This version has been customized for use in translating the appendices in
# the WFDB Applications Guide.
### Command Line Argument Defaults #######################################
$MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH = 8; # Stop making separate files at this depth
$MAX_LINK_DEPTH = 4; # Stop showing child nodes at this depth
$NOLATEX = 0; # 1 = do not pass unknown environments to Latex
$EXTERNAL_IMAGES = 0; # 1 = leave the images outside the document
$ASCII_MODE = 0; # 1 = do not use any icons or internal images
# 1 = use links to external postscript images rather than inlined bitmap
# images.
$TITLE = $default_title; # The default is "No Title"
$DESTDIR = ''; # Put the result in this directory
# When this is set, the generated HTML files will be placed in the
# current directory. If set to 0 the default behaviour is to create (or reuse)
# another file directory.
# Supply your own string if you don't like the default <Name> <Date>
#$ADDRESS = "<I>$address_data[0] <BR>\n$address_data[1]</I>";
$ADDRESS = "<I><A HREF=\"mailto:rama\@egr.msu.edu\">Ramakrishna Mukkamala (<tt>rama\@egr.msu.edu</tt>)</A><BR>\n$address_data[1]</I>";
$NO_NAVIGATION = 0; # 1 = do not put a navigation panel at the top of each page
# Put navigation links at the top of each page. If the page exceeds
# $WORDS_IN_PAGE number of words then put one at the bottom of the page.
# Put a link to the index page in the navigation panel
# Put a link to the table of contents in the navigation panel
# Put a link to the next logical page in the navigation panel
# Put a link to the previous logical page in the navigation panel
$INFO = 0; # 0 = do not make a "About this document..." section
# Reuse images generated during previous runs
$REUSE = 2;
# When this is 1, the section numbers are shown. The section numbers should
# then match those that would have bee produced by LaTeX.
# The correct section numbers are obtained from the $FILE.aux file generated
# by LaTeX.
# Hiding the seciton numbers encourages use of particular sections
# as standalone documents. In this case the cross reference to a section
# is shown using the default symbol rather than the section number.
### Other global variables ###############################################
$CHILDLINE = "<BR> <HR>\n";
# This is the line width measured in pixels and it is used to right justify
# equations and equation arrays;
$LINE_WIDTH = 500;
# Used in conjunction with AUTO_NAVIGATION
# Affects ONLY the way accents are processed
$default_language = 'english';
# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each
# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)
# This number will determine the size of the equations, special characters,
# and anything which will be converted into an inlined image
# *except* "image generating environments" such as "figure", "table"
# or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.
# This number will determine the size of
# image generating environments such as "figure", "table" or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.
### material not in original dot.latex2html-init
$LATEX_COLOR = "\\pagecolor[gray]{1.0}";
# If this is set to 0 then any inlined images generated from "figure"
# environments will NOT be transparent.
# ANTI-ALIASING within generated images
# -anti_alias
# 1 = use anti-aliasing in the generation of images of figures .
### end of new material
# If this is set then intermediate files are left for later inspection.
# This includes $$_images.tex and $$_images.log created during image
# conversion.
# Caution: Intermediate files can be *enormous*.
$DEBUG = 0;
# If both of the following two variables are set then the "Up" button
# of the navigation panel in the first node/page of a converted document
# will point to $EXTERNAL_UP_LINK. $EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE should be set
# to some text which describes this external link.
$EXTERNAL_UP_LINK = "../../";
# If this is set then the resulting HTML will look marginally better if viewed
# with Netscape.
# Valid paper sizes are "letter", "legal", "note" and ...
# "a0", ... "a10", "b0", ... "b5";
# Recommended: "a5"
# Paper sizes has no effect other than with images that
# need special alignment;
# e.g for equation-numbering with HTML, version 2.0
# - larger paper sizes *MAY* help with large image problems
# - smaller paper sizes *MAY* be quicker to handle on some systems
$PAPERSIZE = "a3";
# Replace "english" with another language in order to tell LaTeX2HTML that you
# want some generated section titles (eg "Table of Contents" or "References")
# to appear in a different language. Currently only "english" and "french"
# is supported but it is very easy to add your own. See the example in the
# file "latex2html.config"
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "english";
### Navigation Panel ##########################################################
# The navigation panel is constructed out of buttons and section titles.
# These can be configured in any combination with arbitrary text and
# HTML tags interspersed between them.
# The buttons available are:
# $PREVIOUS - points to the previous section
# $UP - points up to the "parent" section
# $NEXT - points to the next section
# $NEXT_GROUP - points to the next "group" section
# $PREVIOUS_GROUP - points to the previous "group" section
# $CONTENTS - points to the contents page if there is one
# $INDEX - points to the index page if there is one
# If the corresponding section exists the button will contain an
# active link to that section. If the corresponding section does
# not exist the button will be inactive.
# Also for each of the $PREVIOUS $UP $NEXT $NEXT_GROUP and $PREVIOUS_GROUP
# buttons there are equivalent $PREVIOUS_TITLE, $UP_TITLE, etc variables
# which contain the titles of their corresponding sections.
# Each title is empty if there is no corresponding section.
# The subroutine below constructs the navigation panel in each page.
# Feel free to mix and match buttons, titles, your own text, your logos,
# and arbitrary HTML (the "." is the Perl concatenation operator).
sub top_navigation_panel {
# Now add a few buttons with a space between them
"<BR>\n" . # Line break
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B> Next:</B> $NEXT_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up:</B> $UP_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# ... and the ``previous'' title
($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B> Previous:</B> $PREVIOUS_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# Line Break, horizontal rule (3-d dividing line) and new paragraph
"<BR> <P>\n"
sub bot_navigation_panel {
# Start with a horizontal rule (3-d dividing line)
# Now add a few buttons with a space between them
"<BR>\n" . # Line break
# If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
($NEXT_TITLE ? "<B> Next:</B> $NEXT_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
($UP_TITLE ? "<B>Up:</B> $UP_TITLE\n" : undef) .
# ... and the ``previous'' title
($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "<B> Previous:</B> $PREVIOUS_TITLE\n" : undef)
### Icons ################################################################
# Icon names and real icon files.
%icons =
'cross_ref_visible_mark' ,'cross_ref.png',
'anchor_mark' ,' ',
'anchor_invisible_mark' ,' ',
'up_visible_mark' ,'up.png',
'next_visible_mark' ,'next_group_motif.png',
'previous_visible_mark' ,'previous_group_motif.png',
'next_page_visible_mark' ,'next.png',
'previous_page_visible_mark' ,'previous.png',
'contents_visible_mark' ,'contents.png',
'index_visible_mark' ,'index.png',
'footnote_mark' ,'foot.png',
'up_inactive_visible_mark' ,'up_gr.png',
'next_inactive_visible_mark' ,'next_group_motif_gr.png',
'previous_inactive_visible_mark' ,'previous_group_motif_gr.png',
'next_page_inactive_visible_mark' ,'next_gr.png',
'previous_page_inactive_visible_mark' ,'prev_gr.png',
1; # This must be the last line