SensSmartTech database of cardiovascular signals synchronously recorded by an electrocardiograph, phonocardiograph, photoplethysmograph and accelerometer 1.0.0

File: <base>/WFDB/19_15-05-30_ecg.hea (266 bytes)
19_15-05-30_ecg 4 1000 29991
19_15-05-30_ecg.dat 32 6990.5(0)/mV 32 0 -1032 21016 0 I
19_15-05-30_ecg.dat 32 6990.5(0)/mV 32 0 -119994 33903 0 II
19_15-05-30_ecg.dat 32 6990.5(0)/mV 32 0 47944 5731 0 V3
19_15-05-30_ecg.dat 32 6990.5(0)/mV 32 0 56241 59712 0 V4