Simultaneous physiological measurements with five devices at different cognitive and physical loads 1.0.2
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x005 46 256 512448
x005.dat 16 632.5143(-4209)/ 0 0 -4406 14591 0 SOT/EKG_filtered
x005.dat 16 39043.8984(-13388)/ 0 0 -16165 -14673 0 FAROS/ECG_filtered
x005.dat 16 5046.9635(-11611)/ 0 0 -16672 7670 0 NEXUS/Sensor-B:EEG_filtered
x005.dat 16 6555.8399(-12921)/ 0 0 -18039 -6741 0 HEXOSKIN/ECG_I_filtered
x005.dat 16 65534(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -18096 0 POLAR/RR_filtered
x005.dat 16 4066.0868(-16267326)/mV 0 0 32767 -28322 0 SOT/Akku
x005.dat 16 5.4612(0)/uV 0 0 47 7146 0 SOT/EKG 3
x005.dat 16 5.4625(-8)/uV 0 0 -10 7108 0 SOT/aVL
x005.dat 16 5.4612(0)/uV 0 0 -1 -9084 0 SOT/EKG
x005.dat 16 10.8932(-10636)/uV 0 0 -10560 29939 0 SOT/EKG2
x005.dat 16 655.18(-32767)/% 0 0 -32767 -16530 0 SOT/SpO2
x005.dat 16 65.534(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 30003 0 SOT/Pleth
x005.dat 16 9.1396(2337)/uV 0 0 2321 11550 0 SOT/aVR
x005.dat 16 5.4612(0)/uV 0 0 -1 -13741 0 SOT/EKG 1
x005.dat 16 8.705(-1352)/uV 0 0 -1295 -3433 0 SOT/aVF
x005.dat 16 52.8656(-32767)/mg 0 0 -25842 -18853 0 SOT/Aktivitt
x005.dat 16 16383.5(-49151)/position 0 0 -1784 -21544 0 SOT/Krperlage
x005.dat 16 537.0328(-32767)/bpm 0 0 -32767 16615 0 SOT/Puls
x005.dat 16 146697.7696(-32769)/ 0 0 -32767 28131 0 SOT/EDF Annotations
x005.dat 16 12.3913(-11523)/uV 0 0 -11011 889 0 FAROS/ECG
x005.dat 16 57.0272(-56537)/mg 0 0 -6610 23865 0 FAROS/Accelerometer_X
x005.dat 16 60.9294(-12261)/mg 0 0 -7439 3311 0 FAROS/Accelerometer_Y
x005.dat 16 55.9522(15966)/mg 0 0 -8013 20163 0 FAROS/Accelerometer_Z
x005.dat 16 1(1)/ 0 0 -32767 11127 0 FAROS/Marker
x005.dat 16 66.439(-32767)/ms 0 0 -8847 -30462 0 FAROS/HRV
x005.dat 16 27559.6801(-855114)/degC 0 0 -30045 22348 0 FAROS/DEV_Temperature
x005.dat 16 3.581(-68779)/uV 0 0 -2627 -5668 0 NEXUS/Sensor-B:EKG
x005.dat 16 793.0401(-32991)/uV 0 0 -24707 -29461 0 NEXUS/[B] HRV Amp.
x005.dat 16 146677.5707(-32769)/ 0 0 -32767 2509 0 NEXUS/EDF Annotations
x005.dat 16 135.139(-195747)/ 0 0 -12633 -12411 0 HEXOSKIN/ECG_I
x005.dat 16 103.5685(19206)/ 0 0 12474 -2485 0 HEXOSKIN/acceleration_X
x005.dat 16 100.057(33067)/ 0 0 9278 4304 0 HEXOSKIN/acceleration_Y
x005.dat 16 165.944(-1408)/ 0 0 3197 -16282 0 HEXOSKIN/acceleration_Z
x005.dat 16 704.6672(-32767)/ 0 0 -28308 11956 0 HEXOSKIN/activity
x005.dat 16 3449.1579(-77606)/ 0 0 -22419 24897 0 HEXOSKIN/breathing_rate
x005.dat 16 1(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -11840 0 HEXOSKIN/breathing_rate_quality
x005.dat 16 537.164(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 14006 0 HEXOSKIN/cadence
x005.dat 16 85.442(-54555)/ 0 0 -28525 -8364 0 HEXOSKIN/energy_mifflin_keytel
x005.dat 16 770.9882(-84423)/ 0 0 -27885 -1486 0 HEXOSKIN/heart_rate
x005.dat 16 1(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -11840 0 HEXOSKIN/heart_rate_quality
x005.dat 16 20.6602(-40370)/ 0 0 -27271 -6849 0 HEXOSKIN/minute_ventilation
x005.dat 16 13.1304(-40356)/ 0 0 -27265 3611 0 HEXOSKIN/minute_ventilation_adjusted
x005.dat 16 300.6147(-4913547)/ 0 0 3607 23905 0 HEXOSKIN/respiration_abdominal
x005.dat 16 244.5299(-6155061)/ 0 0 2201 -4037 0 HEXOSKIN/respiration_thoracic
x005.dat 16 455.0972(-35953)/ 0 0 -15019 13013 0 HEXOSKIN/tidal_volume
x005.dat 16 28.9333(-35950)/ 0 0 -15031 19328 0 HEXOSKIN/tidal_volume_adjusted
#The first four signals are preprocessed: trimmed moving average filter, zscore normalization