Simultaneous physiological measurements with five devices at different cognitive and physical loads 1.0.2
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x012 46 256 448192
x012.dat 16 3625.9278(-1463)/ 0 0 -4403 -2836 0 SOT/EKG_filtered
x012.dat 16 8153.3067(-7955)/ 0 0 -9406 -22631 0 FAROS/ECG_filtered
x012.dat 16 4727.4396(-13647)/ 0 0 -14738 23044 0 NEXUS/Sensor-B:EEG_filtered
x012.dat 16 5931.0278(-9244)/ 0 0 -10505 -28296 0 HEXOSKIN/ECG_I_filtered
x012.dat 16 65534(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -15846 0 POLAR/RR_filtered
x012.dat 16 8.1027(-32767)/mV 0 0 0 0 0 SOT/Akku
x012.dat 16 20.4405(-4311)/uV 0 0 -5502 97 0 SOT/EKG 3
x012.dat 16 40.8993(6714)/uV 0 0 4459 15086 0 SOT/aVL
x012.dat 16 39.6331(1822)/uV 0 0 -4856 -22951 0 SOT/EKG
x012.dat 16 18.5535(-1858)/uV 0 0 -6092 26430 0 SOT/EKG2
x012.dat 16 655.18(-32767)/% 0 0 -32767 -24537 0 SOT/SpO2
x012.dat 16 87.3325(-32767)/ 0 0 13501 14144 0 SOT/Pleth
x012.dat 16 28.8369(1910)/uV 0 0 7672 13924 0 SOT/aVR
x012.dat 16 39.6331(1822)/uV 0 0 -4856 -7215 0 SOT/EKG 1
x012.dat 16 19.7953(-2978)/uV 0 0 -5755 -17234 0 SOT/aVF
x012.dat 16 54.7247(-32767)/mg 0 0 -32767 -14179 0 SOT/Aktivitt
x012.dat 16 16383.5(-49151)/position 0 0 -32767 30890 0 SOT/Krperlage
x012.dat 16 422.6968(-32767)/bpm 0 0 -32767 -17321 0 SOT/Puls
x012.dat 16 146639.7292(-32769)/ 0 0 -32767 7383 0 SOT/EDF Annotations
x012.dat 16 12.1338(1959)/uV 0 0 704 -21167 0 FAROS/ECG
x012.dat 16 40.5871(-35715)/mg 0 0 1663 -18111 0 FAROS/Accelerometer_X
x012.dat 16 53.6306(-4766)/mg 0 0 -4424 -15569 0 FAROS/Accelerometer_Y
x012.dat 16 56.2847(15868)/mg 0 0 -4817 -19272 0 FAROS/Accelerometer_Z
x012.dat 16 1(1)/ 0 0 -32767 11462 0 FAROS/Marker
x012.dat 16 46.6071(-32767)/ms 0 0 -32767 -27695 0 FAROS/HRV
x012.dat 16 37286.6818(-1151138)/degC 0 0 -29116 2664 0 FAROS/DEV_Temperature
x012.dat 16 17.3545(-7879)/uV 0 0 -16909 -204 0 NEXUS/Sensor-B:EKG
x012.dat 16 665.798(-32955)/uV 0 0 -28668 18204 0 NEXUS/[B] HRV Amp.
x012.dat 16 146657.6137(-32769)/ 0 0 -32767 15917 0 NEXUS/EDF Annotations
x012.dat 16 89.2865(-124734)/ 0 0 -3305 14409 0 HEXOSKIN/ECG_I
x012.dat 16 111.1575(34659)/ 0 0 8537 -30692 0 HEXOSKIN/acceleration_X
x012.dat 16 107.4529(105)/ 0 0 -5590 -22232 0 HEXOSKIN/acceleration_Y
x012.dat 16 137.6994(-550)/ 0 0 -9363 -32460 0 HEXOSKIN/acceleration_Z
x012.dat 16 516.0175(-32767)/ 0 0 -32493 2515 0 HEXOSKIN/activity
x012.dat 16 2259.7931(-44066)/ 0 0 -26288 -22791 0 HEXOSKIN/breathing_rate
x012.dat 16 1(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -10560 0 HEXOSKIN/breathing_rate_quality
x012.dat 16 528.5002(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -22387 0 HEXOSKIN/cadence
x012.dat 16 88.3208(-54671)/ 0 0 -30123 66 0 HEXOSKIN/energy_mifflin_keytel
x012.dat 16 789.5663(-84878)/ 0 0 -29713 29993 0 HEXOSKIN/heart_rate
x012.dat 16 1(-32767)/ 0 0 -32767 -10560 0 HEXOSKIN/heart_rate_quality
x012.dat 16 17.0528(-35751)/ 0 0 -28896 -3903 0 HEXOSKIN/minute_ventilation
x012.dat 16 10.841(-35748)/ 0 0 -28896 -23695 0 HEXOSKIN/minute_ventilation_adjusted
x012.dat 16 425.5455(-7002350)/ 0 0 7660 2368 0 HEXOSKIN/respiration_abdominal
x012.dat 16 213.4658(-5393534)/ 0 0 10566 -10993 0 HEXOSKIN/respiration_thoracic
x012.dat 16 310.5879(-34631)/ 0 0 -18170 10056 0 HEXOSKIN/tidal_volume
x012.dat 16 19.7451(-34623)/ 0 0 -18175 27857 0 HEXOSKIN/tidal_volume_adjusted
#The first four signals are preprocessed: trimmed moving average filter, zscore normalization