SCG-RHC: Wearable Seismocardiogram Signal and Right Heart Catheter Database 1.0.0
(1,093 bytes)
{"age": 84, "height": 157.5, "weight": 43.5, "gender": "Female", "sbp": 126, "dbp": 77, "history of patient": "HFpEF, PH, CAD, pAF s/p PVI, HTN", "CDecomp": 0, "PDecomp": 0, "NYHAC": 3, "IsChallenge": 1, "DevLoc": "Below Jugular Notch", "MacStTime": "01-Jan-2000 13:56:05", "MacEndTime": "01-Jan-2000 14:42:52", "ChamEvents_in_s": {"RA": 187.0, "PA": 455.0, "PCW": 611.0}, "ChamEvents": {"RA": "01-Jan-2000 1:59:12 PM", "PA": "01-Jan-2000 2:03:40 PM", "PCW": "01-Jan-2000 2:06:16 PM"}, "maclabMeas": {"RAA Wave ": 9.0, "RAV Wave ": 5.0, "RAM ": 3.0, "RAHR ": 57.0, "RVS ": "N/A", "RVD ": "N/A", "RVEDP ": "N/A", "RVHR ": "N/A", "PAS ": 60.0, "PAD ": 18.0, "PAM ": 30.0, "PAHR ": 57.0, "PCWA Wave ": 10.0, "PCWV Wave ": 12.0, "PCWM ": 10.0, "PCWHR ": 60.0, "Fick COL/min ": 3.61, "TDCOL/min ": 4.3, "TDCIL/min/m^2": 3.07, "Avg. COmL/min": 3955.0, "SVmL/beat ": 69.3859649122807}, "outpatient": true, "heart failure": true, "Missing_MaclabRHC": false, "fine_alignment": true}