record - An application for capturing data from an HP CMS (Merlin) monitor 1.0.0
(4,424 bytes)
# file: record.ini G. Moody 13 October 1993
# Last revised: 1 February 1996
# Configuration file for `record' and `backup' applications
# This file contains parameter definitions, which can be provided in any of
# the following forms:
# parameter = value
# parameter: value
# parameter value
# Neither parameter names nor values may contain embedded whitespace.
# The order of parameter definitions in this file is not significant, except
# that a later definition overrides any earlier definition of the same
# parameter. Two or more parameter definitions may appear on a single line if
# separated by whitespace. Empty lines, and lines beginning with `#', are
# ignored.
# If specified, index_file is the name of the file in which `record' saves
# patient names and medical record numbers together with the index numbers
# it uses to identify datasets. If index_file is not specified, `record'
# uses an index file named `record.idx' in the same directory as `record.exe'.
#index_file: c:\bin\record.idx
# Set logdir to the name of the directory in which log file directories
# are created. If logdir is not set, `record' uses c:\ for this purpose.
#logdir: c:\
# Set log2dir to the name of the "spillover" directory for log files. This
# will be useful only if it is on a different drive than logdir. If log2dir
# is not set, `record' does not use a "spillover" directory.
#log2dir: d:\
# file_duration specifies the length (in seconds) of the log files. If this
# is not set, `record' makes each file 600 seconds (10 minutes) long.
#file_duration: 600
# If specified, error_log is the name of a file to which errors are appended.
# If error_log is not set, errors are logged to `record.log' in the same
# directory as `record.exe'.
#error_log: c:\bin\record.log
# Set debug to 1 to enable debugging messages, 0 to disable them.
debug: 0
# Set test_mode to 1 to run in (non-interactive) test mode, 0 otherwise.
test_mode: 0
# Set error_show to 1 to enable run-time error display, 0 to disable it.
error_show: 1
# If specified, notice[0 ... 5] contain a message to be posted on-screen
# while `record' is running. Underscores in these strings are displayed as
# spaces. Any or all may be empty.
notice[0]: This_PC_is_recording_data_from_an_HP_bedside_monitor.
notice[2]: __To_customize_this_message,_edit_record.ini_using_any_text_editor.
# com1_speed, com2_speed, etc., are the preferred baud rates for com1, com2,
# etc., respectively. These speeds are tried first; if the monitor's ports do
# not match, `record' tries to determine the speeds of the monitor's ports
# and uses those speeds if they can be determined. (There is no way for
# `record' to change the monitor's port speeds; this can only be done
# using the `Instrument Config' button on the monitor and then following
# the instructions in the monitor manual.) To disable the use of one port,
# set its preferred baud rate to 0.
com1_speed: 38400
com2_speed: 38400
# If you wish to use com3 and com4, set their preferred baud rates to non-
# zero values below.
com3_speed: 0
com4_speed: 0
# The next set of parameters is used to determine which signals are to be
# recorded if there is insufficient bandwidth to record all of them. A signal
# with a numerically high priority will be recorded in preference to one of
# lower priority.
ecg_priority[1]: 10
press_priority[1]: 7
press_priority[2]: 7
press_priority[3]: 7
ecg_priority[2]: 5
co2_priority: 6
resp_priority: 4
pleth_priority: 4
press_priority[4]: 3
press_priority[5]: 3
press_priority[6]: 3
other_priority: 2
ecg_priority[3]: 0
# The parameters set below are for the use of `backup' only.
# bdb_file is the name of the backup database (bdb) file. If not set,
# `backup' uses c:\bin\backup.idx.
#bdb_file: c:\bin\backup.idx
# bindir is the name of the directory containing UNIX-like utilities needed
# by `backup'. If not set, `backup' uses c:\mks\bin.
#bindir: c:\mks\bin
# label_template is the name of a file containing the most recently generated
# backup tape label. If not set, `backup' uses c:\bin\tplabel.tpl.
#label_template: c:\bin\tplabel.tpl
# execflag determines if `backup' runs the batch file it constructs. If its
# value is not zero (by default, execflag = 1), the batch file is run.
#execflag: 1